華盛頓大學University of Washington創建於1861年,位於美國西雅圖,是一所世界頂尖的著名大學,全球大學研究論文質量排名第4位,是美國十所最頂尖的研究型大學。世界大學學術排名第8位,US News世界大學排名14位,上海交通大學世界大學排名第13位,英國泰晤士高等教育世界大學排名第24位。華盛頓大學醫學領域全球排名第三位,生命科學領域全球排名第五位,計算機領域全美第六位。教授隊伍中擁有252位美國院士,167位美國科學委員會學部委員和12位諾貝獎得主。華盛頓大學是美國太平洋沿岸歷史最悠久的大學,同賓夕法尼亞大學和密西根大學齊名。
Microsoft President Brad Smith, Chinese President Xi Jinping, UW Interim President Ana Mari Cauce and Tsinghua President Qiu Yong at the presentation of a dawn redwood tree to the Global Innovation Exchange by President Xi.Associated Press/Ted Warren
Chinese President Xi Jinping presented the gift of a dawn redwood tree to the Global Innovation Exchange (GIX), a new partnership between the University of Washington and Tsinghua University, during a ceremony at Microsoft headquarters Wednesday.
Xi presented UW Interim President Ana Mari Cauce, Tsinghua President Qiu Yong and Microsoft President Brad Smith with the tree, which is native to China and will be planted at the new GIX facility upon its completion.