《傳世經典書叢:C++ Primer》是2012年電子工業出版社出版的圖書,作者是李普曼(Stanley B. Lippman)。
- 中文名:傳世經典書叢:C++ Primer
- 作者:李普曼(Stanley B. Lippman)
- 出版社:電子工業出版社
- 出版時間:2012年7月1日
- 頁數:662 頁
- 開本:16 開
- ISBN:7121174413, 9787121174414
- 外文名:C++ Primer(Fourth Edition)
- 語種:英語, 簡體中文
《C++ Primer》是一本系統而權威的C++ 教材,它全面而深入地講解了C++ 語言及其標準庫。本書作者Stanley B. Lippman 在20 世紀80 年代早期即在C++ 之父Bjarne Stroustrup 領導下開發C++ 編譯器,另一作者Josée Lajoie 曾多年擔任C++ 標準委員會核心語言組主席,他們對這門程式語言的理解與把握非常人可比。本書對C++ 語法和語義的闡釋兼具準確性與可讀性,在坊間無出其右者。第4 版更吸收了先進的C++ 教學經驗,在內容組織上對初學者更加友好,詳略得當且重點突出,使讀者能更快上手編寫有用的程式,也更適合自學。全球已有45 萬人通過該書的各個版本學習了C++ 編程。對於國外技術圖書,選擇翻譯版還是影印版,常常讓人陷入兩難的境地。本評註版力邀國內資深專家執筆,在英文原著基礎上增加中文點評與注釋,旨在融合二者之長,既保留經典的原創文字與味道,又以先行者的學研心得與實踐感悟,對讀者閱讀與學習加以點撥、指明捷徑。經過評註的版本,更值得反覆閱讀與體會。希望這本書能夠幫助您跨越C++ 的重重險阻,領略高處才有的壯美風光,做一個成功而快樂的C++ 程式設計師。
Chapter 1 Getting Started (新增評註29 條)
1.1 Writing a Simple C++Program
1.1.1 Compiling and Executing Our Program
1.2 AFirstLookat Input/Output
1.2.1 StandardInput andOutputObjects
1.2.2 AProgramthatUses the IOLibrary
1.3 AWordAboutComments
1.4 Control Structures
1.4.1 The whileS tatement
1.4.2 The for Statement
1.4.3 The if Statement
1.4.4 ReadinganUnknownNumberof Inputs
1.5 IntroducingClasses
1.5.1 The Sales_itemClass
1.5.2 AFirstLookatMemberFunctions
1.6 The C++Program
Part Ⅰ The Basics
Chapter 2 Variables and Basic Types(新增評註42 條)
2.1 PrimitiveBuilt-inTypes
2.1.1 IntegralTypes
2.1.2 Floating-PointTypes
2.2 LiteralConstants
2.3 Variables
2.3.1 What Is avariable?
2.3.2 TheNameof aVariable
2.3.3 DefiningObjects
2.3.4 VariableInitializationRules
2.3.5 Declarations andDefinitions
2.3.6 Scopeof aName
2.3.7 DefineVariablesWhereTheyAreUsed
2.4 constQualifier
2.5 References 4
2.6 TypedefNames
2.7 Enumerations
2.8 ClassTypes
2.9 Writing Our Own Header Files
2.9.1 DesigningOurOwnHeaders
2.9.2 ABrief IntroductiontothePreprocessor
Chapter 3 Library Types (新增評註30 條)
3.1 Namespace usingDeclarations
3.2 Library stringType
3.2.1 Defining and Initializing strings
3.2.2 Reading andWriting strings
3.2.3 Operations on strings
3.2.4 Dealing with the Characters of a string
3.3 Library vectorType
3.3.1 Defining and Initializing vectors
3.3.2 Operations on vectors
3.4 IntroducingIterators
3.4.1 IteratorArithmetic
3.5 Library bitsetType
3.5.1 Defining and Initializing bitsets
3.5.2 Operations on bitsets
Chapter 4 Arrays and Pointers (新增評註33 條)
4.1 Arrays
4.1.1 DefiningandInitializingArrays
4.1.2 OperationsonArrays
4.2 IntroducingPointers
4.2.1 What Is aPointer?
4.2.2 DefiningandInitializingPointers
4.2.3 OperationsonPointers
4.2.4 UsingPointers toAccessArrayElements
4.2.5 Pointers and the constQualifier
4.3 C-StyleCharacterStrings
4.3.1 DynamicallyAllocatingArrays
4.3.2 InterfacingtoOlderCode
4.4 MultidimensionedArrays
4.4.1 Pointers andMultidimensionedArrays
Chapter 5 Expressions (新增評註49 條)
5.1 ArithmeticOperators
5.2 Relational andLogicalOperators
5.3 TheBitwiseOperators
5.3.1 Using bitsetObjectsor IntegralValues
5.3.2 Usingthe ShiftOperators for IO
5.4 AssignmentOperators
5.4.1 Assignment IsRightAssociative
5.4.2 AssignmentHasLowPrecedence
5.4.3 CompoundAssignmentOperators
5.5 Increment andDecrementOperators
5.6 TheArrowOperator
5.7 TheConditionalOperator
5.8 The sizeofOperator
5.9 CommaOperator
5.10 EvaluatingCompoundExpressions
5.10.1 Precedence
5.10.2 Associativity
5.10.3 OrderofEvaluation
5.11 The new and deleteExpressions
5.12 TypeConversions
5.12.1 WhenImplicitTypeConversionsOccur
5.12.2 TheArithmeticConversions
5.12.3 Other ImplicitConversions
5.12.4 ExplicitConversions
5.12.5 WhenCastsMightBeUseful
5.12.6 NamedCasts
5.12.7 Old-StyleCasts
Chapter 6 Statements (新增評註29 條)
6.1 Simple Statements
6.2 DeclarationStatements
6.3 CompoundStatements (Blocks)
6.4 StatementScope
6.5 The ifStatement
6.5.1 The if Statement elseBranch
6.6 The switchStatement
6.6.1 Using a switch
6.6.2 Control Flow within a switch
6.6.3 The defaultLabel
6.6.4 switchExpressionandCaseLabels
6.6.5 Variable Definitions inside a switch
6.7 The whileStatement
6.8 The forLoopStatement
6.8.1 Omitting Parts of the forHeader
6.8.2 Multiple Definitions in the forHeader
6.9 The do whileStatement
6.10 The breakStatement
6.11 The continueStatement
6.12 The gotoStatement
6.13 tryBlocks andExceptionHandling
6.13.1 A throwExpression
6.13.2 The tryBlock
6.13.3 StandardExceptions
6.14 Using the Preprocessor for Debugging
Chapter 7 Functions (新增評註56 條)
7.1 DefiningaFunction
7.1.1 FunctionReturnType
7.1.2 FunctionParameterList
7.2 ArgumentPassing
7.2.1 NonreferenceParameters
7.2.2 ReferenceParameters
7.2.3 vectorandOtherContainerParameters
7.2.4 ArrayParameters
7.2.5 ManagingArraysPassedtoFunctions
7.2.6 main:HandlingCommand-LineOptions
7.2.7 FunctionswithVaryingParameters
7.3 The returnStatement
7.3.1 FunctionswithNoReturnValue
7.3.2 Functions thatReturnaValue
7.3.3 Recursion
7.4 FunctionDeclarations
7.4.1 DefaultArguments
7.5 LocalObjects
7.5.1 AutomaticObjects
7.5.2 StaticLocalObjects
7.6 Inline Functions
7.7 ClassMemberFunctions
7.7.1 DefiningtheBodyofaMemberFunction
7.7.2 DefiningaMemberFunctionOutside theClass
7.7.3 Writing the Sales_itemConstructor
7.7.4 Organizing Class Code Files
7.8 OverloadedFunctions
7.8.1 OverloadingandScope
7.8.2 FunctionMatchingandArgumentConversions
7.8.3 TheThreeSteps inOverloadResolution
7.8.4 Argument-TypeConversions
7.9 Pointers toFunctions
Chapter 8 The IO Library(新增評註11 條)
8.1 AnObject-OrientedLibrary
8.2 Condition States
8.3 ManagingtheOutputBuffer
8.4 File Input and Output
8.4.1 Using File Stream Objects
8.4.2 File Modes
8.4.3 A Program to Open and Check Input Files
8.5 StringStreams
Part Ⅱ Containers and Algorithms
Chapter 9 Sequential Containers (新增評註54 條)
9.1 Defininga SequentialContainer
9.1.1 InitializingContainerElements
9.1.2 Constraints onTypes that aContainerCanHold
9.2 Iterators andIteratorRanges
9.2.1 IteratorRanges
9.2.2 SomeContainerOperations InvalidateIterators
9.3 SequenceContainerOperations
9.3.1 ContainerTypedefs
9.3.2 begin and endMembers
9.3.3 AddingElements toaSequentialContainer
9.3.4 RelationalOperators
9.3.5 Container SizeOperations
9.3.6 AccessingElements
9.3.7 ErasingElements
9.3.8 Assignment and swap
9.4 How a vectorGrows
9.4.1 capacity and reserveMembers
9.5 DecidingWhichContainer toUse
9.6 stringsRevisited
9.6.1 Other Ways to Construct strings
9.6.2 Other Ways to Change a string
9.6.3 string-OnlyOperations
9.6.4 stringSearchOperations
9.6.5 Comparing strings
9.7 ContainerAdaptors
9.7.1 StackAdaptor
9.7.2 Queue andPriorityQueue
Chapter 10 Associative Containers (新增評註22 條)
10.1 Preliminaries: the pairType
10.2 AssociativeContainers
10.3 The mapType
10.3.1 Defining a map
10.3.2 Types Defined by map
10.3.3 Adding Elements to a map
10.3.4 Subscripting a map
10.3.5 Using map::insert
10.3.6 Finding and Retrieving a mapElement
10.3.7 Erasing Elements from a map
10.3.8 Iterating across a map
10.3.9 AWordTransformationMap
10.4 The setType
10.4.1 Defining and Using sets
10.4.2 BuildingaWord-ExclusionSet
10.5 The multimap and multisetTypes
10.5.1 AddingandRemovingElements
10.5.2 Finding Elements in a multimap or multiset
10.6 UsingContainers: Text-QueryProgram
10.6.1 Designof theQueryProgram
10.6.2 TextQueryClass
10.6.3 Using the TextQueryClass
10.6.4 WritingtheMemberFunction
Chapter 11 Generic Algorithms (新增評註18 條)
11.1 Overview.
11.2 AFirstLookat theAlgorithms
11.2.1 Read-OnlyAlgorithms
11.2.2 Algorithms thatWriteContainerElements
11.2.3 Algorithms thatReorderContainerElements
11.3 Revisiting Iterators
11.3.1 Insert Iterators
11.3.2 iostream Iterators
11.3.3 Reverse Iterators
11.3.4 const Iterators
11.3.5 TheFive IteratorCategories
11.4 StructureofGenericAlgorithms
11.4.1 AlgorithmParameterPatterns
11.4.2 AlgorithmNamingConventions
11.5 Container-SpecificAlgorithms
Part Ⅲ Classes and Data Abstraction
Chapter 12 Classes 429(新增評註26 條)
12.1 ClassDefinitions andDeclarations
12.1.1 ClassDefinitions: ARecap
12.1.2 DataAbstractionandEncapsulation
12.1.3 MoreonClassDefinitions
12.1.4 ClassDeclarationsversusDefinitions
12.1.5 ClassObjects
12.2 The Implicit thisPointer
12.3 ClassScope
12.3.1 NameLookupinClassScope
12.4 Constructors
12.4.1 TheConstructor Initializer
12.4.2 DefaultArguments andConstructors
12.4.3 TheDefaultConstructor
12.4.4 ImplicitClass-TypeConversions
12.4.5 Explicit InitializationofClassMembers
12.5 Friends
12.6 staticClassMembers
12.6.1 staticMemberFunctions
12.6.2 staticDataMembers
Chapter 13 Copy Control (新增評註30 條)
13.1 TheCopyConstructor
13.1.1 The SynthesizedCopyConstructor
13.1.2 DefiningOurOwnCopyConstructor
13.1.3 PreventingCopies
13.2 TheAssignmentOperator
13.3 TheDestructor
13.4 AMessage-HandlingExample
13.5 ManagingPointerMembers
13.5.1 DefiningSmartPointerClasses
13.5.2 Defining Valuelike Classes
Chapter 14 Overloaded Operations and Conversions (新增評註31 條)
14.1 DefininganOverloadedOperator
14.1.1 OverloadedOperatorDesign
14.2 Input andOutputOperators
14.2.1 Overloading the Output Operator <<
14.2.2 Overloading the Input Operator >>
14.3 Arithmetic andRelationalOperators
14.3.1 EqualityOperators
14.3.2 RelationalOperators
14.4 AssignmentOperators
14.5 SubscriptOperator
14.6 MemberAccessOperators
14.7 Increment andDecrementOperators
14.8 CallOperatorandFunctionObjects
14.8.1 UsingFunctionObjectswithLibraryAlgorithms
14.8.2 Library-DefinedFunctionObjects
14.8.3 FunctionAdaptors forFunctionObjects
14.9 Conversions andClassTypes
14.9.1 WhyConversionsAreUseful
14.9.2 ConversionOperators
14.9.3 ArgumentMatchingandConversions
14.9.4 OverloadResolution andClassArguments
14.9.5 Overloading,Conversions, andOperators
Part Ⅳ Object-Oriented and Generic Programming
Chapter 15 Object-Oriented Programming (新增評註56 條)
15.1 OOP:AnOverview
15.2 DefiningBaseandDerivedClasses
15.2.1 DefiningaBaseClass
15.2.2 protectedMembers
15.2.3 DerivedClasses
15.2.4 virtualandOtherMemberFunctions
15.2.5 Public,Private,andProtectedInheritance
15.2.6 FriendshipandInheritance
15.2.7 Inheritance andStaticMembers
15.3 Conversions andInheritance
15.3.1 Derived-to-BaseConversions
15.3.2 Conversions fromBasetoDerived
15.4 Constructors andCopyControl
15.4.1 Base-ClassConstructors andCopyControl
15.4.2 Derived-ClassConstructors
15.4.3 CopyControl andInheritance
15.4.4 VirtualDestructors
15.4.5 Virtuals inConstructors andDestructors
15.5 ClassScopeunder Inheritance
15.5.1 NameLookupHappensatCompileTime
15.5.2 Name Collisions and Inheritance
15.5.3 ScopeandMemberFunctions
15.5.4 VirtualFunctions andScope
15.6 PureVirtualFunctions
15.7 Containers andInheritance
15.8 HandleClassesandInheritance
15.8.1 A Pointerlike Handle
15.8.2 CloninganUnknownType
15.8.3 UsingtheHandle
15.9 TextQueriesRevisited
15.9.1 AnObject-OrientedSolution
15.9.2 A Valuelike Handle
15.9.3 The Query_baseClass
15.9.4 The QueryHandleClass
15.9.5 TheDerivedClasses
15.9.6 The evalFunctions
Chapter 16 Templates and Generic Programming (新增評註31 條)
16.1 TemplateDefinitions
16.1.1 DefiningaFunctionTemplate
16.1.2 DefiningaClassTemplate
16.1.3 TemplateParameters
16.1.4 TemplateTypeParameters
16.1.5 NontypeTemplateParameters
16.1.6 WritingGenericPrograms
16.2 Instantiation
16.2.1 TemplateArgumentDeduction
16.2.2 Function-TemplateExplicitArguments
16.3 TemplateCompilationModels
16.4 ClassTemplateMembers
16.4.1 Class-TemplateMemberFunctions
16.4.2 TemplateArguments forNontypeParameters
16.4.3 FriendDeclarations inClassTemplates
16.4.4 Queue and QueueItemFriendDeclarations
16.4.5 MemberTemplates
16.4.6 The Complete QueueClass
16.4.7 staticMembersofClassTemplates
16.5 AGenericHandleClass
16.5.1 DefiningtheHandleclass
16.5.2 UsingtheHandle
16.6 Template Specializations
16.6.1 SpecializingaFunctionTemplate
16.6.2 SpecializingaClassTemplate
16.6.3 SpecializingMembersbutNot theClass
16.6.4 Class-TemplatePartialSpecializations
16.7 OverloadingandFunctionTemplates
Part Ⅴ Advanced Topics
Chapter 17 Tools for Large Programs (新增評註37 條)
17.1 ExceptionHandling
17.1.1 ThrowinganExceptionofClassType
17.1.2 StackUnwinding
17.1.3 CatchinganException
17.1.4 Rethrow
17.1.5 TheCatch-AllHandler
17.1.6 FunctionTryBlocks andConstructors
17.1.7 ExceptionClassHierarchies
17.1.8 AutomaticResourceDeallocation
17.1.9 The auto_ptrClass
17.2 Namespaces
17.2.1 NamespaceDefinitions
17.2.2 NestedNamespaces
17.2.3 UnnamedNamespaces
17.2.4 UsingNamespaceMembers
17.2.5 Classes,Namespaces,andScope
17.2.6 OverloadingandNamespaces
17.2.7 NamespacesandTemplates
17.3 Multiple andVirtual Inheritance
17.3.1 Multiple Inheritance
17.3.2 Conversions andMultipleBaseClasses
17.3.3 CopyControl forMultiplyDerivedClasses
17.3.4 ClassScopeunderMultiple Inheritance
17.3.5 Virtual Inheritance
17.3.6 VirtualBaseClassDeclaration
17.3.7 Special InitializationSemantics
Chapter 18 Specialized Tools and Techniques (新增評註22 條)
18.1 OptimizingMemoryAllocation
18.1.1 Memory Allocation in C++
18.1.2 The allocatorClass
18.1.3 operator new and operator deleteFunctions
18.1.4 Placement newExpressions
18.1.5 ExplicitDestructor Invocation
18.1.6 Class Specific new and delete
18.1.7 AMemory-AllocatorBaseClass
18.2 Run-TimeTypeIdentification
18.2.1 The dynamic_castOperator
18.2.2 The typeidOperator
18.2.3 UsingRTTI
18.2.4 The type_infoClass
18.3 Pointer toClassMember
18.3.1 DeclaringaPointer toMember
18.3.2 UsingaPointer toClassMember
18.4 NestedClasses
18.4.1 ANested-Class Implementation
18.4.2 NameLookupinNestedClassScope
18.5 Union: ASpace-SavingClass
18.6 LocalClasses
18.7 InherentlyNonportableFeatures
18.7.1 Bit-fields
18.7.2 volatileQualifier
18.7.3 Linkage Directives: extern "C"
Appendix A The Library
A.1 LibraryNames andHeaders
A.2 ABriefTourof theAlgorithms
A.2.1 Algorithms toFindanObject
A.2.2 OtherRead-OnlyAlgorithms
A.2.3 Binary-SearchAlgorithms
A.2.4 Algorithms thatWriteContainerElements
A.2.5 PartitioningandSortingAlgorithms
A.2.6 GeneralReorderingOperations
A.2.7 PermutationAlgorithms
A.2.8 SetAlgorithms for SortedSequences
A.2.9 MinimumandMaximumValues
A.2.10 NumericAlgorithms
A.3 The IOLibraryRevisited
A.3.1 FormatState
A.3.2 ManyManipulatorsChangetheFormatState.
A.3.3 Controlling Output Formats
A.3.4 Controlling Input Formatting
A.3.5 UnformattedInput/OutputOperations
A.3.6 Single-ByteOperations
A.3.7 Multi-ByteOperations
A.3.8 RandomAccess toaStream
A.3.9 Reading andWriting to the Same File
作者:(美國)李普曼(Stanley B. Lippman) (美國)拉喬伊(Josee Lajoie) (美國)莫(Josee Lajoie) 其他責任者:陳碩
Stanley B.Lippman曾任微軟Visual C++團隊架構師,他從1984年起在貝爾實驗室與C++之父Bjarne Stroustrup一同工作,開發C++編譯器。他曾在迪斯尼和夢工廠從事電影動畫製作,曾擔任美國噴氣推進實驗室的顧問。他還撰寫了《深度探索C++對象模型》等書。
Josee Lajoie,曾就職於IBM加拿大C/C++編譯器開發組。為ISO C++標準委員會服務了7年,擔任核心語言工作組主席,並是《C++ Report》的專欄作者。
Barbara E.Moo現在是一名獨立顧問,具有25年軟體研發經驗。她在AT&T與Stroustrup和Lippman緊密合作,管理複雜的C++開發項目。Moo和Andrew Koenig一同撰寫了《Accelerated C++》和《Ruminations on C++》。
陳碩,北京師範大學碩士,擅長C++多執行緒網路編程和實時分散式系統架構現任職於香港某跨國金融公司IT部門,從事實時外匯交易系統開發。編寫了開源C++網路庫Muduo;參與翻譯了《代碼大全(第2版)》(電子工業出版社出版)和《C++編程規範(繁體版)》(台灣碁峰出版);2009年在上海C++技術大會做技術演講《當析構函式遇到多執行緒》,同時擔任Stanley B.Lippman先生的日譯員;2010年在珠三角技術沙龍做技術演講《分散式系統的工程化開發方法》;2012年在“我們的開源項目”深圳站做《Muduo網路庫:現代非阻塞C++網路編程》演講。
《C++ Primer》是公認的學習C++的絕佳書籍之一,對各種層次的C++程式設計師都能帶來幫助。第4版鞏固並增強了這種地位。”
——Steve Vinoski,IONA Technologies 首席工程師
——Justin Shaw. Aerospace集團,編程技術指導委員會資深委員