



  • 中文名:光電子學與光子學:原理與實踐(第二版)(英文版)
  • 作者:[英]S.O.Kasap
  • 出版社:電子工業出版社
  • ISBN:9787121173677




Chapter 1Wave Nature of Light光的波動性
1.1Light Waves in a Homogeneous Medium均勻介質中光的波動性
A. Plane Electromagnetic Wave
B. Maxwell’s Wave Equation and Diverging Waves
Example 1.1.1A diverging laser beam
1.2Refractive Index and Dispersion折射率和色散
Example 1.2.1Sellmeier equation and diamond
Example 1.2.2Cauchy equation and diamond
1.3Group Velocity and Group Index群速度和群折射率
Example 1.3.1Group velocity
Example 1.3.2Group velocity and index
Example 1.3.3Group and phase velocities
1.4Magnetic Field, Irradiance, and Poynting Vector磁場、輻照度和坡印廷矢量
Example 1.4.1Electric and magnetic fields in light
Example 1.4.2Power and irradiance of a Gaussian beam
1.5Snell’s Law and Total Internal Reflection (TIR)
Example 1.5.1Beam displacement
1.6Fresnel’s Equations菲涅耳方程
A. Amplitude Reflection and Transmission Coefficients (r and t)
B. Intensity, Reflectance, and Transmittance
C. Goos-Hnchen Shift and Optical Tunneling
Example 1.6.1Reflection of light from aless dense medium (internal reflection)
Example 1.6.2Reflection at normal incidence, and internal and external reflection
Example 1.6.3Reflection and transmission at the Brewster angle
1.7Antireflection Coatings and Dielectric Mirrors增透膜和介質鏡
A. Antireflection Coatings on Photodetectors and Solar Cells
Example 1.7.1Antireflection coating on a photodetector
B. Dielectric Mirrors and Bragg Reflectors
Example 1.7.2Dielectric mirror
1.8Absorption of Light and Complex Refractive Index光的吸收和復折射率
Example 1.8.1Complex refractive index of InP
Example 1.8.2Reflectance of CdTe around resonance absorption
1.9Temporal and Spatial Coherence時間相干性和空間相干性
Example 1.9.1Coherence length of LED light
1.10Superposition and Interference of Waves波的疊加和干涉
1.11Multiple Interference and Optical Resonators多波干涉和光學諧振腔
Example 1.11.1Resonator modes and spectral width of a semiconductor Fabry–Perot cavity
1.12Diffraction Principles衍射原理
A. Fraunhofer Diffraction
Example 1.12.1Resolving power of imaging systems
B. Diffraction Grating
Example 1.12.2A reflection grating
Additional Topics選學專題
1.14Thin Film Optics: Multiple Reflections in Thin Films
Example 1.14.1Thin film optics
1.15Multiple Reflections in Plates and Incoherent Waves
1.16Scattering of Light光的散射
1.17Photonic Crystals光子晶體
Questions and Problems習題
Chapter 2Dielectric Waveguides and Optical Fibers
2.1Symmetric Planar Dielectric Slab Waveguide對稱平面介質平板波導
A. Waveguide Condition
B. Single and Multimode Waveguides
C. TE and TM Modes
Example 2.1.1Waveguide modes
Example 2.1.2V-number and the number of modes
Example 2.1.3Mode field width, 2wo
2.2Modal and Waveguide Dispersion in Planar Waveguides
A. Waveguide Dispersion Diagram and Group Velocity
B. Intermodal Dispersion
C. Intramodal Dispersion
2.3Step-Index Optical Fiber階躍折射率分布光纖
A. Principles and Allowed Modes
Example 2.3.1A multimode fiber
Example 2.3.2A single-mode fiber
B. Mode Field Diameter
Example 2.3.3Mode field diameter
C. Propagation Constant and Group Velocity
Example 2.3.4Group velocity and delay
D. Modal Dispersion in Multimode Step-Index Fibers
Example 2.3.5A multimode fiber and dispersion
2.4Numerical Aperture數值孔徑
Example 2.4.1A multimode fiber and total acceptance angle
Example 2.4.2A single-mode fiber
2.5Dispersion In Single-Mode Fibers單模光纖中的色散
A. Material Dispersion
B. Waveguide Dispersion
C. Chromatic Dispersion
D. Profile and Polarization Dispersion Effects
Example 2.5.1Material dispersion
Example 2.5.2Material, waveguide, and chromatic dispersion
Example 2.5.3Chromatic dispersion at different wavelengths
Example 2.5.4Waveguide dispersion
2.6Dispersion Modified Fibers and Compensation
A. Dispersion Modified Fibers
B. Dispersion Compensation
Example 2.6.1Dispersion compensation
2.7Bit Rate, Dispersion, and Electrical and Optical Bandwidth
比特率、 色散及電學和光學頻寬
A. Bit Rate and Dispersion
B. Optical and Electrical Bandwidth
Example 2.7.1Bit rate and dispersion for a single-mode fiber
2.8The Graded Index

