- 中文名:凌宏清
- 國籍:中國
- 性別:男
- 大學:四川農業大學
2. 小麥基因組學
1.Ling, H.-Q., S. Zhao, D. Liu, J. Wang, H. Sun, C. Zhang, H. Fan, D. Li, L. Dong, Y. Tao, C. Gao, H. Wu., Y. Li, Y. Cui, X. Guo, S. Zheng, B. Wang, K. Yu, Q. Liang, W. Yang, X. Lou, J. Chen, M. Feng, J. Jian, X. Zhang, G. Luo, Y. Jiang, J. Liu, Z. Wang, Y. Sha, B. Zhang, H. Wu, D. Tang, Q. Shen, P. Xue, S. Zou, X. Wang, X. Liu, F. Wang, Y. Yang, X. An, Z. Dong, K. Zhang, X. Zhang, M.-C. Luo, J. Dvorak, Y. Tong, J. Wang, H. Yang, Z. Li, D. Wang, A. Zhang, J. Wang. Draft genome of the wheat A-genome progenitor Triticum urartu. Nature
2.Song, X.-Q., L.-F. Liu, Y.-J. Jiang, B.-C. Zhang, Y.-P. Gao, X.-L.Liu, Q.-S. Lin, H.-Q. Ling, Y.-H. Zhou. Disruption of secondary wall cellulose biosynthesis alters cadmium translocation and tolerance in rice plants. Molecular Plant
3.Wang N., Cui Y., Liu Y., Fan H., Du J., Huang Z., Yuan Y., Wu H., Ling H.-Q. Requirement and functional redundancy of Ib subgroup bHLH proteins for iron deficiency responses and uptake in Arabidopsis thanilana. Molecular Plant
4.Du J., D. Zeng, B. Wang, Q. Qian, S. Zheng, H.-Q. Ling. Environmental effects on mineral accumulation in rice grains and identification of ecological specific QTLs. Environmental Geochemistry and Health
5.The Tomato Consortium. The tomato genome sequence provides insight into fleshy fruit evolution. Nature
6.Huang Z.-A., T. Zhao, H.-J. Fan, N. Wang, S.-S. Zheng, H.-Q. Ling. The upregulation of NtAN2 expression at low temperature is required for anthocyanin accumulation in juvenile leaves of Lc-transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.). Journal of Genetics and Genomics
7.Wu H., C. Chen, J. Du, H. Liu, Y. Cui, Y. Zhang, Y. He, Y. Wang, C. Chu, Z. Feng, J. Li, H.-Q. Ling. Co-overexpression FIT with AtbHLH38 or AtbHLH39 in Arabidopsis enhanced cadmium tolerance via increased cadmium sequestration in roots and improved iron homeostasis of shoots. Plant Physiology
8.Zhang, X., D. Liu, W. Jiang, X. Guo, W. Yang, J. Sun, H.-Q. Ling, A. Zhang. PCR-based isolation and identiWcation of full-length low-molecular-weight glutenin subunit genes in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Theoretical Applied Genetics
9. Lei G., M. Shen, Z.G. Li, B. Zhang, K.X. Duan, N. Wang, Y.R. Cao, W.K. Zhang, B. Ma, H.-Q. Ling, S.Y. Chen, J.S. Zhang. EIN2 regulates salt stress response and interacts with a MA3 domain-containing protein ECIP1 in Arabidopsis. Plant, Cell & Environment
10. Meng, X.-Y, J. Qin, L.-H. Wang, G.-L. Duan, G.-X. Sun, H.-L. Wu, C.-C. Chu, H.-Q. Ling, B.P. Rosen, Y.-G. Zhu: Arsenic biotransformation and volatilization in transgenic rice. New Phytologis
11. Zhang, X., D. Liu, W. Yang, K. Liu, J. Sun, X. Guo, Y. Li, D. Wang, H.-Q. Ling, A. Zhang: Development of a new marker system for identifying the complex members of the low-molecular-weight glutenin subunit gene family in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Theoretical Applied Genetics
12. Zhao, W., X. Cheng, Z. Huang, H. Fan, H. Wu, H.-Q. Ling: Tomato LeTHIC is a Fe-required HMP-P synthase involved in thiamine synthesis and regulated by multiple factors. Plant and Cell Physiology
13. Wang, G.-F., X. Wei, R. Fan, H. Zhou, X. Wang, C. Yu, L. Dong, Z. Dong, X. Wang, Z. Kang, H.-Q. Ling, Q.-H. Shen, D. Wang, X. Zhang: Molecular analysis of common wheat genes encoding three types of cytosolic heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90): functional involvement of cytosolic Hsp90s in the control of wheat seedling growth and disease resistance. New Phytologist
14. Zhao, N., S. Zheng, H.-Q. Ling: An efficient regeneration system and Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of Chinese upland rice cultivar Handao297. Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult
15. Zhou, X., T.-H. Sun, N. Wang, H.-Q. Ling, S. Lu, L. Li: The cauliflower Orange gene enhances petiole elongation by suppressing expression of eukaryotic release factor 1. New Phytologist
16. Dong, L., X. Zhang, D. Liu, H. Fan, J. Sun, Z. Zhang, H. Qin, B. Li, S. Hao, Z. Li, D. Wang, A. Zhang, H.-Q. Ling: New insight into the organization, recombination, expression and functional mechanism of low molecular weight glutenin subunit genes in bread wheat. PLoS ONE
17. Wu, H., Y. Ji, J. Du, D. Kong, H. Liang, H.-Q. Ling: ClpC1, an ATP-dependent Clp protease in plastids, is involved in iron homeostasis in Arabidopsis leaves. Annals of Botany
18. Liu, F., Z. Wang, H. Ren, C. Shen, Y. Li, H.-Q. Ling, C. Wu, X. Lian, P. Wu: OsSPX1 suppresses the function of OsPHR2 in the regulation of expression of OsPT2 and phosphate homeostasis in shoots of rice. The Plant Journal
19. Ding, H., L. Duan, H. Wu, R. Yang, H.-Q. Ling, W.-X. Li, F. Zhang: Regulation of AhFRO1, an Fe(III)-chelate reductase of peanut, during iron deficiency stress and intercropping with maize. Physiologia Plantarum
20. Ma, J.F., H.-Q. Ling: Iron for plants and humans. Plants and Soil
21. Yang, Z., Y. Wu, Y. Li, H.-Q. Ling, C. Chu: OsMT1a, a type 1 metallothionein, plays the pivotal role in zinc homeostasis and drought tolerance in rice. Plant Molecular Biology
22. Cheng, X., D. Zhang, Z. Cheng, B. Keller, H.-Q. Ling: A new family of Ty1-copia-like retrotransposons originated in the tomato genome by a recent horizontal transfer event. Genetics
23. Mueller, L.A, R.K. Lankhorst, S.D.Tanksley et al. A snapshot of the emerging tomato genome sequence. The Plant Genome
24. Li, C., J. Zhao, H. Jiang, Y. Geng, Y. Dai, H. Fan, D. Zhang, J. Chen, J. Shi, S. Sun, X. Yang, C. Lu, M. Chen, Z. Cheng, H.-Q. Ling, Y. Wang, Y. Xue, C. Li: A snapshot of the Chinese SOL project. J. Genet. Genomics
25. Ling, H.-Q., J. Du, N. Wang: Progress in understanding the molecular regulation of iron uptake in strategy I plants. In: Development and Uses of Biofortified Agricultural products, ed by Gary S.Banuelos and Zhi-Qing Lin. CRC press, Taylor & Francis Group.
26. Li, J., X.D. Wu, S.-T. Hao, X.J. Wang, H.-Q. Ling: Proteomic response to iron deficiency in tomato root. Proteomics
27. Kong, D., Y. Zhu, H. Wu, X. Cheng, H. Liang, H.-Q. Ling: AtTHIC, a gene involved in thiamine biosynthesis in Arabidopsis thaliana. Cell Research
28. Yuan, Y., H. Wu, N. Wang, J. Li, W. Zhao, J. Du, D. Wang, H.-Q. Ling: FIT interacts with AtbHLH38 and AtbHLH39 in regulating iron uptake gene expression for iron homeostasis in Arabidopsis. Cell Research
29. Zhou, H., S. Li, Z. Deng, X. Wang, T. Chen, J. Zhang, S. Chen, H.-Q. Ling, A. Zhang, D. Wang, X. Zhang: Molecular analysis of three new receptor-like kinase genes from hexaploid wheat and evidence for their participation in the wheat hypersensitive response to stripe rust fungus infection. The Plant Journal
30. Bauer, P., H.-Q. Ling, M.L. Guerinot: FIT, the FER-LIKE IRON DEFICIENCY INDUCED TRANSCRIPTION FACOR in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol Biochem
31. Qiu J-W, Schuerch A, Yahiaoui N, Dong L, Fan H, Zhang Z, Keller B, Ling H-Q: Physical mapping and identification of a candidate for the leaf rust resistance gene Lr1 of wheat. Theoretical Applied Genetics
32. Zhao, T., H.-Q. Ling: Effects of pH and nitrogen forms on expression profiles of genes involved in iron homeostasis in tomato. Plant, Cell & Environment
33. Wan, P., L. Ling, S. Cao, X. Wang, W. Zhang, H.-Q. Ling, L. Zhu, X. Zhang: Isolation, chromosomal location, and expression analysis of putative powdery mildew resistance genes in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Euphytica
34. Chen, Y.-H., X.-M. Wu, H.-Q. Ling, W.-C. Yang: Expression of DwMYB2 impaired iron transport from root to shoot in Arabidopsis thaliana. Cell Research
35. Feng, H., F. An, S. Zhang, Z. Ji, H.-Q. Ling, J. Zuo: Light-regulation, tissue- and cell differentiation-specific expression of the Arabidopsis Fe(III)-chelate reductase gene AtFRO6. Plant Physiology
36. Zhang, J., H.-F. Zhu, H. Liang, K.-F. Liu, A.-M., Zhang, H.-Q. Ling, D.-W. Wang: Further analysis of the function of AtbHLH29 in regulating the iron uptake process in Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology
37. Wu, H., L. Li, J. Du, Y. Yuan, X. Cheng, H.-Q. Ling: Molecular and biochemical characterization of Fe(III)-chelate reductase gene family in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant and Cell Physiology
38. Yuan, Y.X, J. Zhang, D.W. Wang, H.-Q. Ling: AtbHLH29 of Arabidopsis thaliana is a functional ortholog of tomato FER involved in controlling iron acquisition in strategy I plants. Cell Research
39. Guyot, R., X. Cheng, Y. Su, Z. Cheng, E. Schlagenhauf, B. Keller, H.-Q. Ling: Complex organization and evolution of the tomato pericentromeric region at the FER gene locus. Plant Physiology
40. Li, L., X. Cheng, H.-Q. Ling: Isolation and characterization of Fe(III)-chelate reductase gene LeFRO1 in tomato. Plant Molecular Biology
41. Ling, H.-Q., J. Qiu, R.P. Singh, B. Keller: Identification and genetic characterization of an Aegilops tauschii ortholog of the wheat leaf rust disease resistance gene Lr1. Theoretical Applied Genetics
42. Li, C., G. Liu, C. Xu, G. I. Lee, P. Bauer, H.-Q. Ling, M. W. Ganal and G. A. Howe: The tomato suppressor of prosystemin-mediated responses2 gene encodes a fatty acid desaturase required for the biosynthsis of jasmonic acid and the production of a systemic wound signal for defense gene expression
43. Ling, H.-Q., Y.X. Zhu and B. Keller: High-resolution mapping of the leaf rust disease resistance gene Lr1 in wheat and physical walking to the gene using a BAC library of Aegilops tauschii. Theoretical Applied Genetics
44. Ling, H.-Q., and B. Keller: Genetic transformation of Linum species. In: Plant Genetic Engineering Vol 4: Improvement of Commercial Plants-II. Ed by Pawan K Jaiwal and Rana P. Singh. Sci Tech Publishing LLC, U.S.A
45. Ling, H.-Q., P. Bauer, B. Keller, M. Ganal: The fer gene encoding a bHLH transcriptional regulator controls development and physiology in response to iron in tomato. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA
46. Ling, H.-Q. and M. W. Ganal: Towards map-based cloning of two genes involved in iron uptake of tomato. Journal of Plant Nutrition
47. Ling, H.-Q., G. Koch, H. Baeumlein, M. W. Ganal: Map-based cloning of chloronerva – a gene involved in iron uptake of higher plants encoding nicotianamine synthase. Proc. Natl. Acad