



  • 書名:公共管理學經典教材原版影印叢書·公共行政與公共事務
  • 頁數: 482頁
  • 出版社: 北京大學出版社
  • 裝幀:平裝


開本: 16, 16開
ISBN: 7301102682
條形碼: 9787301102688
尺寸: 24 x 17.1 x 2 cm
重量: 640 g


公共管理與公共政策分析領域最傑出的公共行政學家,美國喬治亞州100位當代最有影響的人物。亨利教授畢業於美國印第安那大學布盧明頓校區(Indiana University,Bloomirlgton)政治學系,獲博士學位。亨利教授著書十餘本,發表論文幾十篇。其論文曾獲行政學界最有影響力之一的《美國公共行政評論》頒發的埃德文·O.斯坦恩(EdwinO.Stene)獎。




Preface vii
Acknowledgments ix
Part One: Paradigms of Public Administration 1
Chapter I Big Democracy, Big Bureaicracy 4
Constraint: The Context and Tradition of Public Administration in the United States
Attenuations: The Legacy of Limited Public Administration 7
Government, Public Leaders, and Public Trust 11
Bureaucrats: Image and Reality 13
Revolt and Resistance: Americans and Governmental Growth 14
Why Bureaucracy? 15
Explaining Things 16
Power: The Gray Eminence of the Public Administrator 17
Chapter 2 Public Administration's Century in~ Quandary 29
The Beginning 29
Paradigm 1: The Politics/Administration Dichotomy, 1900-1926 30
Paradigm 2: The Principles of Administration, 1927-1937 32
The Challenge, 1938-1950 34
Reaction to the Challenge, 1947-1950 36
Paradigm 3: Public Administration as Political Science, 1950-1970 37
The Impact of Political Science: Bureaucracy in the Service of Democracy 40
Paradigm 4: Public Administration as Management, 1956-1970 41
The Impact of Management: Understanding the "Public" in Public Administration 42
The Forces of Separatism, 1965-1970 45
Public Administration as Neither Management Nor Political Science 46
Paradigm 5: Public Administration as Public Administration: 1970-? 48
Governance: Toward a New Paradigm? 49
Part Two: Public Organizations 57
Chapter 3 The Threads of Organizations: Thebries 58
Models, Definitions, and Organizations 58
The Closed Model of Organizations 59
The Open Model of Organizations 62
The Political Executive System: Politics in Administration 270
The Professional Career System: The Person over the Position 273
The Professional Public Administration System: Embracing the Professions of Politics
and Management 274
Race, Sex, and Jobs: The Challenge of Affirmative Action 276
Does Public Human Resource Management Have a Future? 290
Part Four: Implementing Public Policy 303
Chapter 10 Understanding Public Policy 305
Public Policy Analysis: A Brief History 305
Political Science, Public Administration, and Policy Analysis 306
The Incrementalist Paradigm of Public Policymaking and Implementation 307
The Rationalist Paradigm of Public Policymaking and Implementation 314
The Problems of the Paradigms 320
The Strategic Planning Paradigm of Public Policymaking and Implementation 321
Strategic Planning: The Public Experience 322
Truly Universal Strategic Planning 326
Chapter 11 Intersectoral Administration 331
Chapter l2 IntergovernmentalAdministration 379
Chapter 13 Toward a Bureaucratic Ethic 426
Appendix A: Information Sources, Journals, and Organizations in Public
Appendix B: Annotated Information Sources in Public Administration
Appendix C: Selected Annotated Journals Relevant to Public Administration 455
Appendix D: Selected Academic, Professional, and Public Interest Organizations
Appendix E: Correct Forms of Address for Public Offidals 463
Appendix F: Becoming a Public Administrator 465
Appendix G: American Society for Pubfic Administration Code of Ethics 473
Name Index 475
Subject Index 477
Chapter 4 The Fabric of Organizations: Forces 79
Chapter 5 The Fibers of Organizations: People 115
Part Three: Public Management 147
Chapter 6 Clarifying Complexity: Problems of Public Management 150
Chapter 7 Corruption's Consequences: Performance Measurement, Public Program
Chapter 8 The Public Budget: Purposes and Processes 214
Chapter 9 Managing Human Resources in the Public Sector 250


