《個性動力論(英文版)》是2013年9月中國傳媒大學出版社出版的圖書,作者是[美]庫特·盧因(Kurt Lewin)。
- 中文名:個性動力論(英文版)
- 作者:[美]庫特·盧因(Kurt Lewin)
- ISBN:9787565707711
- 頁數:348頁
- 定價:39元
- 出版社:中國傳媒大學出版社
- 出版時間:2013年9月
- 裝幀:平裝
- 開本:32開
The present book is a collection of originally independent articles which were written at different times and for quite different occasions. Hence,the reader will find some of the fundamental i-deas recurring throughout the book. The selection has been made in order to give a picture of the fields thus far studied,the psy-chology of the person and of the environment,ancl at the same time to inclicate their connections with the various applied fields,
especially child psychology, pedagogy, psychopathology, charac-terology,and social psychology.
Only a few years ago one could observe,at least among Ger-man psychologists,a quite pessimistic mood. After the initial suc-cesses of experimental psychology in its early stages, it seemed to become clearer and clearer that it would remain impossible for ex-perimental method to press on beyond the psychology of perception and memory to such vital problems as those with which psychoanalysis was concerned. Weighty ""philosophical"" and""method-ological"" considerations seemed to make such an undertaking apriori impossible.
第一章 亞里士多德和伽利略思維模式在當代心理學中的沖
第二章 意識的結構
第三章 環境在兒童行為及發展中的作用
第四章 獎懲對應的心理狀態
第五章 基於現實的教育
第六章 替代活動及其價值
第七章 低能的動力學理論
第八章 實驗性調查測評