- 書名:光場中的原子分子及雷射技術
- 作者:汪正民
- 出版日期:2012年4月1日
- 語種:簡體中文
- ISBN:7030338901, 9787030338907
- 外文名:Atoms And Molecules In Optical Field And Laser Technology
- 出版社:科學出版社
- 頁數:334頁
- 開本:16
汪正民(Zheng-Min Wang),美國普渡大學物理學哲學博士。主要在以下大學和研究機構學習、從事教學與研究工作:南京大學、中國科學技術大學、中國科學院安徽光學精密機械研究所、美國埃姆斯國家實驗室(Ames Laboratory)、普渡大學(Purdue University)、賓夕法尼亞大學(University of Pennsylvania)。
第1章 原子多光子電離Multiphoton Ionization of Atoms
1.1 引言Introduction
1.2 原子多光子電離與光電子角分布Multiphoton ionization of atoms and photoelectron angular distributions
1.2.1 歷史回顧Historical overview
1.2.2 多光子電離的基本概念Basic concept of multiphoton ionization of atoms
1.2.3 銣原子的光電離通道Ionization channels of rubidium
1.2.4 線偏振光雙光子電離與光電子角分布的傳統測量Two-photon ionization by linearly-polarized light and traditional measurement of PAD
1.2.5 原子參數對光電子角分布的影響The influence of the atomic parameters on the angular distributions
1.2.6 任意偏振光雙光子電離光電子角分布理論Theory of PAD in two-photon ionization with arbitrarily-polarized light
1.3 光電子成像實驗Photoelectron imaging experiments
1.3.1 光學系統Optical system
1.3.2 光電子成像系統Photoelectron imaging system
1.3.3 真空系統與原子束的產生The vacuum system and generation of atomic beam
1.3.4 地球磁場的影響及消除The influence of the earth's magnetic field and its cancellation
1.4 銣原子雙光子電離的完全測量Complete measurements of two-photon ionization in atomic rubidium
1.4.1 歷史背景Historical background
1.4.2 數據採集及光電子角分布(電子云)影像的形成Data acquisition and the formation of PAD images
1.4.3 原子光電離參數的確定Determination of atomic parameters
1.5 本章小結Conclusions
第2章 雙通道光電離及量子干涉測量Quantum Interference Measurements between Two Photo-ionization Processes
2.1 量子干涉的基本概念及歷史回顧Basic concept of quantum interference and historical overview
2.2 光電子角分布的相位控制Phase control over the angular distribution of photoelectrons
2.3 實驗方法Experiment
2.3.1 雙色雷射場實驗裝置及調整Experimental set-up and adjustment of two color laser field
2.3.2 相位延遲盒The phase delay cell
2.3.3 紫外與可見光相位差的測量Measurement of the phase difference between the UV and visible fields
2.3.4 實驗條件與實驗程式Conditions and procedure of experiments
2.3.5 紫外與可見光束相干匹配條件The interference matching conditions of UV and visible beams
2.4 量子干涉測量與奇偶宇稱連續波相位差的測定Determination of the phase difference between even and odd continuum wave functions through quantum interference measurements
2.4.1 銣原子在相互垂直偏振的雙色雷射場光電離過程中光電子角分布PAD by ionizing the rubidium atoms with perpendicularly-polarized two-color laser field
2.4.2 單光子躍遷矩之比R 1/2=R 3/2 的測定Determination of the ratio of one-photon transition moments R 1/2=R 3/2
2.4.3 p波和d波相位差的測定Determination of phase difference between p- and d-continuum waves
2.4.4 銣原子在相互平行偏振的雙色雷射場光電離過程中光電子角分布PAD by ionizing the rubidium atoms with parallel-polarized two-color laser field
2.5 本章小結Conclusions
第3章 雷射光譜學的幾個專題Selected Topics on Laser Spectroscopy
3.1 用於雷射光譜研究的一種高溫爐A high temperature oven for laser spectroscopy
3.1.1 引言Introduction
3.1.2 實驗方法Experiment
3.1.3 銩的超精細分裂研究Study of hyperfine splitting of Tm
3.2 高分辨雷射光譜在監測汽相金屬中的套用Application of high-resolution laser spectroscopy to the monitoring of vapor-phase metals
3.2.1 引言Introduction
3.2.2 原子束裝置Atomic beam apparatus
3.2.3 原子的螢光激發譜Fluorescence excitation spectra of atoms
3.2.4 雷射原子吸收光譜Laser atomic absorption spectroscopy
3.2.5 釤、釓、銩、釔的飽和吸收光譜Saturation spectroscopy of Sm, Tm, Gd and Y
3.3 分子的紅外多光子光熱吸收測量The optothermal measurement of infrared multiphoton absorption of molecules
3.3.1 實驗方法Experiment
3.3.2 CF 3CDCF 2分子多光子吸收峰的分裂與紅移Splitting and red shift of absorption spectrum of CF 3CDCF 2
3.4 紫外共振拉曼光譜Ultraviolet resonance Raman spectroscopy
3.4.1 基本概念及歷史背景Basic concept and historical background
3.4.2 在217~400nm區間連續可調紫外共振拉曼光譜儀A tunable UV resonance Raman spectrometer for 217~400nm spectral region
3.4.3 幾種溶液的共振拉曼譜Raman spectra of different type of solutions
3.5 無都卜勒展寬高分辨雷射光譜Doppler-free high resolution laser spectroscopy
3.5.1 光譜線的自然寬度Natural linewidth of spectral lines
3.5.2 光譜線的都卜勒展寬Doppler broadening of spectral lines
3.5.3 飽和吸收光譜Saturation spectroscopy
3.5.4 偏振光譜Polarization spectroscopy
3.5.5 雙光子吸收光譜Two-photon absorption spectroscopy
第4章 分子的紅外多光子離解Infrared Multiphoton Dissociation of Molecules
4.1 電子激發態C 2自由基Electronically excited C 2 radicals
4.1.1 電子激發態C 2自由基的形成Formation of electronically excited C 2 radicals
4.1.2 C * 2d 3∏ g態的形成機制Mechanism of formation of C * 2d 3∏ g state
4.2 多光子離解過程中分子內的V-V能量轉移V-V energy transfer in multiphoton dissociation process
4.2.1 氟里昂113分子內的V-V能量轉移V-V energy transfer of Freon 113 molecules
4.2.2 氟里昂123分子內的V-V能量轉移V-V energy transfer of Freon 123 molecules
4.3 雷射化學合成CI 4晶體Chemical synthesis of crystal grain CI 4
4.4 在強紅外雷射場中分子的非統計離解行為Nonstatistical dissociation behavior of molecules in intense IR field
4.4.1 實驗方法Experiment
4.4.2 產物的質譜分析Mass spectra of photoproducts
4.5 雷射分離 13C同位素Laser isotope separation of 13C
4.5.1 實驗方法Experiment
4.5.2 13C同位素濃縮係數和產率Enrichment factor and yield of 13C
第5章 光學與雷射技術Optics and Laser Technology
5.1 脈衝雷射測距儀Pulsed laser rangefinder
5.1.1 脈衝雷射測距原理Principle of pulsed laser rangefinder
5.1.2 雷射無標尺地形儀Laser rangefinder theodolite
5.1.3 光學系統Optical system
5.1.4 三光軸調整Adjustment of optical axis
5.1.5 測距精度分析Accuracy analysis of distance measurement
5.2 脈衝雷射全息術Pulsed laser holography
5.2.1 全息攝影的基本原理Basic principle of holography
5.2.2 全息干涉計量術Holographic interferometry
5.2.3 風洞流場全息干涉測量Interferometry of flow fields in wind tunnel
5.2.4 流場的有限條紋與無限條紋干涉圖Finite and infinite interferogram of the flow field
5.3 法布里-珀羅干涉儀The Fabry-Perot interferometer
5.3.1 干涉環的形成與自由光譜區Fringes and free spectrum range
5.3.2 艾里函式與條紋精細度Airy function and finesse
5.3.3 干涉儀平板間距的確定Determination of plate separation
5.3.4 光波長及光譜線寬測量Measurements of wavelength and line width
5.3.5 雙標準具選模Mode selection with double etalon
5.4 拉曼-奈斯駐波聲光調製器Standing wave Raman-Nath acousto-optic modulator
5.4.1 零級光束調製度的計算與測量Calculation and measurement of zero-order modulation degree
5.4.2 匹配網路的最佳化Optimization of matching network
5.4.3 等效阻抗的分析Analysis of equivalent impedance
5.5 光場偏振態的描述及操控Polarization of optical field and its control
5.5.1 偏振態的描述Description of the state of polarization
5.5.2 波片與菲涅耳稜鏡Wave plate and Fresnel's rhomb
5.5.3 偏振態的控制Control of the state of polarization
第6章 非接觸光學層析成像Non-contact Optical Tomography
6.1 實驗裝置及其套用Experimental apparatus and its applications
6.1.1 系統設計System design
6.1.2 系統性能評估System performance evaluation
6.1.3 光學漫射層析成像Optical diffuse tomography
6.1.4 光學螢光層析成像Fluorescent optical tomography
6.2 大數據組光學漫射層析成像影像重構方法的實驗驗證Experimental demonstration of an analytic method for image reconstruction in optical diffusion tomography with large data sets
6.3 大數據組螢光光學層析成像Fluorescent optical tomography with large data sets
A 通過偏振器產生的橢圓偏振光強度表達式P t=P 0(|ε 1| 2sin 2δ+|ε 3| 2cos 2δ)的推導Derivation of the expression for the intensity of elliptically-polarized light passing through a polarizer P t=P 0(|ε 1| 2sin 2δ+|ε 3| 2cos 2δ)
B 橢圓偏振光橢率參數|ε 1|和|ε 3|的確定Determination of the polarization parameters |ε 1| and |ε 3| of ellipticity for elliptically-polarized light
C s-,p-和d-分波間庫侖相位差的推導Derivation of Coulomb phase differences between s-,p- and d- partial waves
D 量子虧損相位差的推導Derivation of quantum defect phase differences
E CO 2雷射分子能級圖與輸出光譜線Energy level diagram of low-lying states of CO 2 and laser wavelength
F 拉曼-奈斯聲光調製器M 0-η 0理論曲線的繪製說明Explanation of M 0-η 0 curve drawing of Raman-Nath acousto-optic modulator
G AJG75-1型雷射無標尺地形儀測圖報告及其在黃山索道工程中的套用Scale map surveying report on AJG75-1 laser rangefinder theodolite and its application
主要名詞術語英漢對照表English and Chinese glossary
第1章 原子多光子電離Multiphoton Ionization of Atoms
1.1 引言Introduction
1.2 原子多光子電離與光電子角分布Multiphoton ionization of atoms and photoelectron angular distributions
1.2.1 歷史回顧Historical overview
1.2.2 多光子電離的基本概念Basic concept of multiphoton ionization of atoms
1.2.3 銣原子的光電離通道Ionization channels of rubidium
1.2.4 線偏振光雙光子電離與光電子角分布的傳統測量Two-photon ionization by linearly-polarized light and traditional measurement of PAD
1.2.5 原子參數對光電子角分布的影響The influence of the atomic parameters on the angular distributions
1.2.6 任意偏振光雙光子電離光電子角分布理論Theory of PAD in two-photon ionization with arbitrarily-polarized light
1.3 光電子成像實驗Photoelectron imaging experiments
1.3.1 光學系統Optical system
1.3.2 光電子成像系統Photoelectron imaging system
1.3.3 真空系統與原子束的產生The vacuum system and generation of atomic beam
1.3.4 地球磁場的影響及消除The influence of the earth's magnetic field and its cancellation
1.4 銣原子雙光子電離的完全測量Complete measurements of two-photon ionization in atomic rubidium
1.4.1 歷史背景Historical background
1.4.2 數據採集及光電子角分布(電子云)影像的形成Data acquisition and the formation of PAD images
1.4.3 原子光電離參數的確定Determination of atomic parameters
1.5 本章小結Conclusions
第2章 雙通道光電離及量子干涉測量Quantum Interference Measurements between Two Photo-ionization Processes
2.1 量子干涉的基本概念及歷史回顧Basic concept of quantum interference and historical overview
2.2 光電子角分布的相位控制Phase control over the angular distribution of photoelectrons
2.3 實驗方法Experiment
2.3.1 雙色雷射場實驗裝置及調整Experimental set-up and adjustment of two color laser field
2.3.2 相位延遲盒The phase delay cell
2.3.3 紫外與可見光相位差的測量Measurement of the phase difference between the UV and visible fields
2.3.4 實驗條件與實驗程式Conditions and procedure of experiments
2.3.5 紫外與可見光束相干匹配條件The interference matching conditions of UV and visible beams
2.4 量子干涉測量與奇偶宇稱連續波相位差的測定Determination of the phase difference between even and odd continuum wave functions through quantum interference measurements
2.4.1 銣原子在相互垂直偏振的雙色雷射場光電離過程中光電子角分布PAD by ionizing the rubidium atoms with perpendicularly-polarized two-color laser field
2.4.2 單光子躍遷矩之比R 1/2=R 3/2 的測定Determination of the ratio of one-photon transition moments R 1/2=R 3/2
2.4.3 p波和d波相位差的測定Determination of phase difference between p- and d-continuum waves
2.4.4 銣原子在相互平行偏振的雙色雷射場光電離過程中光電子角分布PAD by ionizing the rubidium atoms with parallel-polarized two-color laser field
2.5 本章小結Conclusions
第3章 雷射光譜學的幾個專題Selected Topics on Laser Spectroscopy
3.1 用於雷射光譜研究的一種高溫爐A high temperature oven for laser spectroscopy
3.1.1 引言Introduction
3.1.2 實驗方法Experiment
3.1.3 銩的超精細分裂研究Study of hyperfine splitting of Tm
3.2 高分辨雷射光譜在監測汽相金屬中的套用Application of high-resolution laser spectroscopy to the monitoring of vapor-phase metals
3.2.1 引言Introduction
3.2.2 原子束裝置Atomic beam apparatus
3.2.3 原子的螢光激發譜Fluorescence excitation spectra of atoms
3.2.4 雷射原子吸收光譜Laser atomic absorption spectroscopy
3.2.5 釤、釓、銩、釔的飽和吸收光譜Saturation spectroscopy of Sm, Tm, Gd and Y
3.3 分子的紅外多光子光熱吸收測量The optothermal measurement of infrared multiphoton absorption of molecules
3.3.1 實驗方法Experiment
3.3.2 CF 3CDCF 2分子多光子吸收峰的分裂與紅移Splitting and red shift of absorption spectrum of CF 3CDCF 2
3.4 紫外共振拉曼光譜Ultraviolet resonance Raman spectroscopy
3.4.1 基本概念及歷史背景Basic concept and historical background
3.4.2 在217~400nm區間連續可調紫外共振拉曼光譜儀A tunable UV resonance Raman spectrometer for 217~400nm spectral region
3.4.3 幾種溶液的共振拉曼譜Raman spectra of different type of solutions
3.5 無都卜勒展寬高分辨雷射光譜Doppler-free high resolution laser spectroscopy
3.5.1 光譜線的自然寬度Natural linewidth of spectral lines
3.5.2 光譜線的都卜勒展寬Doppler broadening of spectral lines
3.5.3 飽和吸收光譜Saturation spectroscopy
3.5.4 偏振光譜Polarization spectroscopy
3.5.5 雙光子吸收光譜Two-photon absorption spectroscopy
第4章 分子的紅外多光子離解Infrared Multiphoton Dissociation of Molecules
4.1 電子激發態C 2自由基Electronically excited C 2 radicals
4.1.1 電子激發態C 2自由基的形成Formation of electronically excited C 2 radicals
4.1.2 C * 2d 3∏ g態的形成機制Mechanism of formation of C * 2d 3∏ g state
4.2 多光子離解過程中分子內的V-V能量轉移V-V energy transfer in multiphoton dissociation process
4.2.1 氟里昂113分子內的V-V能量轉移V-V energy transfer of Freon 113 molecules
4.2.2 氟里昂123分子內的V-V能量轉移V-V energy transfer of Freon 123 molecules
4.3 雷射化學合成CI 4晶體Chemical synthesis of crystal grain CI 4
4.4 在強紅外雷射場中分子的非統計離解行為Nonstatistical dissociation behavior of molecules in intense IR field
4.4.1 實驗方法Experiment
4.4.2 產物的質譜分析Mass spectra of photoproducts
4.5 雷射分離 13C同位素Laser isotope separation of 13C
4.5.1 實驗方法Experiment
4.5.2 13C同位素濃縮係數和產率Enrichment factor and yield of 13C
第5章 光學與雷射技術Optics and Laser Technology
5.1 脈衝雷射測距儀Pulsed laser rangefinder
5.1.1 脈衝雷射測距原理Principle of pulsed laser rangefinder
5.1.2 雷射無標尺地形儀Laser rangefinder theodolite
5.1.3 光學系統Optical system
5.1.4 三光軸調整Adjustment of optical axis
5.1.5 測距精度分析Accuracy analysis of distance measurement
5.2 脈衝雷射全息術Pulsed laser holography
5.2.1 全息攝影的基本原理Basic principle of holography
5.2.2 全息干涉計量術Holographic interferometry
5.2.3 風洞流場全息干涉測量Interferometry of flow fields in wind tunnel
5.2.4 流場的有限條紋與無限條紋干涉圖Finite and infinite interferogram of the flow field
5.3 法布里-珀羅干涉儀The Fabry-Perot interferometer
5.3.1 干涉環的形成與自由光譜區Fringes and free spectrum range
5.3.2 艾里函式與條紋精細度Airy function and finesse
5.3.3 干涉儀平板間距的確定Determination of plate separation
5.3.4 光波長及光譜線寬測量Measurements of wavelength and line width
5.3.5 雙標準具選模Mode selection with double etalon
5.4 拉曼-奈斯駐波聲光調製器Standing wave Raman-Nath acousto-optic modulator
5.4.1 零級光束調製度的計算與測量Calculation and measurement of zero-order modulation degree
5.4.2 匹配網路的最佳化Optimization of matching network
5.4.3 等效阻抗的分析Analysis of equivalent impedance
5.5 光場偏振態的描述及操控Polarization of optical field and its control
5.5.1 偏振態的描述Description of the state of polarization
5.5.2 波片與菲涅耳稜鏡Wave plate and Fresnel's rhomb
5.5.3 偏振態的控制Control of the state of polarization
第6章 非接觸光學層析成像Non-contact Optical Tomography
6.1 實驗裝置及其套用Experimental apparatus and its applications
6.1.1 系統設計System design
6.1.2 系統性能評估System performance evaluation
6.1.3 光學漫射層析成像Optical diffuse tomography
6.1.4 光學螢光層析成像Fluorescent optical tomography
6.2 大數據組光學漫射層析成像影像重構方法的實驗驗證Experimental demonstration of an analytic method for image reconstruction in optical diffusion tomography with large data sets
6.3 大數據組螢光光學層析成像Fluorescent optical tomography with large data sets
A 通過偏振器產生的橢圓偏振光強度表達式P t=P 0(|ε 1| 2sin 2δ+|ε 3| 2cos 2δ)的推導Derivation of the expression for the intensity of elliptically-polarized light passing through a polarizer P t=P 0(|ε 1| 2sin 2δ+|ε 3| 2cos 2δ)
B 橢圓偏振光橢率參數|ε 1|和|ε 3|的確定Determination of the polarization parameters |ε 1| and |ε 3| of ellipticity for elliptically-polarized light
C s-,p-和d-分波間庫侖相位差的推導Derivation of Coulomb phase differences between s-,p- and d- partial waves
D 量子虧損相位差的推導Derivation of quantum defect phase differences
E CO 2雷射分子能級圖與輸出光譜線Energy level diagram of low-lying states of CO 2 and laser wavelength
F 拉曼-奈斯聲光調製器M 0-η 0理論曲線的繪製說明Explanation of M 0-η 0 curve drawing of Raman-Nath acousto-optic modulator
G AJG75-1型雷射無標尺地形儀測圖報告及其在黃山索道工程中的套用Scale map surveying report on AJG75-1 laser rangefinder theodolite and its application
主要名詞術語英漢對照表English and Chinese glossary