2009 主持設計的天津橋園獲全球最佳景觀獎(World's Best Landscape),世界建築節( World Architecture Festival Awards, WAF Awards)
2009 主持設計的中山岐江公園獲ULI全球傑出獎(ULI Global Awards For Excellence), 城市土地研究會(Urban Land Institute)
2009 主持設計的中山岐江公園獲ULI亞太傑出獎(ULI Excellence Award for the Asian Pacific Region ),城市土地研究會(Urban Land Institute)
2009 世界濱水設計傑出獎:環境保護和改善獎(Excellence on the Waterfront Environmental Protection and Enhancement Award),世界濱水中心(The Water Front Center)
2008 世界建築獎 (2008 International Architecture Awards For The Best New Global Design), The Chicago Athenaeum Museum of Architecture and Design, European Centre for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies
2008 首屆國際建築節優秀獎(Highly Commended, the inaugural World Architecture Festival, Barcelona, Spain)
2008 世界濱水設計最高榮譽獎(Excellence on the Waterfront Top Honor Award)
2007 世界青年建築師獎Ar Award Commended (The Architecture Review),獲獎項目豐產的稻田校園:瀋陽建築大學校園
2007 世界青年建築師獎Ar Award Commended (The Architecture Review)
2007 世界濱水設計最高榮譽獎(Excellence on the Waterfront Top Honor Award)
2010,俞孔堅, 低碳美學下的新桃源憧憬,發表:中國城市科學研究會.中國低碳城市發展報告2010.北京:中國建築工業出版社, 137~1472010, Kongjian Yu, Landscape as Ecological Infrastructure for an Alternative Urbanity, In: Mohsen Mostafavi (ed.), Implicate & Explicate, Aga Khan Award for Architecture, Lars Müller Publishers, pp.282-283俞孔堅
2010,Kongjian Yu, Five Traditions for Landscape Urbanism Thinking, Topos,2010(71):58-63
2010, Kongjian Yu, The Good Earth Recovered, Return of Landscape" Edited by Donata Valentien, Jovis publishers, Berlin (page:225-233)
2010, Kongjian Yu, Back to Productiveness LANDSCAPE WORLD[J]. 2010(33): 3-7
2010,Kongjian Yu, Five Traditions for Landscape Urbanism Thinking, Topos,2010(71):58-63
2010,Kongjian Yu, The Big-Foot Revolution, in: Ecological Urbanism (Edited by Mohsen Mostafavi with Gareth Doherty , Harvard University Graduate School of Design by Lars Müller Publishers , Page282-291。
2010, Kongjian Yu, Qiaoyuan Park, An Ecosystem Services-Oriented Regenerative Design, Topos,2010(70):28-35
2009,俞孔堅,李迪華,Landscape Architecture as an Art of survival,in: Arnauld Laffage & Yann Nussaume (eds.): Teaching Landscape with Architecture, Editions de La Villette, Paris,pp.196-199
2009, 俞孔堅,《現代景觀——一次批判性的回顧》中文版序,中國建築工業出版社.
2008,YU Kongjian, LI Hailong, LI Dihua “反規劃”與生態基礎設施:城市化過程中對自然系統的精明保護(英文),自然資源學報,23(11):937-959
2008,奚雪松,俞孔堅,胡佳文,宋雲,從Landscape and Urban Planning 20年來的論文看國際景觀規劃研究動態,北京大學學報(自然科學版),44(4):651-661
2008,Yu, Kongjian, Zhang Lei andLi Dihua, Living with Water: Flood Adaptive Landscapes in the Yellow River Basin of ChinaJournal on Landscape Architecture,2008Autumn:6-17
2007,Kongjian Yu a; Mary G. Padua, China's cosmetic cities: Urban fever and superficiality, Landscape Research, Volume 32, Issue 2 April 2007, pages 255 – 272
2007, Kongjian Yu, Paisajista y Arquitecto, Estudiar Entre Cultivos De Arrroz, Paisajismo: revistaTecnica Para El Professional Del Paisajismo, N°15,2007, pp.8-15.
2007, Kongjian Yu, Yongning River Park, C3, Soul, Korea, 0704(272):62-77.
2007, Kongjian Yu, The Red Ribbon, Landscape World, Soul, Korea, Vol.05:58-65.
1999, Yu Kongjian. Security Pattern: An Application Model of Landscape Ecology in Landscape Planning. In: Landscape ecology --the science and the action, 5th World Congress of International association for landscape ecology, July 29 - August 3, Snowmass Village, Colorado, USA
1999,俞孔堅,生物保護的景觀生態安全格局,生態學報, 19(1):8-15
1998, Yu, Kongjian, Security pattern: a defensible approach toward sustainable landscapes, Conference Proseddings, 18th World Congress, 1st National Conference Parks & Leisure Australia (18-23 October 1998), File# 161-130.
1997 Yu, Kongjian, Security patterns: a defensive approach toward landscape and environmental planning. In, T. Sellis and D. Georgoulis (eds.), Proceedings, Athens International Conference , Urban Regional Environmental Planning and Informatics to Planning in An Era of Transition. National Technical University of Athens, Faculty of Architecture Dept. of Urban and Regional Planning. 453-463
1997 ,Yu, Kongjian,Ecologists, farmers, tourists -GIS support planning of Red Stone Park, China. In. Craglia, M. and Hellen, C. (Eds.), Geographic Information Research:Bridging the Atlantic. Tayor &Francis. pp. 480-494.
1996 Security patterns and surface model and in landscape planning. Landscape and Urban Plann. 36(5)1~17.
1996 Ecological security patterns in landscape and GIS application. Geographic Information Sciences. 1(2):88-102.
1995 Local peoples and tourists: two models of change -a case study of Red Stone National Park. In, Proceedings for the 32nd IFLA World Congress, Bankok, Tailand.
1995 Ecological security patterns of landscapes: concept, method and a case study. Proceedings of Geomatics’95. Hong Kong. Pp396-405.
1995 Security Patterns in Landscape Planning with a Case Study in South China. Doctorial Thesis, Graduate School of Design, Harvard University, MA. USA.
1995 “Cultural variations in landscape preference: comparisons among Chinese sub-groups and Western design experts.” landscape and Urban Planning, (32)107-126.
1994 Landscape into places: Feng-shui model of place making and some cross-cultural comparisn. In, Clark, J. D. (Ed.) History and Culture. Mississipi State University, USA. pp320-340.
1993 “Infinity in bottle ground: understanding th Chinese garden.” Arnoldia 53(1):2-7.
1992 “Keeping the living Qi: Theory and practice for sustainable environment.” Paper presented at the second International Conference of Ecological Economics, Stockholm, Sweden. .
1992 “Experience of bansin landscapes in Chinese agriculture has led to ecologically prudent engeering.” In L. O. Hansson and B. Jungen, (ends.) Human Responsibilty and Global Change. University of Goteborg, Sweden. pp289-299.
Invited Keynote Speeches, Lectures and Exhibitions (International, Since 2002).
2008 Public Space as Ecological Infrastructure. International Conference Public space – planning and design. The Slovenian Association of Landscape Architects and the Department of Landscape Architecture, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia, April 10 – 12.
2007 Sustainable Planning and Design, Urban Waterfronts 25, The Waterfront Center, Boston, USA,. November 1-3.
2007 Solution to Climate change: The Water Adaptive Landscape. Australia Institute of Landscape Architecture Annual Conference, The Climate of Design, Design Solutions for landscapes challenged by Climate and Water, Adelaide, Australia. September 14 - 15.
2007 Redefinition of Urbanity: Reclaiming Urban Design as An Art of Survival, International Urban Design Conference, Waves of Change – Cities at Crossroads, Gold Coast, Australia. September 6-8:
2007 The Art of Survival: Recovering Landscape Architecture. International Federation Of Landscape Architects Americans Regional Conference, Mexican society of Landscape Architects. Mexico City, Mexico. May 24-27..
2006 The Art of Survival: Recovering Landscape Architecture. ASLA Annual Meeting and 43rd IFLA World Congress, Blue Planet and Green earth. Minneapolis, USA, October 6-10.
2006 The Art of Survival: Recovering Landscape Architecture. International Federation Of Landscape Architects Eastern Region Conference , Darling, Harbour, Sydney Australia. May 25-27,
2006 Design Ahead of TIME: Urban Growth based on Green Infrastructure. Cities in a World of Migration: India and China in Global Perspective, The New School University, USA. April 28—29.
2005 The Mission of landscape architecture in China, The Development and Innovation of Landscape Studies Education, The 1st International Landscape Studies Education Symposium ·China·2005. Shanghai, P.R.C., October 28-29.
2005 Make friends with flood, the 1st International Symposium on Development of Urban Waterscapes and Water Management. Yangzhou China, May 30-31.
2003 China On the Edge of Urbanization and Globalization. The 40th IFLA World Congress 2003, Calgary , Landscapes On The Edge, Alberta , Canada. May 25-29
2002 Globalscape and Making Landscape Defensible: The Approach of Security Patterns and Two applications. International Conference on Landscape Planning: Landscape Planning in the Era of Globalization, Portorose, Slovenia, November, 8-10.
2002 The Regenerative Design: The Case of Zhongshan Shipyard Park. Fifth International Eco-city Conference, August 19-23, 2002, Shenzhen.
Invited Lectures (selected, Since 2002)
In addition to numerous invited lectures in universities in mainland China, I was invited to lecture in universities world wide:
2008, March 17 School of Architecture and Community Design, University of Southern Florida- Tampa
Lecture topic: The Art of Survival---Positioning Contemporary Landscape Architecture
Sponsored by: Versailles National School of Landscape Architecture
2008, March 10-15(Scheduled), School of Architecture + Design, College of Architecture & Urban Studies, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University
Lecture topic: The Art of Survival---Positioning Contemporary Landscape Architecture
Sponsored by: School of Architecture + Design
2007,November 28, Versailles national school of landscape architecture, France
Lecture topic: The Art of Survival---Positioning Contemporary Landscape Architecture
Sponsored by: Versailles National School of Landscape Architecture
2007, November 26, Ecole National Superieure d’Architecture et de Paysage de Lille, France
Lecture topic: The Art of Survival---Contemporary Landscape Architecture in China
Sponsored by: Ecole National Superieure d’Architecture et de Paysage de Lille
2007, November 22, Ecole Nationale Superieure d’Architecture de Paris La-Villette, France
Lecture topic: Between Landscape and Architecture
Sponsored by: Asia Link Project and Department of an international curriculum of landscape knowledge in architecture and urban planning education, Ecole Nationale Superieure d’Architecture de Paris La-Villette
2007, October 9, University of California at Berkeley, USA
Lecture topic: The Art of Survival: Recovering Landscape Architecture
Sponsored by U.C. Berkeley Department of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning
2007, August 7, India –China Cultural Dialogue – A Symposium, University of Madras, India
Lecture topic: Cultural Identity and Internationality in China.
Sponsored by the United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia, University of Madras, India, and the Fudan University of Shanghai
2007, May 24, Iberoamerican University, Mexico
Lecture topic: The Art of Survival: Recovering Landscape Architecture
Sponsored by Mexican society of Landscape Architects and Iberoamerican University, Mexico
2007, April 30, University of Idaho, USA
Lecture topic: The Art of Survival: Recovering Landscape Architecture
Sponsored by Department of Landscape Architecture, University of Idaho
2007, April 23, Harvard University, USA
Lecture topic: The Art of Survival: Recovering Landscape Architecture
Sponsored by Department of Landscape Architecture, Harvard University Graduate School of Design
2007, April 26, Purdue University, USA
Lecture topic: The Art of Survival: Recovering Landscape Architecture
Sponsored by Department of Horticulture & Landscape Architecture, Purdue University
2007, April 19, University of Pennsylvanian, USA
Lecture topic: The Art of Survival: Recovering Landscape Architecture
Sponsored by Department of Landscape Architecture, University of Pennsylvania School of Design
2007, April 18, Delaware Valley College, USA
Lecture topic: The Art of Survival: Recovering Landscape Architecture
Sponsored by Department of Ornamental Horticulture & Environmental Design, Delaware Valley College
2007, March 6, Chinese Culture University in Taiwan
Lecture topic: The Art of Survival: Recovering Landscape Architecture
Sponsored by Department of Landscape Architecture, Chinese Culture University in Taiwan
2007, March 7, Taipei University, China
Lecture topic: The Art of Survival: Recovering Landscape Architecture
Sponsored by Urban Planning Institution of Taibei University
2007, March 6,Taiwan Culture University, China
Lecture topic: The Art of Survival: Recovering Landscape Architecture
Sponsored by Chinese Institute of Landscape Architects in Taiwan
2006, October 13, Myles H. Thaler Lecture, University of Virginian, USA
Lecture topic: the Art of Survival: Recovering Landscape Architecture
Sponsored by School of Architecture University of Virginia
2005, October 30, The Dean’s Lecture, Melbourne University, Australia
Lecture topic: he Art of Survival: internationality and identity
Sponsored by: The Faculty of Architecture Building and Planning, Melbourne University
2003, October 17, Harvard University, USA
Lecture topic: China On the Edge of City Beautiful
Sponsored by: GSD China, and Department of Landscape Architecture, Harvard University Graduate School of Design
俞孔堅為建設部、國土資源部、國家文物局青海省、北京市、蘇州市等政府專家顧問。為《景觀設計學》主編,國際《Journal of Landscape Architecture》、《城市規劃》、《規劃師》、《自然資源學報》等學刊編委。