- 餐館名稱:凱納沙龍文化創意生活館
- 地區:杭州市
凱納沙龍文化創意生活館位於下沙學林街300號東公園內,是下沙一家以文化沙龍為主題Candy&Coffee creative living museum located in Xiasha Xuelin Street No.300 East Park in xiasha, is first a culture in the theme of a creative coffee . 的創意咖啡館。這裡綠影掩映、繁花簇擁、曲水環繞,配以咖啡的醇香和文化的創意,這是here, surrounded by lush flowers and the water’s environment , with a good coffee and a cultural creativity, this 一個世外桃源般的世界。 is a place with an unique,idyllic beauty.凱納沙龍英文名為Candy&Coffee,意為清新的、活力的、甜美的,咖啡館旨在打造一個自 Kaina shalon ,also know as candy&coffee, means the fresh,vibrant,sweet,coffee shop ,which is 然、清新,愜意的沙龍空間。清新環境、溫馨色彩、素潔桌椅、輕柔紗窗、創意軟裝、迷離 Natural,fresh,comfortable salon space .Fresh environment ,warm color,pure,gentle ,and soft , 燈光、輕柔音樂,配合個性化的吧檯空間、靈活的多功能廳、陽光花房、創意展示區、田園 Blurred screen ,creative,gentle music,whether in the personalized counter space,the flexible 風情的雅座區、浪漫個性的休閒卡座,坐享靜謐園景的商務包廂區。 Milti-functional hall ,the sunshine hall,the Creative Exhibition Area,The Pastoral Area,The waves Leisure Card Area. You can enjoy the quiet garden balcony area. 凱納沙龍每周設有免費電影日、外語交流區、就業信息公布區以及情感諮詢區,並且常年舉 Candy$Coffee offers a weekly free movie day ,a foreign exchange day. We also offer some informations for those who are asking a job ,or for those who are feeling a little lonely, 辦各種主題性活動、承接並幫助客戶創意各種party活動、小型會議和各種聚會活動。凱納 Candy&Coffee is also a place of friendship. We also held Various number of Themed activities, we can help in undertaking and helping customers for helding parties, activities or meetings. 沙龍是學生和社會各界人士休閒、交流、學習、交友和活動的首選之地。 Candy&Coffee is the first choice for students for leisure, communication, learning,making friends and activities. 凱納沙龍是一個休閒場所,更是一種生活方式。 Candy&Coffee is a leisure place,it is a way of living. 微笑時我們的語言,專業是我們的信念。以凱納之名,成就文化沙龍尊品。 Smile is our language professional is our belief