



  • 中文名:候一筠
  • 職業:研究員/博導
  • 畢業院校:河海大學套用數學系
  • 主要成就:主持國家高技術研究發展計畫
  • 部門:海洋環流與波動重點實驗室


姓 名: 候一筠
性 別: 男
研究方向: 物理海洋學
職 稱: 研究員/博導
部 門: 海洋環流與波動重點實驗室


侯一筠,物理海洋學家,中國科學院海洋研究所研究員、博士生導師、中國科學院大學海洋科學首席教授、十二屆全國政協委員、山東省政府參事。現任國家 863 計畫海洋技術領域專家組成員、中國科學院重大項目首席科學家、中國海洋學會軍事海洋學專業委員會委員等;被聘為浙江大學、哈爾濱工程大學、南京信息工程大學等高校的兼職教授。




[1] 國家自然科學基金-重點項目“南海北部內波時空演變動力學及其對黑潮季節變化的回響”
[2] 國家自然科學-廣東聯合重點基金項目“南海災害性海洋動力環境形成機制和測報方法研究”
[3] 國家自然科學基金-面上項目“寒潮大風影響下的海洋災害機理及數值預測方法研究”


[1] Fang Y, Dong H, Hou Y*, Kong Y. 2014. Frobenius integrable decompositions of nonlinear evolution equations with modified term. Appl. Math. Comput
[2] Lin F, Hou Y*, Liu Z, Hu P, Fang Y, Duan Y. 2014. The influence of background waves on internal solitary waves after the transit of Typhoon Neast in the northern South China Sea. Acta Oceanol
[3] Lin F, Hou Y*, Liu Y, Fang Y, Hu P. 2014. Internal solitary waves on the southwest shelf of Dongsha Island observed from mooring ADCP. Chin. J. Oceanol
[4] Yang B, Hou Y*. 2014. Near-inertial waves in the wake of 2011 Typhoon Nesat in the northern South China Sea. Acta Oceanol
[5] Duan Y, Hou Y*, Liu H, Liu Y. 2013. The water mass variability and southward shift of the Southern Hemisphere mid-depth supergyre. Acta Oceanol
[6] Liu H, Zhang Q, Hou Y*, Duan Y. 2013. Interannual variability in the North Pacific meridional overturning circulation. Chin. J. Oceanol. Limn
[7] Chen G, Wang D, Hou Y. 2012. The features and interannual variability mechanism of mesoscale eddies in the Bay of Bengal. Cont. Shelf Res
[8] Chen G, Gan J, Xie Q, Chu X, Wang D, Hou Y. 2012. Eddy heat and salt transports in the South China Sea and their seasonal modulations. J. Geophys. Res
[9] Duan Y, Hou Y*, Liu H, Hu P. 2012. Fronts, baroclinic transport, and mesoscale variability of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current in the southeast Indian Ocean. Acta Oceanol
[10] Li M, Hou Y*, Li Y, Hu P. 2012. Energetics and temporal variability of internal tides in Luzon Strait a nonhydrostatic numerical simulation. Chin. J. Oceanol. Limn
[11] Liu Z, Hou Y*. 2012. Kuroshio Front in the East China Sea from Satellite SST and Remote Sensing Data. IEEE Geosci. Remote S
[12] Zhang Q, Hou Y, Yan T. 2012. Inter-annual and inter-decadal variability of Kuroshio heat transport in the East China Sea. Int. J
[13] Chen G, Hou Y*, Chu X. 2011. Mesoscale eddies in the South China Sea: Mean properties, spatiotemporal variability, and impact on thermohaline structure
[14] Chen G, Hu Po, Hou Y, Chu X. 2011. Intrusion of the Kuroshio into the South China Sea, in September 2008. J. Oceanogr
[15] Hou Y*, Duan Y, Chen G, Qi P, Song G, Si G. 2010. Statistical distribution of nonlinear random wave height in shallow water. Sci. China Earth Sci
[16] Chen G, Hou Y*, Zhang Q, Chu X. 2010. The eddy pair off eastern Vietnam Interannual variability and impact on thermohaline structure. Cont. Shelf Res


