



  • 書名:刑事法治發展研究報告(2016—2017年卷)
  • 作者:趙秉志
  • 出版社:法律出版社
  • 出版時間:2018年7月
  • 定價:128 元
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:9787519716721




The Column on Reform on the Rule of Criminal Law
當代中國死刑政策問題檢討暨完善建言 趙秉志 徐文文
Review and Perfection of Chinas Death Penalty Policy in Contemporary ChinaZhao Bingzhi & Xu Wenwen
關於食品藥品犯罪司法解釋的評估意見 趙秉志 劉志偉等
Opinions on the Judicial Interpretation of Food and Drug CrimesZhao Bingzhi,Liu Zhiwei,etc.
關於增設故意傳播愛滋病罪的立法建言 趙秉志 袁彬等
On the Legislation of the Crime of International Transmission of AIDSZhao Bingzhi,Yuan Bin,etc.
後勞教時代微罪入刑問題探析 陰建峰 袁慧
An Analysis of the Penalty for Micro crime in the Post reeducation through laborYin Jianfeng & Yuan Hui
關於在我國監獄中設立母嬰監區的研究報告 吳宗憲 賈一帆
A Study Report on the Establishment of Maternal and Infant Surveillance in Chinas Prison
Wu Zongxian & Jia Yifan
The Column on Cybercrime
網路恐怖主義行為 高銘暄 李梅容
On Network TerrorismGao Mingxuan & Li Meirong
網路刷單行為的刑法規制研究 陰建峰 劉雪丹
Research on Criminal Law Regulation of Click FarmingYin Jianfeng & Liu Xuedan
網際網路金融視域中股票、債券發行的刑法審視 陰建峰 劉雪丹
The application and improvement of unauthorized issuance of stock,company and enterprise bonds under Internet financial backgroundYin Jian Feng & Liu Xuedan
——兼評《刑法修正案(九)》相關條款的適用 陰建峰 劉雪丹
Research on Criminal Regulation of Deep Linking Behavior
—Review on the Application of Related Articles in Criminal Law Amendment Ninth
Yin Jian Feng & Liu Xuedan
《刑法修正案(九)》與網路出版犯罪的認定 劉科
Criminal Law Amendment Ninth and the Determination of Internet Publishing Crime
Liu Ke
The Column on Corruption Crime
受賄罪量刑標準之司法運作檢討及其完善 趙秉志 商浩文
Review and Perfection of Judicial Operation of Sentencing Standard of Bribery
Zhao Bingzhi & Shang Haowen
我國受賄罪定罪量刑標準之重構 盧建平 孫本雄
Reconstruction of the Sentencing Standard of Punishment and Bribery in China
Lu Jianping & Sun Benxiong
反腐敗零容忍政策的反思與實現 張磊 車明珠
Reflection and Realization of Zero Tolerance Policy against Corruption
Zhang Lei & Che Mingzhu
美國的所謂“警告”及其對我國境外追逃的啟示 張磊
The socalled“warning”of the United States and its revelation to Chinas overseas pursuitZhang Lei
The Column on Improvement on Individual Crimes
理由論證 趙秉志 袁彬等
On Propose and Reason of Criminal law Application of Special Case of Disturbing the Management of Radio Communications(Proposal)Zhao Bingzhi,Yuan Bin,etc.
中國環境犯罪的立法演進及其思考 趙秉志
The Evolution of Chinas Environmental Crime Legislation and Its Reflection Zhao Bingzhi
關於辦理涉愛滋病刑事案件適用法律若干問題的解釋(專家建議稿)理由論證 趙秉志 袁彬等
Interpretation of Several Issues Concerning the Application of Law in Handling Criminal Cases involving AIDS(Expert Proposal)Zhao Bingzhi,Yuan Bin,etc.
——基於機率樣本的有序回歸分析 趙軍
Quantitative Research of Extremism Crime Control in the Context of Rule of Law
—Ordered Regression Analysis Based on Probability SamplesZhao Jun
虛開增值稅專用發票罪的司法限制與立法完善研究 袁彬 郭理蓉等
A Study on the Judicial Limitation and Legislative Perfection of the Crime of Falsification of Value added TaxYuan Bin,Guo Lirong,etc.
The Column on Criminal Execution
規範社區矯正執法者身份標誌的思考和建議 吳宗憲
Thoughts and Suggestions on Standardizing the Identity Signs of Community Correctional EnforcersWu Zongxian
監獄警察權力清單研究 吳宗憲 王金亮等
A Study on the Prison Polices PowerWu Zongxian,Wang Jinliang,etc.
The Column on Criminal Procedure Law
刑事證據規則立法建議報告 樊崇義
Criminal Evidence Rules Legislative Proposal ReportFan Chongyi
司法改革中檢察權的內部運行機制思考 宋英輝 林琳
Reflections on the Internal Operation Mechanism of Procuratorial Power in Judicial ReformSong Yinghui & Lin Lin
論存疑不起訴制度的完善 劉廣三 李洪傑
On the Perfection of the System of Nonprosecution for Doubt
Liu Guangsan & Li Hongjie
我國刑事速裁程式試點的反思與重構 劉廣三 李艷霞
Reflection and Reconstruction of the Pilot Project of Criminal Procedure in China
Liu Guangsan & Li Yanxia
——以北京市C區法院為樣本 劉廣三 李曉
A Study on the Problems and Countermeasures of the Execution of Criminal Procedure
—A Case Study of C District Court in BeijingLiu Guangsan & Li Xiao
第87條的分析 楊雄 張媛媛
A Preliminary Study on the Criminal Inspection System
—An Analysis Based on Article 87 of the Interpretation of the Supreme Peoples
Court on the Application of the Criminal Procedure Law of the Peoples Republic
of ChinaYang Xiong & Zhang Yuanyuan


