



  • 書名:全國海船船員適任考試培訓教材•輪機英語
  • 出版社:大連海事學院出版社
  • 頁數:392頁
  • 開本:16
  • 作者:黨坤 韓厚德
  • 出版日期:2008年5月1日
  • 語種:簡體中文, 英語
  • ISBN:9787563221738




Part One Reading
Unit 1 Main Propulsion Plant
Lesson 1 Ships and Machinery
Lesson 2 How Does a Marine Diesel Engine Work
Lesson 3 Diesel Engine Construction.
Lesson 4 Fuel Oil System
Lesson 5 Central Cooling Water System
Lesson 6 Starting System
Lesson 7 Lubricating System
Lesson 8 Gas Exchange Process
Lesson 9 Operation and Maintenance of Main Engine
Lesson 10 Transmission System
Lesson 11 A Leap in Technology for Marine Engines
Lesson 12 ME Engines

Unit 2 Auxiliary Machinery
Lesson 13 Marine Boilers and Their Construction
Lesson 14 Boiler Mountings, Management and Maintenance
Lesson 15 Marine Pumps
Lesson 16 Marine Refrigeration
Lesson 17 Marine Refrigeration Management and Fault Diagnosis
Lesson 18 Air Conditioning System
Lesson 19 Bilge Water Treatment System
Lesson 20 Garbage Management and Biological Sewage Treatment
Lesson 21 Oil Treatment
Lesson 22 Marine Desalination Plants
Lesson 23 The Hydraulic System and Equipment
Lesson 24 Cargo Handling Equipment
Lesson 25 Anchor Windlass and Mooring Winch
Lesson 26 Steering Gear

Unit 3 Marine Electrization and Automatization
Lesson 27 Marine Generator
Lesson 28 Paralleling Operation of Alternators
Lesson 29 Electricity Distribution System
Lesson 30 Marine Electric Equipment
Lesson 31 Basic Theory of Automatic Control
Lesson 32 Typical Examples of Automatic Control System
Lesson 33 Basic Meaning of UMS and Its Function

Unit 4 Marine Engineering Management
Lesson 34 Stand-by Engine
Lesson 35 Watchkeeping
Lesson 36 General Rules on Working in Machinery Space
Lesson 37 Regulations of Fire Fighting
Lesson 38 Marine Emergency Arrangement and Equipment
Lesson 39 Bunkering and Lube Oil Management .
Lesson 40 Stores and Spare Parts
Lesson 41 Shiprepair and Docking
Lesson 42 Sea Trials
Lesson 43 Port State Control

Unit 5 International Conventions and Regulations
Lesson 44 Basic Principles to Be Observed in Keeping an Engineering Watch
Lesson 45 MARPOL 73/78
Lesson 46 SOLAS Convention
Lesson 47 ISPS Code
Lesson 48 ISM Code
Lesson 49 Maritime Labour Convention, 2006

Part Two Writing
Lesson 50 Engine Logbook(輪機日誌)
Lesson 5 1 Oil Record Book(油類記錄簿)
Lesson 52 Repair List(修理單)
Lesson 53 Store Order and Spare Parts Requisition Form(物料訂購單及備件申領單)
Lesson 54 Accident Report(事故報告)
Lesson 55 Engineer’S Reports,Letters,Faxes and Emails(工作報告、信函、傳真及電子郵件)
Lesson 56 Operating instructions forkey equipment(關鍵設備的操作規程)
Part Three Exercise and Training


