

1999年赴美國堪薩斯州立大學(Kansas State University)從事草坪草逆境生理的研究,2003獲園藝學博士學位。 2003-2004年在美國科羅拉多州立大學(Colorado State University)從事博士後研究,2004-2008年任美國馬里蘭大學(University of Maryland)研究員(Research Scientist)。2008年12月入選中科院“百人計畫”。 系統研究了逆境條件下的草坪草生理反應和機制,探討了乾旱、高溫和鹽鹼對草坪草冠層和根系生長、光合速率、光合產物的分配等生理指標以及對保護性酶活性的影響;開展了逆境條件下草坪草冠層與根系衰老的生理機制研究,發現深層根系對抗逆性的主導作用;提出了限次深層灌溉、葉面噴施生物促生劑、少施氮肥等改善草坪草抗逆境的有效途徑;研究了草坪草有害生物發生規律、診斷和控制技術;通過野生鹽生草種質資源收集與評價,篩選優質耐鹽抗旱的草坪型鹽生草株系。


  • 中文名: 傅金民
  • 職業:研究員
  • 性別:男
  • 學位:博士
  • 職務:博導


通訊地址拔拜晚: 湖北武漢磨山 中科院武漢植物園
國內外學術刊物上發表店匪循紙了內容涉及上述領域的論文40多篇。其中,在美國《Crop Science》、《Environmental and Experimental Botany》、《Journal of The American Society for Horticultural Science》、《HortScience》、《Journal of Plant Nutrition》等國際學術刊物上妹盛微備發表論文23篇。學術會議論文或摘要17篇, 馬里蘭大學校內刊物60多篇,科普論文5篇,專著與教材4 部。 招生專業為植物學,招生方向為草坪種質資源學和草坪逆境生理及分子代謝機制。


美國堪薩斯州立大學園藝學博士台盼整學位, 2000-2003
Colorado State University, Postdoctoral Research Associate, 2003-2004
University of Maryland , Research Scientist,


2008. 入選中科院“百人計畫”


Fu, J. and P. Dernoeden. 2009. Creeping Bentgrass Putting Green Turf Responses to Two Irrigation Practices: Quality, Chlorophyll, Canopy Temperature, and Thatch–Mat. Crop Science
Fu, J. and P. Dernoeden. 2009. Creeping Bentgrass Putting Green Turf Responses to Two Summer Irrigation Practices: Rooting and Soil Temperature. Crop Science
Fu, J. and P. Dernoeden. 2009. Creeping Bentgrass Color and Quality, Chlorophyll Content, and Thatch–Mat Accumulation Responses to Summer Coring. Crop Science.
Fu, J. and P. Dernoeden. 2009. Carbohydrate Metabolism In Creeping Bentgrass As Influenced By Spring and Summer Coring. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science
Fu, J. and P. Dernoeden. 2008. Carbohydrate Metabolism In Creeping Bentgrass As Influenced By Two Summer Irrigation Practices. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science
Dernoeden, P., J. Kaminski, and J. Fu. 2008. Selective creeping bentgrass control in Kentucky bluegrass and tall fescue with Mesotrione and Triclopyr Ester. HortScience
Qian, Y.L.,J. Fu, S.J. Wilhelm, D. Christensen, and A.J. Koski. 2007. Relative salinity tolerance of turf-type saltgrass selections. HortScience
Fu, J., J. Fry, and B. Huang. 2007. Tall fescue rooting as affected by deficit Irrigation. HortScience
Fu, J., J. Fry, and B. Huang. 2007. Growth and Carbon Metabolism of Tall Fescue and Zoysiagrass as Affected by Deficit Irrigation. HortScience
Qian, Y.L., J. Fu, J.Klett, and S.E.Newman. 2005. Effects of long-term recycled wastewater irrigation on visual quality and ion concentrations of ponderosa pine. J. Environ. Hort
Fu. J., Y.L.Qian, and A.J.Koski. 2005. Responses of creeping bentgrass to salinity and mowing management: Growth and turf quality. HortScience
Qian, Y.L. and J.Fu. 2005. Response of creeping bentgrass to salinity and mowing management: Carbohydrate availability and ion accumulation. HortScience
Fu, J. 2004. Crop Production in Saline Environments: Global and Integrative Perspectives J Environ Qual
Fu,J., J.Fry and B.Huang. 2004.Minimum water requirements and stress and indicators of fur turfgrasses subjected to deficit irrigation. HortScience
Fu, J. and B. Huang, 2003. Effects of Biostimulants and nutrients on creeping bentgrass response to heat stress. Journal of Plant Nutrition
Fu, J. and B. Huang.2003. Growth and Physiological Response of Creeping bentgrass to Changes in Night Temperatures. HortScience.
Fry. J. and J. Fu. 2003. Water savings and turf quality resulting from deficit irrigation on four turfgrasses. TurfNews March/April.
Fu,J., and B. Huang. 2003. Leaf Characteristics Associated With Drought Resistance in Tall Fescue Cultivars. Acta Horticulturae.
Huang, B. and J. Fu. 2001. Growth and Physiological Responses of Tall fescue to Surface Soil Drying. International Turfgrass Research Journal.
Huang, B. and J. Fu. 2000. Photosynthesis, respiration, and carbon allocation of two cool season perennial grasses in response to surface soil drying. Plant and Soil.
Fu, J. and B. Haung. 2000. Involvement of antioxidants and lipid peroxidation in the adaptation of two cool season grasses to localized drought stress. Experiment and Environment Botany.
Fu, J., B. Huang and G. Zhang. 2000. Physiological and biochemical changes during seed filling in relation to leaf senescence in soybean. Biologia Plantarum
Wang, Z., and J. Fu. 1997. Planting density effects on assimilation and partitioning of photosynthates during grain filling in the late-sown wheat. Photosythetica
Wang, Z., and J. Fu. 1997. Effects of source/sink manipulation on net photosynthetic rate and photosynthate partitioning during grain filling in winter wheat. Biologia Plantarum.


1.Fu, J. and P.H. Dernoeden. 2006-2008. Rooting and carbohydrate metabolism in creeping bentgrass putting green turf in response to summer irrigation and aerification. United States Golf Association.
2.Peter H. Dernoeden and J. Fu. 2006. Effect of rain and mowing on fungicide performance for dollar spot control in fairway bentgrass. United States Golf Association.
Fu, J. and P. Dernoeden. 2009. Creeping Bentgrass Putting Green Turf Responses to Two Summer Irrigation Practices: Rooting and Soil Temperature. Crop Science
Fu, J. and P. Dernoeden. 2009. Creeping Bentgrass Color and Quality, Chlorophyll Content, and Thatch–Mat Accumulation Responses to Summer Coring. Crop Science.
Fu, J. and P. Dernoeden. 2009. Carbohydrate Metabolism In Creeping Bentgrass As Influenced By Spring and Summer Coring. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science
Fu, J. and P. Dernoeden. 2008. Carbohydrate Metabolism In Creeping Bentgrass As Influenced By Two Summer Irrigation Practices. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science
Dernoeden, P., J. Kaminski, and J. Fu. 2008. Selective creeping bentgrass control in Kentucky bluegrass and tall fescue with Mesotrione and Triclopyr Ester. HortScience
Qian, Y.L.,J. Fu, S.J. Wilhelm, D. Christensen, and A.J. Koski. 2007. Relative salinity tolerance of turf-type saltgrass selections. HortScience
Fu, J., J. Fry, and B. Huang. 2007. Tall fescue rooting as affected by deficit Irrigation. HortScience
Fu, J., J. Fry, and B. Huang. 2007. Growth and Carbon Metabolism of Tall Fescue and Zoysiagrass as Affected by Deficit Irrigation. HortScience
Qian, Y.L., J. Fu, J.Klett, and S.E.Newman. 2005. Effects of long-term recycled wastewater irrigation on visual quality and ion concentrations of ponderosa pine. J. Environ. Hort
Fu. J., Y.L.Qian, and A.J.Koski. 2005. Responses of creeping bentgrass to salinity and mowing management: Growth and turf quality. HortScience
Qian, Y.L. and J.Fu. 2005. Response of creeping bentgrass to salinity and mowing management: Carbohydrate availability and ion accumulation. HortScience
Fu, J. 2004. Crop Production in Saline Environments: Global and Integrative Perspectives J Environ Qual
Fu,J., J.Fry and B.Huang. 2004.Minimum water requirements and stress and indicators of fur turfgrasses subjected to deficit irrigation. HortScience
Fu, J. and B. Huang, 2003. Effects of Biostimulants and nutrients on creeping bentgrass response to heat stress. Journal of Plant Nutrition
Fu, J. and B. Huang.2003. Growth and Physiological Response of Creeping bentgrass to Changes in Night Temperatures. HortScience.
Fry. J. and J. Fu. 2003. Water savings and turf quality resulting from deficit irrigation on four turfgrasses. TurfNews March/April.
Fu,J., and B. Huang. 2003. Leaf Characteristics Associated With Drought Resistance in Tall Fescue Cultivars. Acta Horticulturae.
Huang, B. and J. Fu. 2001. Growth and Physiological Responses of Tall fescue to Surface Soil Drying. International Turfgrass Research Journal.
Huang, B. and J. Fu. 2000. Photosynthesis, respiration, and carbon allocation of two cool season perennial grasses in response to surface soil drying. Plant and Soil.
Fu, J. and B. Haung. 2000. Involvement of antioxidants and lipid peroxidation in the adaptation of two cool season grasses to localized drought stress. Experiment and Environment Botany.
Fu, J., B. Huang and G. Zhang. 2000. Physiological and biochemical changes during seed filling in relation to leaf senescence in soybean. Biologia Plantarum
Wang, Z., and J. Fu. 1997. Planting density effects on assimilation and partitioning of photosynthates during grain filling in the late-sown wheat. Photosythetica
Wang, Z., and J. Fu. 1997. Effects of source/sink manipulation on net photosynthetic rate and photosynthate partitioning during grain filling in winter wheat. Biologia Plantarum.


1.Fu, J. and P.H. Dernoeden. 2006-2008. Rooting and carbohydrate metabolism in creeping bentgrass putting green turf in response to summer irrigation and aerification. United States Golf Association.
2.Peter H. Dernoeden and J. Fu. 2006. Effect of rain and mowing on fungicide performance for dollar spot control in fairway bentgrass. United States Golf Association.


