



  • 中文名:創新國興:創新管理與國之興衰(英文版)
  • 作者周寄中
  • 出版時間:2011年10月21日
  • 出版社科學出版社
  • 頁數:471 頁
  • ISBN:9787030325563
  • 定價:188 元
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀平裝


This book defines innovation management in broad sense from three dimensions,i…einstitutionaI design,innovation management and lnnovation culture,providing aperspective to observe the national strength of a country.Innovation management innartow sense only refers to the management of scientific and technological innovation.
Focusing on China as well as some other influential countries in the world,includingdeveloped countries such as the United States,the UK,Germany,France,Japan andItalv.and emerging economies(SO called the BRIC countries)including Russia,Indiaand Brazi l.the book discusses extensively the relationship between innovation and national strength from the perspective of innovation management in broad and narrow senses,highlighting the dominate role of innovation in development in the 2 1 st century. This book iS intended for employees of businesses,teachers and students in 1nstitutions of higher learning as well as civil sen’ants and cadres at all levels.


Mr.Zhou Jizhong,is a professor of the Center for theInnovation Management of Management Sch001 at theGraduate University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS)in Beijing,P.R.China.He was a visiting scholar atthe Science&Technology and Society STSl Program ofMIT in 1987 and 1988.He has got BS degree from theDepartment of Metallurgy of the South-Center Universityat Chang Sha City of P.R.China in 1 967 and MS degreefrom the Department of Science History at the GraduateSchool of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing,P.R.China in 1 982.His research focuses on science andtechnology policy and innovation management,R&Dmanagement and distribution Of S&T resources.He was alsothe chief of the key project“The Optimization Distributionon S&T resources and Its Management”which iS sponsoredby NSFC from 1998 to 2001.He has published l l books anda number ofjournal articles and won a number of nationaland CAS awards for the accomplishments.


Introduction Rejuvenating Country through Innovation
Chapter I China in a Century
1.Institutional Design
1.1 Whole·Nation Regime
1.2 One-Party Rule
1.3 Institutional Design Cases
1.4 System Design of Scientific and Technological Innovation
1.5 Room for Improvement of Institutional Design:The Second Reform
2.Innovation Management
2.1 Scientific and Technological Innovation Strategies
2.2 R&D Management
2.3 Resource AUocation
2.4 Enterprise Innovation
2.5 Enhancing the National Strength
3.Innovation Culture
3.1 Concept of Value
3.2 Freedom and Democracy
3.3 Open Cooperation
3.4 Culture of SeIf Cultivation
4.Comments on Innovation Management and National Strength
Appendix I 2009 China's Top 50 Venture Capital Companies
Appendix 1I List of First“National Innovation-Oriented Enterprises(9l in Total)
Appendix 111 Interpretation of Indicators for Assessment of National
Innovation-Oriented Enterprises
Rejuvenating Country through Innovation;
Chapter 2 The United States in Crisis
1.Institutional Design
1.1 National Institutional Design
1.2 National Sci-Tech Decision-Making System
1.3 The Sci-Tech System Design in th.e E盯ly 20th Century
1.4 The Sci-Tech System Design iIl the Late 20th Century
1.5 The Sci-Tech System Design in the Early 21st Century
1.6 The Legislative and Executive Efficiency and Effect
2.Innovation Management
2.1 R&D Organizing and Management
2.2 Innovative Management Methods
2.3 Commercialization of-R&D Achievements:Marketing Innovation
2.4 Controlling and In,centives in Res~~cb and.Development
2.5 R&D。Human Reso,urces
2.6 Case,Study of Industrial Research and Development:R&D in ttAmerican Pharmacy
3 Innovacion Culture
4.Comm,ents on Innovation Management and National Strength
Chapter 3 A Conservati。ve United Kingdom
1.Institutional Design
1.1 National Institutional Design
1.2 Scientific and Technological System Design
1.3 Pnvatization of National Laboratories
2.Innovation Management
2一The Cultural and Institutio.nal Superiority of Cavendish Laboratory
2.2 Review and Incentive for Scientific Research
2.3 Transformation of Scientific and Technological Achievements
2.4 Science and Technology Input and Output
3.Innovation Culture
4.Comments on Innovation Management and Na.tional Strength
Chapter 4 A Hovering Germany
1.Institutional Design
1.1 National Institutional Design
1.2 Institutional and System Design On Science and Technology
Chapter 5 A Trapped France
Chapter 6 A Stagnating Japan
Chapter 7 A Declining Italy
Chapter 8 An Anxious Russia
Chapter 9 A Quickening India
Chapter 10 An Ambitious Brazil


