- 軟體名稱:內科醫學雜誌
- 軟體平台:IOS
- 軟體大小:4.38MB
點擊到最近的事態發展在初級保健,一般內科,醫院的藥品與一般內科雜誌應用程式。一般內科醫學雜誌“是同行評議的醫學雜誌上發表施普林格科學商業媒體。 “華爾街日報”連續發表評論文章,原始論文和教育醫學界的領導成員撰寫的文章。 這個免費的應用程式提供了有價值的功能,包括: - 保存和分享文章 - 高級搜尋 - 檔案的細節 - 包括摘要 [普通內科,普通內科(SGIM)學會的官方雜誌。一般內科醫學協會是一個非營利性的美國醫學協會致力於在普通內科的臨床治療,教育和研究,實現全面,技術先進,個性化的醫療保健服務的進步。 Tap into the most recent developments in primary care, general internal medicine, and hospital medicine with the Journal of General Internal Medicine app. The Journal of General Internal Medicine is a peer-reviewed medical journal published by Springer ScienceBusiness Media. The Journal continuously publishes review articles, original papers and educational articles written by leading members of the medical community. This free app provides valuable features including: - Save and share articles - Advanced search - Document details - including abstracts The Journal of General Internal Medicine is the official journal of the Society of General Internal Medicine (SGIM). The Society of General Internal Medicine is a non-profit American medical society dedicated to the advancement of clinical care, education, and research in general internal medicine to achieve health care delivery that is comprehensive, technologically-advanced and individualized.