[1]Xianghua Fu, Jianqiang Li, Kun Yang, Laizhong Cui, Lei Yang.Dynamic Online HDP model for discovering evolutionary topics from Chinese social texts, Neurocomputing,171, 2016, 412-424
[2]Jianqiang Li, Jing Li,Xianghua Fu*, M.A. Masud, Joshua Zhexue Huang. Learning distributedwordrepresentation with multi-contextual mixed embedding. Knowledge-Based Systems 106 (2016) 220-230
[3]Laizhong Cui, Peng Ou,Xianghua Fu*, Zhenkun Wen, Nan Lu. A novel multi-objective evolutionary algorithm for recommendation systems. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jpdc.2016.10.014
[4]Laizhong Cui, Linyong Dong,Xianghua Fu*, Zhenkun Wen, Nan Lu and Guanjing Zhang. A video recommendation algorithm based on the combination of video content and social network.Concurrencyand Computation Practice and Experience. (2016) DOI: 10.1002/cpe.3900
[5]Laizhong Cui,Lili Sun,Xianghua Fu*, Nan Lu, Guanjing Zhang. Exploring A Trust BasedRecommendationApproach for Videos in Online Social Network. Journal of Signal Processing System DOI 10.1007/s11265-016-1116-7
[6]Xianghua Fu, Kun Yang, Joshua Zhexue Huang, Laizhong Cui.Dynamic non-parametric joint sentiment topic mixture model,Knowledge-Based Systems, 82, 2015, 102-114
[7]Xianghua Fu, Guo Liu, Yanyan Guo, Zhiqiang Wang.Mulit-aspect Sentiment Analysis for Chinese Online Social Reviews Based on Topic Modeling and HowNet Lexicon [J].Knowledge-Based Systems.2013,37(1):186-195
[8]Xianghua Fu, Liandong Liu, Chao Wang.Detection ofCommunityOverlapAccording toBeliefPropagation andConflict. Physica A:Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 392(4):2013, 941-952
[9]Xianghua Fu, Chao Wang, Zhiqiang Wang, Zhong Ming.Threshold Random Walkers forCommunity Detection in Complex Networks.Journal of Software, 2013,8(2):286-295
[10]傅向華,劉國,郭岩岩,郭武彪.中文部落格多方面話題情感分析研究.中文信息學報.2013, 27(1):47-55
[13]Xianghua Fu,Chao Wang, Zhiqiang Wang, Zhong Ming. Scalable Community Discovery Based onThresholdRandom Walk. Journal of Computational Information System.2012, 8(11):8953-8960
[14]傅向華,李堅強,杜文峰,王志強.基於Nyström低階近似的半監督流形排序圖像檢索.自動化學報, 2011,37(7): 787-793
[15]Xianghua Fu, Dongjian Chen, Zhiqiang Wang, Zhong Ming.Query Topic Classification Based on Index Terms Association Expansion. Journal of Computational Information System.2011,7(12):5535- 5544. [16]傅向華,劉國,陳冬劍.一種核心子集選擇訓練的大規模中文網頁分類方法.小型微型計算機系統,2011,32(8):1608-1612
[1]Xianghua Fu, Wangwang Liu, Yingying Xu, Chong Yu, Ting Wang. Long Short-term Memory Network over Rhetorical Structure Theory for Sentence-level Sentiment Analysis. Proceedings of The 8th Asian Conference on Machine Learning, pp. 17-32, 2016
[2]Xianghua Fu, Ting Wang, Jing Li, Chong Yu, Wangwang Liu. Improving Distributed Word Representation and Topic Model by Word-Topic Mixture Model. Proceedings of The 8th Asian Conference on Machine Learning, pp. 190-205, 2016
[3]Xianghua Fu, Haiying Wu, Laizhong Cui. Topic Sentiment Joint Model with Word Embeddings. Proceedings of DMNLP, Workshop at ECML/PKDD, Riva del Garda, Italy, 2016
[4]Xianghua Fu, Yingying Xu. Recursive Autoencoder with HowNet Lexicon for Sentence-Level Sentiment Analysis.Proceedings of the ASE BigData & SocialInformatics 2015
[5]Laizhong Cui, Genghui Li,Xianghua Fu*,Nan Lu. CPPStreaming: a Cloude-assisted Peer-to-Peer Live Streaming System. HPCC 2015, 7-13
[6]Xianghua Fu, Yanyan Guo, Wubiao Guo, Zhiqiang Wang: Aspect and Sentiment Extraction Based on Information-Theoretic Co-clustering. ISNN2012, LNAI(7368): 326-335
[7]Xianghua Fu, Xueping Guo, Chao Wang, Zhiqiang Wang: Overlapping community discovery based on core nodes and LDA topic modeling. FSKD 2012: 1325-1329
[8]Xianghua Fu, Guo Liu, Yanyan Guo, Wubiao Guo. Multi-aspect Blog Sentiment Analysis Based on LDA Topic Model and Hownet Lexicon[M]. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Web Information Systems and Mining (WISM2011), 2011, (6988): 131-138
[9]Xianghua Fu, Liandong Liu, Tianxue Gong, Lan Tao. Improving Text Classification with concept Index Terms and Expansion Terms. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Advances in Neural Networks –8th International Symposium on Neural Networks (ISNN 2011), 2011 (6677): 485-492.
[10]Xianghua Fu, Dongjian Chen, Xueping Guo, Chao Wang. Query Classification Based on Index Association Rule Expansion. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Web Information Systems and Mining (WISM2011), 2011, (6988): 311-318.
現代編譯程式設計,Dick Grune等著,馮博琴,傅向華等譯. 人民郵電出版社,2003年9 月第1版.