

受邀擔任Applied Economics, Journal of Supply Chain Management, Journal of Global Information Technology Management, Scientific Research and Essays等國際知名的(SSCI 收錄)期刊同行評議人。
1. Fujun Lai, Zhaofang Chu, Qiang Wang, Chunxing Fan (2013) “Managing dependence in logistics outsourcing relationships: evidence from China”, International Journal of Production Research,51(10): 3037-3054. SCI, IF: 1.460
2. Zhaofang Chu, Qiang Wang (2012) “Drivers of relationship quality in logistics outsourcing in China”, Journal of Supply Chain Management, 48(3):78-96. SSCI, IF: 3.320
3. Zhaofang Chu, (2012) “Logistics and economic growth: a panel data approach”, Annals of Regional Science, 49(1):87-102. SSCI, IF:1.026
4. Junjie Hong, Zhaofang Chu, Qiang Wang, (2011) “Transport infrastructure and regional economic growth: evidence from China”, Transportation, 38(3):737-752. SSCI, IF:1.023
5. Qiang Wang, Baofeng Huo, Fujun Lai, Zhaofang Chu, (2010) “Understanding performance drivers of third-party logistics providers in mainland China: a replicated and comparative study”, Industrial Management & Data Systems, 110(9) :1273-1296. SSCI, SCI, IF:1.569
6. Qiang Wang, Zhaofang Chu, Qiang Zhou, Fujun Lai, (2008) “A comparative study of third-party logistics in mainland China and Hong Kong”, Transportation Journal, 47 (3):48-58. SSCI, IF:2.348
7. 王強,儲昭昉,(2012)“依賴、信任和承諾對第三方物流整合及其績效的影響:基於中國的實證研究”,《中國軟科學》,27(12):133-145。CSSCI
8. 儲昭昉,王強,張蕙,(2012) “我國運輸服務貿易競爭力的實證分析”,《國際商務》,26(5):5-12。CSSCI
9. 儲昭昉, (2011)“中國高技術產品貿易出口競爭力的實證分析”,《國際經貿探索》,27(11):33-38。CSSCI
10. 儲昭昉,王強,(2010) “航空物流與國際貿易的關係:基於中國的實證研究”,《國際貿易問題》,36(5):19-24。CSSCI
11. Zhaofang Chu, Qiang Wang, (2012) “Customer orientation, relationship quality, and performance: the third party logistics provider’s perspective”, Proceeding of The 6th International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management. 165-172.
12. Zhaofang Chu, Qiang Wang, Junjie Hong, (2010) “An empirical taxonomy for location strategy of third-party logistics in China”, Proceeding of 2010 International Conference on Logistics Engineering & Management. 1077-1084. EI, ISTP
13. Zhaofang Chu, Chao Yang, (2010) “Logistics integration with third-party logistics providers”, Proceeding of 3rd- International Conference on Information Management, Innovation Management & Industrial Engineering, ICIII 2010, v2, 7-10. EI, ISTP
14. Zhaofang Chu, Qiang Wang, Fujun Lai, (2010) “The impact of logistics outsourcing relationship quality on logistics integration and performance”, Proceeding of The 4th International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management. 240-245. ISTP
15. Zhaofang Chu, Qiang Wang, (2010) “Customer orientation, relationship quality, and performance: the third party logistics provider’s perspective”, Proceeding of The 6th International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management. ISTP
16. Yinan Qi, Zhaofang Chu, (2009) “The impact of supply chain strategies on supply chain integration”, Proceeding of 2009 International Conference on Management Science & Engineering —16th Annual Conference. 534-540. EI, ISTP
1. 獲得2011年度“全國商務發展研究成果”獎,中華人民共和國商務部
2. 獲第十六屆“安子介國際貿易研究獎”學術鼓勵獎,安獎委員會
3. 獲得對外經濟貿易大學2011屆“優秀研究生畢業生”獎
4. 獲第四屆運營與供應鏈管理國際會議與第十五屆亞太平洋決策科學會議聯合會議“最佳學生論文”獎
5. 對外經濟貿易大學研究生“光華獎學金”一等獎


