2009年獲得英國政府“British CouncilResearcher exchange programme“ Award(全球共81人獲)前往英國
曼徹斯特大學物理及天文系Andre Geim教授(2010年
凝聚態物理, 光電子學,二維材料
1. 石墨烯等二維層狀材料及其複合體系的製備、表征及套用
2. 二維材料的光電性能及器件,如光探測、發光、光伏器件等
3. 納米材料的光學性質研究,如拉曼、螢光光譜等
1. 國家自然科學基金優秀青年科學基金 2015.1-2017.12 (主持)
2. 國家自然科學基金面上項目 2014.1-2017.12 (主持)
3. 國家自然科學基金青年科學基金項目 2012.1-2014.12 (主持)
4. 國家自然科學基金科學部主任基金 2011.1-2011.12 (主持)
5. 江蘇省自然科學基金面上項目 2012.1-2014.12 (主持)
6. 江蘇省科技支撐計畫 2012.1-2014.12 (第二負責人)
7. 教育部新世紀優秀人才支持計畫2012.1-2014.12 (主持)
8. 江蘇省六大人才高峰支持計畫 2013.1-2015.12 (主持)
9. 教育部留學回國人員科研啟動基金 2012.1-2014.12 (主持)
10. 教育部博士點新教師基金 2012.1-2014.12(主持)
11. 東南大學重大引導項目-面上2011.1-2012.12 (主持)
12. 東南大學重大引導項目-校長定向 2012.1-2012.12 (主持)
近年來,倪振華教授在Nature Photonics, Nature Communications, Nano Letters, ACS Nano, Advanced Functional Materials, Physical Review Letters, Nano Research, Small,Physical Review B等國際知名學術期刊發表SCI論文80餘篇,論文已被SCI他引4000餘次,H-index=31,授權專利8項。
目前,中國物理學會光散射專業委員會委員,Scientific Reports以及Frontiers in Condensed Matter Physics, Frontiers in Optics and Photonics等期刊編委,《中國光學》青年編委。
1. Liu YL, Nan HY, Wu X, Pan W, Wang WH, Bai J, Zhao WW, Sun LT, Wang XR, Ni ZH* Layer-by-Layer Thinning of MoS2 by Plasma. ACS Nano (Accepted 2013)
2. Zafar Z, Ni ZH* Wu X, Shi ZX, Nan HY, Bai J, Sun LT Evolution of Raman Spectra in Nitrogen Doped Graphene Carbon(Accepted 2013)
3. Pan W, Xiao JL, Zhu JW, Yu CX, Zhang G, Ni ZH, Watanabe K, Taniguchi T, Shi Y, Wang XR Biaxial Compressive Strain Engineering in Graphene/Boron Nitride Heterostructures Scientific Reports 2,893 (2012)
4. Zhan D, Yan JX, Lai LF, Ni ZH, Liu L, Shen ZX Engineering the electronic structure of graphene Advanced Materials24, 4055-4069 (2012)
5. Xu YN, Zhan D, Liu L, Suo H, Ni ZH*, Nguyen TT, Zhao C, Shen ZX* Thermal dynamics of graphene edges investigated by polarized Raman spectroscopyACS Nano 5, 147-152 (2011).
6. Zhan D, Liu L, Xu YN, Ni ZH, Yan JX, Zhao C, Shen ZX Low temperature edge dynamics of AB-stacked bilayer graphene: Naturally favored closed zigzag edges Scientific Reports 1,12 (2011)
7. Bao QL, Zhang H, Wang B, Ni ZH, Lim YX, Wnag Y, Tang DY, Loh KP Broadband Graphene PolarizerNature Photonics 5,411-415 (2011)
8. Bao QL, Zhang H, Ni ZH, Wang Y, Polavarapu L, Loh KP, Shen ZX, Xu QH, Tang DY Monolayer Graphene as Saturable Absorber in Mode-locked Laser Nano Research 4(3),297-307 (2011)
9. Zhan D, Ni ZH, Chen W, Sun L, Luo ZQ, Lai LF, Wee ATS, Yu T, Shen ZX Electronic structure of graphite oxide and thermally reduced graphite oxideCarbon 49,1362-1366(2011)
10. Ni ZH, Ponomarenko LA, Nair RR, Yang R, Anissimova S, Grigorieva IV, Schedin F, Shen ZX, Hill EH, Novoselov KS, Geim AK On resonant scatterers as a factor limiting carrier mobility in graphene Nano Letters 10, 3868-3872 (2010)
11. Zhan D, Sun L, Ni ZH*, Liu L, Fan XF, Wang YY, Yu T, Lam YM, Huang W, Shen ZX* FeCl3 based Few-Layer Graphene Intercalation Compounds: Single Linear Dispersion Electronic Structure and Strong Charge Transfer Doping Advanced Functional Materials 20, 3504 (2010)
12. Wang YY, Ni ZH, Liu L, Liu YH, Cong CX, Yu T, Wang XJ, Shen DZ, Shen ZX Stacking dependent optical conductivity of bilayer graphene ACS Nano 4, 4074 (2010)
13. Hao YF, Wang YY, Wang L, Ni ZH, Wang ZQ, Wang R, Koo CK, Shen ZX, Thong JTL Probing layer number and stacking order of few-layer graphene by Raman spectroscopy Small 6, 195-200 (2010)
14. Ni ZH, Yu T, Luo ZQ, Wang YY, Liu L, Miao JM, Wang W, Shen ZX Probing charged impurities in suspended graphene using Raman spectroscopy ACS Nano 3, 569 (MAR 2009)
15. Bao QL, Zhang H, Wang Y, Ni ZH, Yan YL, Shen ZX, Loh KP, Tang DY Atomic layer graphene as saturable absorber for ultrafast pulsed lasersAdvanced Functional Materials 19, 3077 (2009)
16. Luo ZQ, Yu T, Kim KJ, Ni ZH, You YM, Lim SH, Shen ZX, Wang SZ, Lin JY, Thickness-Dependent Reversible Hydrogenation of Graphene Layers ACS Nano 3: 1781 (July 2009)
17. Dong XC, Shi YM, Zhao Y, Chen DM, Ye J, Yao YG, Gao F, Ni ZH, Yu T, Shen ZX, Huang YX, Chen P, Li LJ Symmetry Breaking in Graphene Monolayers by Molecular Decoration Physical Review Letters 102, 135501 (Apr 2009)
18. Ni ZH, Yu T, Lu YH, Wang YY, Feng YP, Shen ZXUniaxial strain on graphene: Raman spectroscopy study and bandgap opening ACS Nano 2, 2301 (Nov 2008)
19. Ni ZH, Wang YY, Yu T, Shen ZX Raman spectroscopy and imaging of graphene Nano Research (Invited Review) 1,273 (Aug 2008)
20. Ni ZH, Wang HM, Ma Y, Kasim J,Wu YH,Shen ZX Tunable stress and controlled thickness modification in graphene by annealing ACS Nano 2, 1033 (May 2008)
21. Ni ZH, Wang HM, Kasim J, Fan HM, Yu T, Wu YH,Feng YP, Shen ZX Graphene thickness determination using reflection and contrast spectroscopy Nano Letters 07(09)