個體經濟學 (全英文)



  • 中文名:個體經濟學 (全英文)
  • 提供院校:四川大學
  • 類別:慕課
  • 授課老師:陳顯娟、付文韜


Basic Concepts
This chapter introduces you to the principles of microeconomics and familiarize you with supply and demand diagrams, the most basic tool economists employ to analyze shifts in the economy. After completing this unit, you will be able to understand shifts in supply and demand and their implications for price and quantity sold. This understanding of the basic forces of supply and demand will serve as a foundation for the economic analysis you will undertake in the remainder of this course.
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Supply and Demand
1.3 Elasticity
Consumer Choice
This chapter introduces you to the analysis of consumer behavior. All consumers must choose which goods to buy because limits on wealth prevent them from buying everything that catches their fancy. You will learn how to model consumer preferences in a utility function, and use this utility function to make predictions about what consumers will do when they have a given income and can buy goods at a given price
2.1 Preferences
2.2 Utility
2.3 Budget Constraint
Applying Consumer Theory
In this Chapter, we start by using consumer theory to show how to determine the shape of a demand curve for a good by varying the price of a good, holding other prices and income constant. We then show an increase in income causes the demand curve to shift. Next, we show that an increase in the price of a good has two effects on demand.
3.1Constrained Consumer Choice
3.2How Changes in Income Shift Demand Curve
3.3 Effects of a Price Change
Firms and Production
This unit introduces you to the study of firm, or producer behavior. You will learn how to analyze firms' decisions mathematically using a production function and calculate their optimal level of production, costs, and profits. In addition, you will begin to learn how firms interact in a competitive market in the short-run and the long-run.
4.1 Short Run Production
4.2 Long Run Production
4.3 Returns to Scale and Technical Change
When firms produce goods, they incur costs that vary depending on how much they are producing. In this chapter, we will analyze firms' cost functions.
5.1 Short Run cost
5.2 Long Run Cost
5.3 Decisions of the Firm
5.4 PPF and Opportunity cost
Perfectly Competitive Markets
This chapter introduces perfect competition in the short run and long run. Welfare tools are applied when analysing the effect of policies.
6.1 Perfect Competition and Profit Maximization
6.2 Competition in the Short Run
6.3 Competition in the Long Run
6.4 Consumer Welfare and Producer Welfare
6.5 Competition maximizes welfare
6.6 Policies that affect Supply and Demand
Imperfect Competition and monopoly
First of all, this Chapter discusses imperfect competition. Especially, it focuses on monopoly behavior and government actions against it. Secondly, it illustrates how a monopoly increases producer surplus with price discrimination.
7.1 Imperfect Competition
7.2 Monopoly Behavior
7.3 Market Failure and Government Actions
7.4 Pricing and Price Discrimination
Game Theory
In this chapter, we introduce the foundation of game theory including game representation and Nash equilibrium. In particular, we will study how to formalize a strategic situation into game theoretical language, and how to predict the result of games reasonably.
8.1 Introduction of game theory
8.2 Normal-form game
8.3 Strictly dominated strategy
8.4 Nash equilibrium
8.5 IESDS and Nash equilibrium
We incorporate uncertainty in games in this chapter. That is, at least on player is uncertain about payoffs. We will learn how to specify Bayesian Nash equilibrium in these games and introduce different risk attitude when individuals face uncertainty.
9.1 Introduction and Preliminary
9.2 Bayesian game
9.3 Bayesian Nash and IESDS
9.4 Risk aversion
Factor Markets
Earlier in the semester, we discussed the labor supply decisions made by consumers when deciding how much they should or should not work. However, firms have the power to decide how many workers to hire. This lecture focuses on the operation of firms in the factor markets that supply the factors they use in production.
10.1 Competitive Factor Markets
10.2 Monopsony


教材:Samuelson &Nordhaus, Economics 19E (雙語註疏版)
參考資料:Jeffrey M. Perloff, Microeconomics, 7th Ed, Pearson, 2014


