



  • 軟體名稱:創世節活動東北
  • 軟體平台:IOS
  • 軟體大小:16.97MB


創造節日是每年兩次的事件,已成為國內最大的基督教音樂節。創造體驗包括音樂,教學,洗禮,露營和團契四個擠滿天 - 一個夏天的價值樂趣低價格。 創世節活動2013東北來到了博愛農場登上聯盟, PA, 6月26日至29日, 2013年。加入誰取得了創造每年夏天的一部分數以萬計。 “你夏天的高潮......也許你的生活! ”? 退房的應用程式,以充分利用您的節日體驗! 排隊- 看看誰的執行時間和地點。切換到格線視圖進行快速瀏覽,然後潛得更深,了解表演。 我的計畫 - 通過掃描你的音樂讓邁向完美時間表迅速啟動創建您自己的陣容。然後顯示給所有Facebook上的朋友。 正在播放 - 總是知道發生了什麼事情,現在,它在那裡發生的事情,以及有多少時間被留下。權衡你的選擇最好的方法,相傳。 地圖- 退房的理由;設定你的帳篷的位置,這樣你不會迷路。有箭頭引導你到一個新的地點有些冒險。 社會- 看看人們在說什麼關於通過獲得來自Twitter的最新的事件。 新聞- 在你想要它的每個重要公告權利。 資訊- 了解節日的來龍去脈有它的好處。 媒體- 重播你最喜歡的時刻,一遍又一遍。 Creation Festivals are two annual events that have become the Nation's Largest Christian Music Festivals. The Creation Experience includes four jam-packed days of music, teaching, baptism, camping and fellowship - a summer's worth of fun for one low price. Creation Festival 2013 Northeast comes to the Agape Farm in Mount Union, PA, June 26th – 29th, 2013. Join the tens of thousands who have made Creation a part of every summer. "The highlight of your summer... maybe your life!" Check out the app to make the most of your festival experience! Line Up - Check out who's performing when and where. Switch to Grid View for a quick glance, then dive deeper to learn about the performers. My Schedule - Create your own line up by scanning your music to get a quick start towards the perfect schedule. Then show it off to all your friends on Facebook. Now Playing - Always know what's going on right now, where its happening, and how much time is left. Best way to weigh your options, hands down. Map - Check out the grounds; set your tent location so you can't get lost. Have the arrow guide you to a new venue for some adventure. Social - Check out what people are saying about the events by getting the latest from Twitter. News - Every important announcement right where you want it. Info - Knowing the ins and outs of the festival has its benefits. Media - Replay your favorite moments over and over.




