倫敦韓戰紀念碑(英語:Korean War Memorial, London)是一座位於英國倫敦的紀念碑,為了紀念1950年-1953年間參加韓戰陣亡的英軍官兵而設立。紀念碑座落位置為倫敦市中心的維多利亞堤岸花園內,介於其東側的泰晤士河及西側的英國國防部大樓之間,由韓國政府捐贈,於2013年11月奠基,2014年12月3日進行揭幕典禮。
2012年10月1日韓國國軍日後,韓國政府透過駐英大使館聯絡了韓裔出身的英國貴族——羅瑟米爾子爵夫人及其下的羅夫人基金會(Lady R Foundation),雙方進而達成合作,由子爵夫人出資5.5萬英鎊作為建設促進費,協助申請立案許可、尋找紀念碑創作人選,韓國政府則予以支援。之後又進行了一年的籌備過程,物色合適的選址、進行碑體設計,並與英國國防部、外交部及西敏自治市議會等英方單位接洽。韓國政府、韓國企業和在英韓僑總共為立碑工程捐贈了100萬英鎊,除了英國韓戰老兵協會、羅夫人基金會、韓國駐英大使館及英國相關政府部門之外,韓國國家報勛處等機構也參與了企劃。
With gratitude for the sacrifices made by the British Armed Forces in defence of freedom and democracy in the Republic of Korea
石塔設計成方尖碑的樣式,高約5.8米,設計者為建築師東尼·戴森(Tony Dyson)。該塔由波特蘭石作為建料,基座則由威爾斯板岩砌成,還有部分石材取自韓國京畿道的抱川。塔體的西面上刻著朝鮮半島的外廓及大韓民國國旗,軍人雕像背後的塔體東面(正面)雕有“THE KOREAN WAR 1950-193”的字樣及韓國山川地貌的浮雕。塔北面的頂段有聯合國的徽章圖案及其英語名稱“UNITED NATIONS”,下端寫著一段英語碑文:
“The Korean War was the first UN action against aggression. The UN forces that fought the North Korean invasion were drawn from 21 countries. Although exhausted and impoverished after the Second World War, Britain responded immediately by providing strong naval, army and air forces and became the second largest contributor after the United States. A distant obligation honourably discharged.
“In this fierce and brutal conflict those who fought included many Second World War veterans reinforced by reservists and young national servicemen. The land battle was fought against numerically superior communist forces, the terrain was mountainous and the weather extreme. 81,084 British servicemen served in the theatre of operations. 1,106 were killed in action, thousands were wounded and 1,060 suffered as prisoners of war.