- 中文名稱:其實穿越這回事兒
- 作者:過路的黑貓
- 類型:言情
- 連載平台:晉江文學網
這穿得也忒詭異了。詭異到一開始她還以為自己真消失了。可是這還不算什麼不是?起碼她從來沒考慮過穿到大號‘福馬林’瓶子裡去做活樣‘標本’……算了算了,反正她早就想體驗一下那什麼的,隱形人風暴女吸血鬼什麼的生活了……反正就倆字,橫豎不算人么—雖然她真不是豬八戒。好了好了,我都認命了,對面你那位倒是瞪啥眼啊就不怕瞪出沙眼。行行,你嫉妒我懂事得比你早是不?好歹我還穿人一隻啊。咱兩好歹都是同病相憐的白老鼠,你就別用你那在‘大號福馬林罐頭’里還能睜那么大的貓眼瞄我啦。以後說不定還有很長時間要相處呢。NA,好好相處吧。雖然你聽不見我我也聽不見你咱倆都沒的話說……還是多多指教咯。雖然說你啥條件啥情況都比我好……我還是堅信,後來者居上……抱歉,你別誤會來著。我不是指那個方面的問題……1號同志,你走出罐子的那天可要通知我一聲吶。外頭是啥樣子我也想看看……是哪個變態世界有這么做活體試驗的!……ALA,這個世界……很眼熟喔。~小Arcire~~~唔,最近有空會再畫一張華麗版滴~~~這首歌名為《Burning》passion is sweetlove makes weakyou said you cherished freedom soyou refuse to let it gofollow your fatelove and hatenever fail to seize the daybut dont give yourself away .oh when the night fallsand your all alonein your deepest sleep whatare you dreaming ofmy skin's still burning from your touchoh i just can't get enough isaid i wouldn't ask for muchbut your eyes are dangerousoh the thought keep spinning in my headcan we drop this masqueradei can't predict where it endsif your the rock i'll crush againsttrapped in a crowdthe music is loudi said i love my freedom tonow i'm not sure i doall eyes on yourings so truebetter quit while you're aheadnow i'm not so sure i amoh when the night fallsand your all alonein your deepest sleep whatare you dreaming ofmy skin's still burning from your touchoh i just can't get enough isaid i wouldn't ask for muchbut your eyes are dangerousoh the thought keep spinning in my headcan we drop this masqueradei can't predict where it endsif your the rock i'll crush againstmy soul my heartif you're near if you're farmy life my loveyou can have it all....ooohaaaah.oh when the night fallsand your all alonein your deepest sleep whatare you dreaming ofmy skin's still burning from your touchoh i just can't get enough isaid i wouldn't ask for muchbut your eyes are dangerousoh the thought keep spinning in my headcan we drop this masqueradei can't predict where it endsif your the rock i'll crush againstooh, if your the rock i'll crush against.—表被題目和文案迷惑了……其實只是我一時神經病發作打出來的玩意兒……在此聲明:本作純屬YY,雷倒人不負責……