- 中文名:利用靜電場、BioSampler和生化分析監測空氣中的過敏原及毒素
- 項目類別 :面上項目
- 依託單位 :北京大學
- 項目負責人:要茂盛
科研成果 ,項目摘要,
序漏槓號想紙捉 | 標題 | 類型 |
1 | Bioaerosol | 會議論文 |
2 | “ 生物氣溶膠”,“從Idea到樂戀刪婚SCI文章” | 會議論文 |
3 | Performance of a Button Inhalable Sampler with Modified MCE Filter Method in Enumerating Culturable Bacterial and Fungal Aerosol Concentration and Diversity | 會議論文 |
4 | Use of Electrostatic Sampling and ELISA method in Studying Charge Distributions of Airborne Allergens | 會議論文 |
5 | Differences in Positively and Negatively Charged Bacterial Aerosol Diversity in Indoor and Outdoor Environments | 會議論文 |
6 | Integrating Silicon Nanowire Field Effect Transistor, Microfluidics and Air Sampling Techniques For Real-time Monitoring Infectious Aerosols | 會議論達采循文 |
7 | Analysis of Culturable Bacterial Aerosol Diversity Obtained Using Different Sampling and Cultivation Methods | 期刊論文 |
8 | Development of an Electrostatic Precipitation Based Automated Bioaerosol Sensing System | 會議論文 |
9 | Use of Gelatin Filter and BioSampler in Detecting Airborne H5N1 Nucleotides, Allergens and Bacteria | 期刊論文 |
10 | 嗜肺軍團菌氣溶膠靜電場採樣技術初步研究 | 期刊論閥笑灶文 |
11 | The Allergenicity of Aspergillus fumigatus conidia is influenced by growth temperature | 期刊論虹腿寒文 |
12 | Exposure Assessment in Beijing: Biological Agents, Ultrafine Particles and Heavy Metals | 期刊論文 |
13 | 基於SCI的生物氣溶膠文獻計量學研究 | 期刊論文 |
14 | Integrating Silicon Nanowire Field Effect Transistor, Microfluidics and Air Sampling Techniques for Real-time Monitoring Biological Aerosols | 期刊論文 |
15 | Development of an Automated Electrostatic Sampler (AES) For Bioaerosol Detection | 期刊論文 |
16 | Use of Zero-Valent Iron Nanoparticles in Inactivating Microbes | 期刊肯兆擔凝論文 |
17 | A Novel Method for Measuring the Charge Distribution of Airborne Microbes | 期刊論文 |
18 | Comparison of Electrostatic Collection and Liquid Impinging Methods when Collecting Airborne House Dust Allergens, Endotoxin and (1,3)-β-D-Glucans | 期刊論文 |
19 | A Comparison of the Efficiencies of a Portable BioStage Impactor and an Reuter Centrifugal Sampler (RCS) High Flow for Measuring Airborne Bacteria and Fungi Concentrations | 期刊論文 |
20 | Bioaerosol Science, Technology and Engineering: Past, Present and Future | 期刊論文 |
21 | 利用納米和分子生物技術檢測呼出氣中的流感病毒 | 會議論文 |
22 | Real-time Detection of Airborne Influenza A Viruses Using Silicon Nanowire Field Effect Transistor | 會議論文 |
23 | Analysis of Culturable Bacterial Aerosol Diversity Obtained Using Different Sampling and Cultivation Methods | 會議論文 |
24 | Use of six-stage Andersen Sampler in Investigating Bioaerosol Inhalation Risks in Different Environments | 會議論文 |
25 | 生物氣溶膠的現狀與前景展望 | 會議論文 |
26 | Comparisons of Biological Contents in the Air Samples Collected from the Ground and an Altitude of 238 m | 期刊論文 |
27 | Recent Efforts in Bioaerosol Sampling, Detection, Quantification as well as Microbial Inactivation | 會議論文 |
28 | Use of Gelatin Filter and BioSampler in Detecting Airborne H5N1 Nucleotides and Allergens | 會議論文 |
29 | Comparison of Electrostatic Field with BioSampler in Quantifying Airborne Allergens | 會議論文 |
30 | 生物氣溶膠與人類健康 | 會議論文 |
31 | 分子生物、納米技術在生物氣溶膠領域的套用 | 會議論文 |
32 | Use of Gelatin Filter and BioSampler in Detecting Airborne H5N1 Nucleotides and Allergens | 會議論文 |
33 | A comparison of airborne and dust-borne allergens and toxins collected from home, office and outdoor environments both in New Haven, United States and Nanjing, China | 期刊論文 |
34 | Bioaerosol Science, Technology and Engineering: Past, Current and Beyond | 會議論文 |
35 | Bioaerosol and Human Health | 會議論文 |
36 | 生物氣溶膠與公共安全 | 會議論文 |
37 | A Novel Method for Measuring the Charge Distribution of Airborne Microbes | 會議論文 |
38 | Integration of High Volume Portable Aerosol-to-Hydrosol Sampling and qPCR in Monitoring Bioaerosols | 期刊論文 |
39 | Influences of Air Volume DNA Template and Dilution Factor on the Performance of qPCR Coupled with a Modified BioStage Sampling Method in Quantifying Bioaerosols | 會議論文 |
40 | 生物氣溶膠的採集、生成、監測與控制 | 會議論文 |
41 | 生物氣溶膠的監測與滅活 | 會議論文 |
42 | Development of a Lightweight Simple and Efficient Exhaled Breath Condensate Collection Device and Method | 會議論文 |
43 | Effects of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Filter on Culturability and Diversity of Environmental Bioaerosols | 會議論文 |
44 | 生物氣溶膠的實時監測 | 會議論文 |
45 | Effects of Microwave Irradiation on Culturability, Diversity and Gene Mutation of Biological Aerosols of Individual Size Ranges in Different Environments | 會議論文 |
46 | Differences in Positively and Negatively Charged Bacterial Aerosol Diversity in Indoor and Outdoor Environments | 會議論文 |
空氣中的過敏物質及毒素比如過敏原、內毒素、多聚糖已經被證明通過呼吸暴露能引起多種健康問題,包括肺病、生物過敏、不良急性反應以及病態樓宇綜合症等。BioSampler長期用作生物氣溶膠的標準採樣器,但近來靜電場採樣越來越受到了重視。 BioSampler是利用撞擊和離心的方法將生物顆粒通過噴嘴收集到溶液中,而靜電場採樣則通過顆粒物因帶電荷受到電場力的方法。目前國內外利用這兩種採樣技術對空氣中環境過敏物質及毒素研究的很少。本項目擬探索利用生化分析和這兩種採樣技術對空氣中過敏物質及毒素進行監測的可能,對比研究它們的效率,同時通過靜電場對空氣中帶不同電荷的過敏原的收集和ELISA的監測技術,研究顆粒物所帶電荷的分布,為靜電場的最佳採樣參數提供技術支持和依據。通過本項目的研究,為生物氣溶膠的暴露分析提出新的思路,獲得一種高效的過敏物質及毒素研究方法,以更好識別人類疾病根源和生物暴露的風險。