姓 名: 俞慎
性 別: 男
職 稱: 研究員
通訊地址: 廈門市集美大道1799號
1.王毅傑, 俞慎*. 2012. 三大沿海城市群濱海濕地的陸源人類活動影響模式. 生態學報. (Revised)
2.王毅傑, 俞慎*. 2012. 長江三角洲城市群區域濱海濕地資源演變的時空效應. 濕地科學. (Accepted)
3.Hong Y.W., Yuan D.X., Liao D., Yang X.R., Su J.Q., Li Y.C., Li H.B., Xu B., Yu S.* 2012. Isolation and characterization of sulfamethazine-resistant bacteria from a soil polluted by livestock wastewater. Letters in
4.Li H.B., Yu S.*, Li G.L., Liu Y., Deng H., Xu B., Wang Y.J., Ding J., Gao J.B., Luo X.S. Hong Y.W., Li Y.C., Ma J., Wong M.H. 2012. Reconstructing spatial and historical records of mercury accumulation in lake sediments from urban parks. Science of the Total Environment. DOI: .
5.Li H.B., Yu S.*, Li G.L., Liu Y., Yu G.B., Deng H., Wu S.C., Wong M.H. 2012. Urbanization homogenously elevated anthropogenic metal levels in surface sediment and catchment topsoil of waterscape parks. Science of the Total Environment. DOI: .
6.Li H.B., Yu S. *, Li G.L., Deng H. 2012. Lead contamination and source in Shanghai in the past century using dated sediment cores from urban park lakes. Chemosphere.
7.Elgersma K.J., Yu S., Vor T., Ehrenfeld J.G.* 2012. Microbial-mediated feedbacks of leaf litter on invasive plant growth and interspecific competition. Plant and Soil
8.Yu S.*, Yu G.B., Liu Y., Li G.L., Feng S., Wong M.H., and Wu S.C. 2012. Urbanization impairs surface water quality: eutrophication and metal stress in the Grand Canal of China. River Research and Applications
9.Li G.L., Yu S., Bai X.M., Zhang H., Zhu Y.G.* 2012. Urban phosphorus metabolism through food consumption: the case of China. J. Industrial Ecology
10.Hong Y.W., Yu S.*, Yu G.B., Liu Y., Li G.L., Wang M. 2012. Impacts of urbanization on surface sediment quality: evidence from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) contaminations in the Grand Canal of China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research.
11.Luo X.S., Yu S., Zhu Y.G., Li X.D.* 2012. Trace metal contamination in urban soils of China. Science of the Total Environment
12.Li Y.C., Yu S.*, Strong J., Wang H.L. 2012. Are the biogeochemical cycles of carbon, nitrogen, sulfur and phosphorus driven by the “FeIII-FeII redox wheel” in dynamic redox environments? J. Soils & Sediments
13.Liang P., Wu S.C., Li Y.C., Li H.B., Yu G.B, Yu S.*, Wong M. H.* 2012. The effects of mariculture activities on the adsorption/desorption and chemical 3 fractionations of mercury on sediments. Marine Pollution Bulletin
14.Luo X.S., Ding J., Xu B., Wang Y.J., Li H.B., Yu S.* 2012. Incorporating bioaccessibility into human health risk assessments of heavy metals in urban park soils. Science of the Total Environment
15.Ehrenfeld J.G., Yu S.* 2012. Patterns of nitrogen mineralization in wetlands of the New Jersey Pinelands along a shallow water table gradient. The American Midland Naturalist
16.Luo X.S., Yu S., Li X.D*. 2012. The mobility, bioavailability, and human bioaccessibility of trace metals in urban soils of Hong Kong. Applied Geochemistry
1.2011-2013. 國家自然科學基金委面上項目“濱海濕地生態系統外來植物入侵機制:植物-土壤微生物協同作用”
2.2010. 國家自然科學基金委國際(地區)合作與交流項目“第六屆國際熱帶亞熱帶環境地球化學(城市環境)大會”
4.. 中國科學院知識創新工程重要方向項目:創新團隊國際合作夥伴計畫“城市環境質量與健康效應”
7.中國科學院知識創新工程重要方向項目”典型區土壤含水層主要污染物的遷移轉化規律及修復原理” 之課題”土壤含水層典型有機污染物的生物和化學修復機制與污染風險消減” (主持人).
8. 國家自然科學基金委面上項目“濕地修復重建過程中土壤可還原氧化物結合態磷和重金屬的還原解吸-再吸附機理”
9.. 中國科學院海外傑出青年人才引進項目(百人計畫)“城市濕地生態與功能”(A0815,主持人).
10.2008. 廈門市科學與技術局國際(地區)合作與交流項目“城市濕地生態與修復國際研討會”(大會主席)
11. Solving critical urban environmental issues: A collaboration between the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Rutgers University. Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey Faculty Clusters in Global & International Research Program (中方主持人).
12.. Plant-soil feedback: a mechanism to explain the spread of invasive species. US National Science Foundation
13.Sub-project of Kirkwood-Cohansey Project: Nitrogen Ecological Process. US New Jersey Pinelands Commission (PI: Joan G. Ehrenfeld).
14 Assessment and evaluation of nitrogen, phosphorus, and heavy metals (including copper) in surface runoff from citrus groves and vegetable fields in the Indian River area. Florida Department of Environmental Protection(PIs: Zhenli He and David V. Calvert).