- 中文名:俞亭超
- 出生地:浙江新昌
- 出生日期:1976年10月
- 畢業院校:浙江大學
- 職稱:博士,教授
- 性別:男
2004.4至今 浙江大學建築工程學院市政工程研究所,教師
期間:2010.2-2014.7 浙江省建設廳城市建設處掛職副處長
2017.7-2018.7 澳大利亞阿德萊德大學土木環境採礦系,訪問學者
2009.9-2010.8 加拿大阿爾伯塔大學土木與環境工程系,訪問學者
2001.3-2004.3 浙江大學市政工程專業,博士
1998.9-2001.3 浙江大學水工結構工程專業,碩士
1994.9-1998.7 華北水利水電學院水利水電建築工程專業,學士
- 城鎮供水管網漏損監測預警技術與設備研發,國家重點研發計畫,課題編號: 2016YFC0400601,2016.7-2020.12
- 湖州南太湖水源供水區飲用水安全保障綜合套用示範,國家科技重大專項,課題編號:2017ZX07201003,2017.1-2020.6
- 城鄉一體化供水管網水質穩定達標及應急處置關鍵技術研究,浙江省科技計畫項目,計畫編號:2015C33007,2015.6-2017.5
- 湖州市企業單位水平衡測試及技術服務,湖州市住房和城鄉建設局,2016-2017
- 台州市企業單位水平衡測試及技術諮詢服務,台州市城市供水節水管理處,2015
- 浙江省市政公用事業發展“十三五”規劃編制研究,浙江省住房和城鄉建設廳,2015
- 浙江省用水定額(試行)修訂,浙江省水資源管理中心,2015
- 供水管網監測網路及水力水質模型最佳化技術研究,國家科技重大專項,任務編號:2012ZX07408-002-003,2012.1-2015.12
- 城鄉統籌管網安全供水技術集成研究,國家科技重大專項,課題編號:2012ZX07403-004,2011.12-2015.12
- 供水系統安全保障與智慧型調控技術,國家高技術研究發展計畫(863計畫),課題編號:2012AA062608,2012.1-2014.12
- 實現安全供水的管網布局最佳化與改造診斷技術,國家科技重大專項,任務編號:2009ZX07423-004-002-003(005),2009.1-2011.12
- 平原河網水源突發污染事故城市供水應急處置系統研究與工程示範,國家科技重大專項,子課題編號:2008ZX07421-006-02,2008.1-2010.12
- 城市供水系統突發性污染源逆向追蹤技術研究,國家自然科學基金委員會,項目批准號:50708091,2008.1-2010.12
- 溫州永昌堡河網水質模型及水治理技術研究,浙江大學建築設計研究院市政交通分院,2005.6-2006.6
1. Yongchao Zhou, Ping Zhang, Yiping Zhang, Jin Li, Tuqiao Zhang, Tingchao Yu*, Total and settling velocity-fractionated pollution potential of sewer sediments in Jiaxing, China, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2017, DOI 10.1007/s11356-017-9882-8
2. Shuai Guo, Tingchao Yu*, Yiping Zhang, Water-submerged granular flow through a long efflux tube, Granular Matter (2017) 19:45, doi:10.1007/s10035-017-0732-7
3. Rong Chen, Zhejian Wu, Tuqiao Zhang,Tingchao Yu* and Miaomiao Ye, Magnetically recyclable self-assembled thin films for highly efficient water evaporation by interfacial solar heating, RSC Advances, 2017, 7, 19849–19855. DOI: 10.1039/c7ra03007j
4. Xiaowei Liu, Lili Wang, Zhe Sun, Yu Shao and Tingchao Yu*, Treatment of Aqueous Bromate by Superparamagnetic BiOCl-Mediated Advanced Reduction Process, Catalysts 2017, 7(5), 131; doi:10.3390/catal7050131
5. Yongxin He; David Z. Zhu; Tuqiao Zhang; Yu Shao; Tingchao Yu, Experimental Observations on the Initiation of Sand-Bed Erosion by an Upward Water Jet, ASC Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 2017, 143(7): 06017007 DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.000 1302
6. Feifei Zheng, Zhexian Qi, Weiwei Bi, Tuqiao Zhang, TingchaoYu*, Yu Shao, Improved Understanding on the Searching Behavior of NSGA-II Operators Using Run-Time Measure Metrics with Application to Water Distribution System Design Problems, Water Resources Management, 2017, 31(4):1121–1138
7. Jian Li, Huihui Zhou, Rong Chen, Tingchao Yu*, Miaomiao Ye,, The degradation efficiency and mechanism of meclofenamic acid in aqueous solution by UV irradiation, Journal of Advanced Oxidation Technologies, 2017, 20( 1): 2371-1175
8. Zhang, Tuqiao, Zheng, Feifei, Yu, Tingchao, Citizens arrest river pollution in China, Nature, 2016, 535(7611):231~231
9.Tingchao Yu, Hongying Qiu, Jeffrey Yang, Yu Shao, Liang Tao, Mixing at double-Tee junctions with unequal pipe sizes in water distribution systems,Water Science & Technology: Water Supply, 2016, 16(6):1595-1602
10.Tingchao Yu, Hanfeng Jin, Tuqiao Zhang, Yu Shao and Xiao Wu,Experimental observation on factors affecting intrusion volumes during low or negative pressure events, Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology – AQUA, 2016, 65(5):396-406
11.Tingchao Yu, Liang Tao, Yu Shao and Tuqiao Zhang, Experimental study of solute mixing at double-Tee junctions in water distribution systems, Water Science & Technology: Water Supply 2015, 15(3): 474-482
12.Ting-chao Yu , Xiao-hui Wang, Cong Li, Removal of Antimony by FeCl3-Modified Granular-Activated Carbon in Aqueous Solution, ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering, 2014, 140(9): A4014001
13.Yu Shao, Y. Jeffrey Yang, Lijie Jiang, Tingchao Yu, Cheng Shen,Experimental testing and modeling analysis of solute mixing at water distribution pipe junctions. Water Research 2014,56(1): 133–147
14.T.C. Yu, Y. Shao, C. Shen,Mixing at Cross Joints with Different Pipe Sizes in Water Distribution Systems, ASCE Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management,2014, 140(5): 658-665
15.Tingchao Yu, Chao Zeng, Miaomiao Ye, Yu Shao,The adsorption of Sb(III) in aqueous solution by Fe2O3-modified carbon nanotubes,Water Science and Technology, 2013, 68(3): 658-664
16. 曾超,俞亭超*,王曉卉,張利娟,二氧化錳改性多壁碳納米管吸附水中Sb(Ⅲ),浙江大學學報(工學版),2013, 47(11): 1951-1957
17. 王曉卉,俞亭超*,李聰,葉苗苗,高錳酸鉀改性活性炭對水中Sb(Ⅲ)的吸附,浙江大學學報(工學版),2012, 46(11): 2028-2034
18. 沈承,俞亭超,張土喬,基於系統分析理論給水管網水質模型的建立,給水排水,2011, 37(7): 158-160
19. 張利娟,俞亭超,遺傳算法在供水系統原水最佳化調度中套用,低溫建築技術,2011, 156(6): 128-130
20. 沈承,俞亭超*,張土喬,城市供水系統突發性污染監測,浙江大學學報(工學版),2010, 44(8): 1604-1607
21. 邵煜,張土喬,俞亭超,埋地PVC管縱向斷裂失效預測機率模型,工程力學,2010, 27(5): 199-204
22. 邵煜,張土喬,俞亭超,考慮腐蝕的埋地灰口鑄鐵管失效預測及可靠度分析,浙江大學學報(工學版),2010,44(1): 160-165
23.邵煜,虞介澤,俞亭超,埋地管線均勻腐蝕失效力學模型及隨機分析,浙江大學學報(工學版),2010, 44(6): 1225-1230
24.邵煜,張土喬,俞亭超,埋地灰口鑄鐵管失效預測模型及影響參數分析,同濟大學學報(自然科學版),2010, 38(6): 805-809
25. Shen Cheng, Yu T.-C., Zhang T.-Q., Optimal design of water-supply pipe network based on improved particle swarm optimization algorithm considering reliability, Proceedings of the 8th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, 2010 8th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, WCICA 2010, July 6-9 2010, Jinan, China
26. Li-juan Zhang, Ting-chao Yu, The Application of Genetic Algorithm in the Raw Water Supply System, 2010 International Conference on Intelligence and Information Technology, October 28-30 2010, Lahore, Pakistan
27.俞亭超,張土喬,基於遺傳算法的供水系統一級最佳化調度研究,同濟大學學報(自然科學版),2006, 34960: 776-781
28.俞亭超,張土喬,供水系統直接最佳化調度遺傳算法求解模型研究,浙江大學學報(工學版),2006, 40(5): 804-809
29. 柳景青,俞亭超,張土喬,城市日用水量需求預測的等維信息SVR建模方法,浙江大學學報(工學版),2006, 40(7): 1230-1233
30.俞亭超,張土喬,基於遺傳算法供水系統最佳化調度模型,系統工程理論與實踐,2005, 25(12): 88-95
31.俞亭超,柳景青,張土喬·改進支持向量機的管網狀態模型,浙江大學學報(工學版),2005, 39(6): 858-862
32.俞亭超,張土喬,呂謀,基於SVM的管網狀態估計模型,哈爾濱工業大學學報(自然科學版),2005, 37(9): 1205-1208
33.YU Ting-chao, ZHANG Tu-qiao, LI Xun, Optimal operation of water supply systems with tanks based on genetic algorithm, Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE, 2005, 6A(8): 886-893
34. 張土喬,俞亭超,提高支持向量機洪水峰值預報精度研究,水力發電學報,2005, 24(2): 35-39
35.俞亭超,張土喬,柳景青,峰值識別的SVM模型及在時用水量預測中的套用,系統工程理論與實踐,2005, 25(1): 134-139
36.俞亭超,張土喬,毛根海,吳小剛,預測城市用水量的人工神經網路模型研究,浙江大學學報(工學版),2004, 38(9): 1156-1161
1. 供水管網水質安全保障關鍵技術研究與套用,浙江省科學技術一等獎,2013,排名2/13
2. 基於人工神經網路及時間序列分析的城市用水量預測模型及其套用研究,浙江省科學技術二等獎,2006,排名4/11
1. 浙江省水協副秘書長
2. 浙江省住房和城鄉建設廳科技委給排水(節水)及燃氣專業委員會副主任委員
3. 浙江省“五水共治”技術服務團抓節水專業組組長
4. 國際水協(IWA)會員
5. ASCE Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, Water Resources Management,系統工程理論與實踐等期刊審稿人