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  • 中文名:偷月亮的人
  • 歌曲時長:0時06分54秒
  • 歌曲原唱:後海大鯊魚
  • 填詞:付菡
  • 譜曲:付菡、曹璞
  • 編曲:後海大鯊魚
  • 歌曲語言:英語


後海衝浪手日記: 公元二零一五 中秋節 月里嫦娥
天空又漂浮起巨大的月亮,後海衝浪手遇到了旅途中的第一個人,她說厭倦了現在的生活,想去不一樣的地方看一看。偷走膠囊的她,在月亮最圓的季節,和白兔飛去了銀河,她說這是“奔向銀河之夜”,月亮越來越大,變成了一個黃色的笑臉。在“fly me to the moon,fly me to the moon.”的歌詞里,她想起自己忘了帶手機充電器……
鯊魚們在一個老舊巨大錄音棚里完成了這首歌的錄製。之前的demo本是一首混合了衝浪音樂,木吉他還有ms-20宇宙聲波的電氣歌謠的雛形。他們在錄音時感覺不該僅限於此。於是找來了神奇的saxophone手高太行,還有經常和他一起在東岸jam的double bass手大淮,把這首歌的和弦編配給了他們隨便玩。這一下,膠囊分散溶解般的化學反應發生了。大淮的bass直接把低音下潛到了地表60hz之下;高太行的sax直衝破大氣層,飛到了不知什麼地方,這兩件樂器之間的寬度就像地球到月亮的距離,為這首歌帶來了更豐富和縱深的冒險化的聽覺體驗。錄音錄到喪心病狂的鯊魚們並未就此罷休,他們還是最終請來了姚策老師,那個見過Ravi shaker,在印度鑽研過西塔琴演奏的老爺子,讓他演奏了中間的solo。最後在傳奇混音師Paul的幫助下,這首歌成了一首混合了西塔琴的奔月故事——在科幻和一千零一夜的夢幻場景里講述的一個古老的故事。


Let me talk to the moon
Let me talk to the sun
Let me talk to the rain
Let me talk to every word in the history
We are dancing on the moon
We are dancing on the sun
We are dancing in the rain
We are dancing with every note in the Galaxy
It 's a day it's a day,a day we are free
It's a day it's a day,a day we will never be afraid
It 's a day it's a day not so late, It's the day
Fly me to the moon,fly me to the moon,
Fly me to the edge of the world
Fly me to the place where you will get higher and higher with a white rabbit
I am the one who steal the moon
I am the one who steal the capsule
I am the one who steal the story
I am the one who made The Thousand and One Nights;
I am living on the moon
I am living in the capsule
I am living in the story
I am living in The Thousand and One Nights;
It 's a day it's a day, a day we are free
It's a day it's a day we will never be afraid
It 's a day it's a day not so late, It's the day
Smiley faces on, smiley faces on, like a rainbow on the face of the moon
Smiley faces over the rainbow
We will fly to the edge of the galaxy
Fly me to the moon, fly me to the moon
Fly me to the edge of the world
Fly me to the place where you will get higher and higher with a white rabbit


