J-HOME entertainment is acutting-edge team in the Chinese iconic entertainment industry. With powerfulmedia resources and foreign capital, JH co-operates closely with a number ofmedia companies all over the world. It is also the first one to propose the“family entertainer” concept. Integrating all the resources, JH has madeconstant innovations on entertainment products and business models.
Relying on its overseas resources, JH integrates top professional producingteams and dedicates itself to record production, artist management, musicmagazine publishing, web site, artists scouting and artistic training. Adheringto the quality of music and combining new technology and pop music, JH hasbecome a leading digital music enterprise and an important impetus in iconicculture industry
By analyzing music trends, fashion trends and cultural trends, creating andtargeting market-leading signs and customer groups, JH, based on its uniquepattern, training systems and core production system, is striving constantly tobe the representative of iconic entertainment industry in China and Asia.
J-HOME entertainment is a cutting-edge team in the Chinese iconic entertainment industry. With powerful media resources and foreign capital, JH co-operates closely with a number of media companies all over the world. It is also the first one to propose the “family entertainer” concept. Integrating all the resources, JH has made constant innovations on entertainment products and business models.
Relying on its overseas resources, JH integrates top professional producing teams and dedicates itself to record production, artist management, music magazine publishing, web site, artists scouting and artistic training. Adhering to the quality of music and combining new technology and pop music, JH has become a leading digital music enterprise and an important impetus in iconic culture industry
By analyzing music trends, fashion trends and cultural trends, creating and targeting market-leading signs and customer groups, JH, based on its unique pattern, training systems and core production system, is striving constantly to be the representative of iconic entertainment industry in China and Asia.