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2004年本科畢業於湖南農業大學;2004-2011年就讀於中國科學院植物研究所,於2011年6月獲得理學博士學位; 2007-2010年就讀於法國農業科學研究院(French National Institute for Agricultural Research, INRA)和法國第戎大學(University of Dijon),於2010年10月獲得生物學博士學位。


  • 中文名:劉勇波
  • 外文名:Yongbo Liu
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 出生地:湖南隆回
  • 職業:科學研究人員
  • 畢業院校:中國科學院植物研究所


劉勇波,男,1981年11月出生,雙博士,中國環境科學研究院副研究員。2007-2010年在法國農業科學研究院(French National Institute for Agricultural Research, INRA)和第戎大學(University of Dijon)學習,生物安全研究方向,獲生物學博士學位,師從Darmency Heri教授;2004年9月-2011年6月於中國科學院植物研究所學習,生態學專業,從事轉基因生物安全研究,獲理學博士學位,師從馬克平研究員和魏偉研究員;2000年9月-2004年7月於湖南農業大學園藝系學習,獲農學學士學位。2011年6月於中國環境科學研究院工作,主要從事轉基因生物安全與生物多樣性研究。




GlobalandPlanetaryChange,Journal of Vegetation Science, Chinese Science Bulletin, Nature Hazard, Africa Journal of Ecology,《環境科學研究》等雜誌審稿人


1. Liu YB; Li JS; Stewart Jr CN; Luo ZL; Xiao NW. 2015. The effects of the presence of Bt-transgenic oilseed rape in wild mustard populations on the rhizosphere nematode and microbial communities.Science of the Total Environment. 530-531: 263-270.
2. Liu YB, Li JS, Stewart Jr CN. 2015. Inform public on GM, don’t cheerlead. Nature. 520: 295.
3. Liu YB, Ge F, Liang Y, Wu G, Li JS. 2015. Characterization of competitive interactions in the coexistence of Bt-transgenic and conventional rice.BMC Biotechnology. 15: 27.
4. Liu YB, Pan XB, Li JS. 2015. A 1961-2010 record of fertilizer use, pesticide application and cereal yields: A review. Agronomy for Sustainable Development. 35: 83-93.
5. Liu YB, Pan XB, Li JS. 2015. Current agricultural practices threaten future global food production. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics. Doi: 10.1007/ s10806-014-9527-6.
6. 劉方,劉勇波,李俊生,黃海. 2015. 氫氣在植物抗脅迫中的作用. 植物生理學報51: 142-152.
7. Liu YB, Darmency H, Stewart Jr CN, Wei W, Tang Z, Ma KP.2014. The effect of Bt-transgene introgression on plant growth and reproduction in wild Brassica juncea. Transgenic Reseach. Doi: 10.1007/s11248-014-9858-0.
8. 張細桃, 羅洪兵, 李俊生, 黃海, 劉勇波. 2013. 農業活動及轉基因作物對農田生物多樣性的影響. 套用生態學報. 25: 2745-2755.
9. Liu YB, Wei W, Ma KP, Li JS, Liang YY, Darmency H.2013.Consequences of gene flow between oilseed rape (Brassica napus) and its relatives. Plant Science, 211: 42-51.
10. Liu YB, Wei W, Ma KP, Darmency H.2013. Spread of introgressed insect-resistance genes in wild populations of Brassica juncea: a simulated in-vivo approach. Transgenic Research. 22: 747-756.
11. Liu YB, Liu FQ, Pan XB, Li JS*. 2012. Protecting the Environment and Public Health from Pesticides. Environmental Science and Technology, 46: 5658-5659.
12. Liu YB, Tang Z, Darmency H, Stewart Jr CN, Di K, Wei W, Ma KP. 2012. The effects of seed size on hybrids formed between oilseed rape (Brassica napus) and wild brown mustard (B. juncea). PLoS One. 7(6): e39705.
13. 劉勇波,李俊生,趙彩雲,肖能文,關瀟. 2012. 轉基因水稻基因流的發生與生態學後果. 套用生態學報23: 1713-1720.
14. Liu YB, Wei W, Ma KP, Darmency H. 2010.Backcrosses to Brassica napus of hybrids between B. juncea and B. napus as a source of herbicide-resistant volunteer-like feral populations. Plant Science, 179: 459-465.
15. Liu YB and Zhang Q.B. 2010. Effect of climate on the growth of annual rings in the main roots of perennial forbs in an Inner Mongolian semi-arid grassland, China. Journal of Vegetation Science, 21: 899-907.
16. Li ZS, Shi CM, Liu YB, Zhang JL, Zhang QB, Ma KP. 2011. Summer temperature variations from 1710-2005 A. D. as inferred from the tree-ringdata of Baimang Snow Mountain, Northwestern Yunnan Province, China. Climate Research, doi: 10.3354/cr01012.
17. Li ZS, Shi CM, Liu YB, Zhang JL. 2011.Winter drought variations based on tree-ring data in Gaoligong Mountain, Northwestern Yunnan, China, A. D. 1795-2004.Pakistan Journal of Botany, 43: 2469-2478.
18. Liu YB, Wei W., Darmency H. 2009. Simulation of insect-resistance in gene flow study betweenBrassica napusand wildB. juncea.In XIIIème Col. Int. Biologie des Mauvaises Herbes, DIJON. Association Française pour la Protection des Plantes, 144-153.
19. Yu GR,Liu YB, Wang XC, Ma KP. 2008. Age-dependent tree-ring growth responses to climate in Qilian juniper (Sabina przewalskiiKom.).Trees. 22:197–204.
20. Liu YB, Zhang QB. 2007. Growth rings of roots in perennial forbs in Duolun Grassland, Inner Mongolia, China.Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 49: 144−149.


