



  • 軟體名稱:健身房英雄
  • 軟體平台IOS
  • 軟體大小:7.79MB
  • 支持版本:iOS5.0及以上
健身房英雄是最快和最靈活的應用程式來跟蹤你的日常鍛鍊。 你討厭去通過訓練和演習的長列表找到你在找什麼?你要記錄你的程式並跟蹤你的進度?在幾秒鐘內選擇套,重量和重複。健身房英雄的簡單結構不分散你的注意力,並保證最佳的使用,同時工作了。 它是完全可定製的,這使得健身房英雄一個必須有雄心勃勃的健身迷們。 產品特點: -在App Store最快的鍛鍊跟蹤器 - 易於使用:單拇指友好 - 創建並保存無限數量的例程 - 創建並保存無限數量的練習 - 對於每一個完成的鍛鍊概要(總重量,次數,鍛鍊時間等) - 應用程式定製自己的程式 - 分享鍛鍊:Facebook,Twitter和Runkeeper整合 - 電子郵件功能:分享鍛鍊與私人教練,客戶或朋友 PRO-特點 - 鍛鍊的統計數據(總重/銷售代表/套/鍛鍊一段時間,並為每一個肌肉群),總/平均鍛鍊時間和更多! - 彈力和休息定時器 - 每一集的最後一個鍛鍊的自動填充 - 數據導出(CSV) 嘗試健身房英雄今天,讓我們知道您的想法。我們將傾聽每一個用戶,以提高健身房英雄為您服務!Gym Hero is the fastest and most flexible app to track your workout routines. Do you hate going through long lists of workouts and exercises to find what you are looking for Do you want to log your routines and keep track of your progress Select sets, weight and repetitions in seconds. Gym Hero's simple structure doesn't distract you and will guarantee an optimum usage while working out. It is completely customizable which makes Gym Hero a must have for ambitious fitness junkies。 FEATURES: - Fastest workout tracker in the app store - Easy to use: Single thumb friendly - Create and save an unlimited number of routines - Create and save an unlimited number of exercises - A summary for every finished workout (total weight, reps, workout time etc.) - App customizes itself to your routines - Share workouts: Facebook, Twitter and Runkeeper integration - Email feature: Share workouts with personal trainers, clients or friends PRO-FEATURES - Workout statistics (total weight/reps/sets/workouts over time and for every muscle group), total/average workout time and more! - Stretch and rest timer - Autofill of every set of the last workout - Data export (CSV) Try Gym Hero today and let us know what you think. We will listen to every single user in order to improve Gym Hero for you!


