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主要研究方向包括車聯網、移動計算、普適計算、大數據與物聯網。目前已發表學術論文90餘篇。包括SCI期刊論文40餘篇等。發表國際會議論文40餘篇,包括INFOCOM, GLOBECOM, ICC, ITSC等。曾擔任十餘國際會議組織委員會(Organizing Committee)與程式委員會(Program Committee)委員,包括IEEE GLOBECOM, IEEE UIC, IEEE RTCSA, ACM SAC, IEEE HPCC等,並榮獲RTCSA’16國際會議、 UIC’19國際會議傑出服務獎;擔任十餘國際權威期刊評審,包括IEEE JSAC, IEEE TII, IEEE TVT, IEEE TITS, IEEE TC, IEEE TMC, IEEE TKDE, IEEE ToC, ACM TCPS等;曾擔任IEEE IoT Journal、ACM/Springer MONET等期刊專刊客座編委。目前已主持國家自然科學基金面上項目2項、國際合作項目5項、重慶市面上項目1項,重慶市留學人員創業創新支持計畫1項,中央高校基金重點項目1項(優秀結題),中央高校基金前沿交叉項目1項、國家電網項目1項。


  • 中文名:劉凱
  • 國籍:中國
  • 畢業院校:香港城市大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:計算機科學
  • 任職院校:重慶大學





  • [1]國家自然科學基金面上項目,面向大規模數據服務的異構融合車聯網架構與協定研究,61872049,2019/01 - 2022/12。
  • [2]韓國DGIST國際合作項目,Architecture Design and Analysis for 5G-Enabled Software-defined Vehicular Networks(基於5G的軟體 定義車聯網架構設計與分析),2018/07 – 2018/12。
  • [3]重慶市留學人員創業創新支持計畫(優秀項目),基於SDN的異構融合車聯網架構與協定關鍵技術研究,2018/10 – 2020/10。
  • [4]中央高校基本科研業務費“前沿交叉學科培育專項”項目,2018CDQYJSJ0034,面向霧計算的軟體定義車聯網架構與協定關鍵技術研究,2018/01—2019/12。
  • [5]重慶市自然科學基金面上項目,移動計算環境中基於按需廣播信息服務的算法與理論研究,cstc2017jcyjAX0026,2017/07 –2020/06。
  • [6]國家自然科學基金面上項目,面向車聯網多信道I2V/V2V混合通信與時態信息服務研究,61572088,2016/01 – 2019/12。
  • [7]韓國DGIST國際合作項目,Towards Large-scale and Real-time Information Collection and Dissemination in Vehicular Networks(面向車載網路中的大規模與實時信息收集與分發研究),2017/07 – 2018/07。
  • [8]國家電網項目,基於大數據挖掘技術的對標數據分析套用,2016.12-2017/12。
  • [9]韓國DGIST國際合作項目,Cross-layer Design for Data Services in Software-Defined Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks(面向軟體定義車聯網中數據服務的跨層設計),2016/07 – 2017/07。
  • [10]中央高校基本科研業務費重點項目,車聯網環境中實時車載通信與時態信息服務關鍵技術研究,106112015CDJZR185518,2015/01 –2016/12。【優秀結題】
  • [11]韓國DGIST國際合作項目,Towards Efficient Information Services via V2X Communications in Vehicular Cyber-Physical Systems(車載信息物理融合系統中基於V2X通信的高效信息服務研究),2015/07 – 2016/07。
  • [12]韓國DGIST國際合作項目,Towards Robust Infrastructure-based Data Dissemination by Exploiting Cooperative Inter-vehicle Communication(利用協作式車間通信的魯棒基礎設施數據分發研究),2014/07 – 2015/07。


[1]Junhua Wang,Kai Liu*,Bin Li, Tingting Liu, Ruoguang Li and Zhu Han. Delay-sensitive Multi-period Computation Offloading with Reliability Guarantees in Fog Networks.IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing,to appear. [SCI]影響因子: 4.474 (2018), 4.500 (5-year)(JCR一區)
[2]Yan Lyu, Victor C. S. Lee, Joseph K. Y. Ng, Brian Y. Lim,Kai Liu* and Chao Chen. Flexi-Sharing: A Flexible and Personalized Taxi-Sharing System.IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology,to appear. [SCI]影響因子: 5.339 (2018), 4.864 (5-year)(JCR一區)
[3]Junhua Wang,Kai Liu*, Ke Xiao, Xiumin Wang, Qingwen Han, and Victor Lee. Delay-constrained Routing via Heterogeneous Vehicular Communications in Software Defined BusNet.IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology,to appear. [SCI]影響因子: 5.339 (2018), 4.864 (5-year)(JCR一區)
[4]Hao Zhang,Kai Liu*, Feiyu Jin, Liang Feng, Victor Lee and Joseph Ng. A Scalable Indoor Localization Algorithm based on Distance Fitting and Fingerprint Mapping in Wi-Fi Environments.Neural Computing and Applications, to appear. [SCI]影響因子: 4.664 (2018), 3.570 (5-year)(JCR一區)
[5]Yan Lyu, Xu Liu, Hanyi Chen, Arpan Mangal,Kai Liu, Chao Chen, and Brian Lim. OD Morphing: Balancing Simplicity with Faithfulness for OD Bundling.IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics,to appear. [SCI]影響因子: 3.780 (2018), 3.756 (5-year)(JCR一區)
[6]Yaoxing Duan, Victor C. S. Lee, Kam-Yiu Lam, Wendi Nie andKai Liu*. A Cross-Layer Design for Data Dissemination in Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks.Neural Computing and Applications, to appear. [SCI]影響因子: 4.664 (2018), 3.570 (5-year)(JCR一區)
[7]Wendi Nie,Kai Liu*, Victor C.S. Lee, Yaoxin Duan and Sarana Nutanong. Vehdoop: a Scalable Analytical Processing Framework for Vehicular Sensor Networks.IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems,volume 20, issue 8, pp. 3104 - 3114, August 2019.[SCI]影響因子: 5.744 (2018), 6.064 (5-year)(JCR一區)
[8]Kai Liu*, Xincao Xu, Mengliang Chen, Bingyi Liu, Libing Wu and Victor Lee. A Hierarchical Architecture for the Future Internet of Vehicles.IEEE Communications Magazine,volume 57, issue 7, pp. 41 – 47, July 2019. [SCI]影響因子: 10.356 (2018), 12.091 (5-year)(JCR一區)
[9]Penglin Dai,Kai Liu*, Xiao Wu, Zhaofei Yu, Huanlai Xing and Victor C.S. Lee. Cooperative Temporal Data Dissemination in SDN-based Heterogeneous Vehicular Networks.IEEE Internet of Things Journal,volume 6, issue 1, pp. 72 - 83, February 2019. [SCI]影響因子: 9.515 (2018), 11.216 (5-year)(JCR一區)
[10]Penglin Dai,Kai Liu*, Liang Feng, Haijun Zhang, Victor Lee, Sang Son and Xiao Wu. Temporal Information Services in Large-Scale Vehicular Networks through Evolutionary Multi-objective Optimization.IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems,volume 20, issue 1, pp. 218 - 231, January 2019.[SCI]影響因子: 5.744 (2018), 6.064(5-year)(JCR一區)
[11]Kai Liu*, Liang Feng, Penglin Dai, Victor Lee, Sang Son and Jiannong Cao. Coding-assisted Broadcast Scheduling via Memetic Computing in SDN-based Vehicular Networks.IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems,volume 19, issue 8, pp. 2420 - 2431, August 2018.[SCI]影響因子: 4.051 (2017), 4.713 (5-year)(JCR一區)
[12]Penglin Dai,Kai Liu*, Xiao Wu, Yong Liao, Victor C.S. Lee and Sang H. Son. Bandwidth Efficiency and Service Adaptiveness Oriented Data Dissemination in Heterogeneous Vehicular Networks.IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology,volume 67, issue 7, pp. 6585 - 6598, July 2018. [SCI]影響因子: 4.432 (2017), 4.275 (5-year)(JCR一區)
[13]Wendi Nie, Victor C.S. Lee, Dusit Niyato, Yaoxin Duan,Kai Liu*, Sarana Nutanong. A Quality-oriented Data Collection Scheme in Vehicular Sensor Networks.IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology,volume 67, issue 7, pp. 5570 - 5584, July 2018. [SCI]影響因子: 4.432 (2017), 4.275 (5-year)(JCR一區)
[14]Junhua Wang,Kai Liu*, Ke Xiao, Chao Chen, Weiwei Wu, Victor Lee and Sang Son. Dynamic Clustering and Cooperative Scheduling for Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication in Bidirectional Road Scenarios.IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems,volume 19, issue 6, pp. 1913 - 1924, June 2018.[SCI]影響因子: 4.051 (2017), 4.713 (5-year)(JCR一區)
[15]Kai Liu*, Hao Zhang, Joseph Ng, Yusheng Xia, Liang Feng, Victor Lee and Sang Son. Towards Low Overhead Fingerprint-based Indoor Localization via Transfer Learning: Design, Implementation and Evaluation.IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics,volume 14, issue 3, pp. 898 - 908, March 2018.[SCI]影響因子: 6.764 (2016), 7.538 (5-year)(JCR一區)
[16]Houling Ji, Victor Lee, Chi-Yin Chow,Kai Liu* and Guoqing Wu. Coding-based Cooperative Caching in On-demand Data Broadcast Environments.Information Sciences, volume 385, pp.138 -156, 2017. [SCI]影響因子: 4.832 (2016), 4.732(5-year)(JCR一區)
[17]Chao Chen*, Xia Chen, Leye Wang, Xiaojuan Ma, Zhu Wang,Kai Liu, Bin Guo and Zhen Zhou. MA-SSR: A Memetic Algorithm for Skyline Scenic Routes Planning Leveraging Heterogeneous User-generated Digital Footprints.IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology,volume 66,issue 7, pp. 5723 - 5736, July 2017. [SCI]影響因子: 4.066 (2016), 4.057 (5-year)(JCR一區)
[18]Jun Chen, Victor Lee,Kai Liu* and Jianjun Li. Efficient Cache Management for Network Coding Assisted Data Broadcast.IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, volume 66, issue 4, pp. 3361 - 3375, April 2017. [SCI]影響因子: 4.066 (2016), 4.057 (5-year)(JCR一區)
[19]Weiwei Wu*, Jianping Wang, Minming Li,Kai Liu, Shan Feng, and Junzhou Luo. Energy-efficient Transmission with Data Sharing in Participatory Sensing Systems.IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, volume 34, no. 12, pp. 4048 - 4062, December 2016. [SCI]影響因子: 8.085 (2016), 7.620 (5-year)(JCR一區)
[20]Penglin Dai,Kai Liu*, Liang Feng, Qingfeng Zhuge, Victor Lee and Sang Son. Adaptive Scheduling for Real-time and Temporal Information Services in Vehicular Networks.Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, volume 71, pp.313 - 332, October 2016. [SCI]影響因子: 3.805 (2016), 4.334 (5-year)(JCR一區)
[21]Penglin Dai,Kai Liu*, Qingfeng Zhuge, Edwin Sha, Victor Lee and Sang Son. Quality of Experience Oriented Autonomous Intersection Control in Vehicular Networks.IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, volume 17, issue 7, pp.1956 - 1967, July 2016. [SCI]影響因子: 3.724 (2016), 4.467 (5-year)(JCR一區)
[22]Kai Liu*, Joseph Ng, Junhua Wang, Victor Lee, Weiwei Wu, Sang Son. Network Coding Assisted Data Dissemination via Cooperative Vehicle-to-Vehicle/-Infrastructure Communications.IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, volume 17, issue 6, pp.1509 - 1520, June 2016. [SCI]影響因子: 3.724 (2016), 4.467 (5-year)(JCR一區)
[23]Kai Liu*, Joseph Ng, Victor Lee, Sang Son, Ivan Stojmenovic. Cooperative Data Scheduling in Hybrid Vehicular Networks: VANET as a Software Defined Network.IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, volume 24, issue 3, pp. 1759 - 1773, June 2016. [SCI]影響因子: 3.376 (2016), 4.011 (5-year)(JCR一區)
[24]G. G. Md. Nawaz Ali, Victor Lee, Edward Chan, Minming Li,Kai Liu*, Jingsong Lv and Jun Chen. Admission Control based Multi-channel Data Broadcasting for Real-time Multi-item Queries.IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, volume 60, no 4, pp. 589 - 605, December 2014. [SCI]影響因子: 2.625 (2013), 2.178 (5-year)(JCR一區)
[25]Kai Liu, Victor Lee, Joseph Ng, Jun Chen* and Sang Son. Temporal Data Dissemination in Vehicular Cyber-Physical Systems.IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, volume 15, no 6, pp. 2419 - 2431, December 2014. [SCI]影響因子: 3.064 (2012), 3.263 (5-year)(JCR一區)
[26]Kai Liu*, Hock Beng Lim, Emilio Frazzoli, Houling Ji and Victor Lee. Improving Positioning Accuracy Using GPS Pseudorange Measurements for Cooperative Vehicular Localization.IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, volume 63, no. 6, pp. 2544 - 2556, July 2014. [SCI]影響因子: 2.642 (2013), 2.667 (5-year)(JCR一區)
[27]Jun Chen*, Victor Lee,Kai Liu, G. G. Md. Nawaz Ali and Edward Chan. Efficient Processing of Requests with Network Coding in On-demand Data Broadcast Environments.Information Sciences, volume 232, pp. 27 - 43, May 2013. [SCI]影響因子: 3.893 (2013), 3.969 (5-year)(JCR一區)
[28]Kai Liu*, Edward Chan, Victor Lee, Krasimira Kapitanova and Sang Son. Design and Evaluation of Token-based Reservation for a Roadway System.Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, volume 26, pp. 184 - 202, January 2013. [SCI]影響因子: 2.820 (2013), 3.118 (5-year)(JCR一區)
[29]Kai Liu* and Victor Lee. Adaptive Data Dissemination for Time-constrained Messages in Dynamic Vehicular Networks.Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, volume 21, issue 1, pp. 214 - 229, April 2012. [SCI]影響因子: 2.006 (2012), 2.433 (5-year)(JCR一區)
[30]Kai Liuand Victor Lee*. On-demand Broadcast for Multi-item Requests in a Multiple Channel Mobile Environment.Information Sciences, volume 180, issue 22, pp. 4336 - 4352, November 2010. [SCI] 影響因子:3.291 (2009), 3.089 (5-year)(JCR一區)


IEEE Internet of Things Journal Special Issue on “RRCPS: Reliable and Resilient Cyber-Physical Systems”
ACM/Springer Mobile Networks &Applications (MONET) Special Issue on "Machine Learning and Intelligent Communications"
Organizing Committee
2019 China Wireless Sensor Network Conference (Technical Program Co-Chair)
2019 IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing (Track Co-Chair)
2019 EAI International Conference on Machine Learning and Intelligent Communications (Web Chair)
2018 IEEE International Symposium on Product Compliance Engineering (IEEE ISPCE-CN’18)
2017 International Conference on Industrial Informatics, SS on Big Data Analysis and Diagnosis for Industrial Applications (Co-Organizer)
2016 IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (Publication Chair)
2015 IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (Publicity Co-Chair)
Program Committee Member
The 2019 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM’19)
The 34th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing -- Cyber-Physical Systems Track (SAC'19 - CPS Track)
The 15th IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing (UIC'18)
The 33rd ACM Symposium on Applied Computing -- Cyber-Physical Systems Track (SAC'18 - CPS Track)
The 3rd International Symposium on Sensor-Cloud Systems (CSC’17)
The 14th IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing (UIC'17)
The 32nd ACM Symposium on Applied Computing -- Cyber-Physical Systems Track (SAC'17 - CPS Track)
The 8th iCatse Conference on Information Science and Applications (ICISA'17)
The 13th IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing (UIC'16)
The 12th IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing (UIC'15)
The 10th International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing (ISSNIP'15)
The 21th IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA'15)
The 20th IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA'14)
The 2nd International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems, Networks, and Applications (CPSNA'14)
International Workshop on Embedded Multi-core Systems and Applications (IWMSA'14)
The 15th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC'13)
Journal Review
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (TITS)
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (TVT)
IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking (TGCN)
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC)
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (TII)
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE)
IEEE Transactions on Communications (ToC)
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC)
IEEE Transactions on Computers (TC)
ACM Transactions on Cyber Physical Systems (TCPS)
ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS)
IEEE Access
Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks
Pervasive and Mobile Computing
Neural Computing and Applications
 EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking
 International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks
 Journal of Information Science and Engineering
 Journal of Convergence Information Technology
 International Journal on Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences


