



  • 書名:全國高等教育自學考試英語專業輔導用書·綜合英語習題集1
  • ISBN:9787560020891
  • 頁數:216頁
  • 出版社: 外語教學與研究出版社; 第1版  
  • 出版時間:(2000年11月1日)
  • 開本:32




Visitors to Britain often hear about such national newspapers asthe Daily Mirror and the Daily Express, which sell altogether aboutfour million copies every day. British families generally buy anewspaper every morning and often take two or three on Sundays.
People from abroad seldom realize, however, that there is anotherbranch of the British press which also sells well. Local newspapershave a weekly circulation of 13 million. Almost every town andcountry area has one. Nearly all of them hold their own financially andmany of them are very profitable.
These papers are written almost entirely for readers interested inlocal events——births, weddings, deaths, council meetings and sports.Editors prefer to rely on a small staff of people who know all thedistrict well. A great deal of local news is regularly supplied by clubsand churches in the neighborhood and it does not get out of date asquickly as national news.
Local newspapers do not often comment on problems of nationalimportance and editors do not usually take sides on political questions.But they can often be of service to the community in expressing publicfeelings on local issues. A newspaper can sometimes persuade thecouncil to take action to provide better shopping facilities, improvetransport in the area and preserve local places of interest.




