



  • 軟體名稱:冠軍板球測驗
  • 軟體平台:IOS
  • 軟體大小:3.29MB
  • 支持版本:iOS6.1及以上
樂趣和自由板球瑣事測驗。是最好的,並成為板球冠軍。這個有趣的和免費的冠軍板球測驗測試你的板球知識。超過400多選擇題測試,ODI,彩光,和T20板球,包括球員,得分,理由,記錄,彩光效果等問題 誰拿下最快測試50;用了多少球走?哪裡是貝勒里夫橢圓形?是考慮到領先的彩光運行得分手是什麼顏色的帽子?無論你是一個測試,ODI或T20風扇,你會發現樂趣和挑戰性的問題在冠軍板球測驗。 得分超過40齣50,15出20,或5出10,並添加您的姓名到全球記分牌。分數最高,你會得到機會回答一個加分題。拿到獎金的問題的權利,你將成為新的冠軍去的記分牌上。 生命線可打,在答題時,可以從文本中選擇一個朋友,刪除的答案,然後跳過問題。更多的時候,你打冠軍板球測驗和更高的分數你,那么你賺更多的生命線。 每個人都可以通過上傳將被包含在下一版本的自己的問答題涉足測驗。Fun and free cricket trivia quiz. Be the best and become cricket Champion. Test your knowledge of cricket with this fun and free Champion Cricket Quiz. More than 400 multi-choice questions on Test, ODI, IPL, and T20 cricket, including questions on players, scores, grounds, records, IPL results, etc. Who scored the fastest Test 50; how many balls did it take Where is Bellerive Oval What colour cap is given to the leading IPL run scorer Whether you're a Test, ODI or T20 fan, you'll find fun and challenging questions in Champion Cricket Quiz. Score more than 40 out of 50, 15 out of 20, or 5 out of 10, and add your name to the global scoreboard. Score a maximum and you get the chance to answer a bonus question. Get the bonus question right and you will be the new Champion and go top of the scoreboard. Lifelines are available when playing the quiz, you can choose from Text a Friend, Remove Answers, and Skip Question. The more times you play Champion Cricket Quiz and the higher score you get, then the more lifelines you earn. Everyone can get involved in the quiz by uploading your own quiz questions which will be included in the next version.


