- 中文名:侯雪丹
- 國籍:中國
- 職業:教師
- 畢業院校:華南理工大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職務:廣東工業大學輕工化工學院碩士生導師
09/2009-09/2013 華南理工大學生物科學與工程學院 生物化工 工學博士
09/2006-07/2009 華南理工大學生物科學與工程學院 發酵工程 工學碩士
09/2002-07/2006 武漢輕工大學生物與製藥工程系 生物工程 工學學士
09/2013-今:廣東工業大學輕工化工學院 生物工程系,副教授
2018.11-2019.11:倫敦帝國理工學院 化學工程系 工業生物技術與可持續化學團隊,訪問研究員
1.Xue-DanHou*, Ao-LinLi, Kai-PengLin, Yuan-YuanWang, Zhi-YinKuang, Shi-LinCao. Insight into the structure-function relationships of deep eutectic solventsduring rice straw pretreatment. BioresourceTechnology, 2018, 249:261-267.
2.Xue-Dan Hou*, Kai-Peng Lin, Ao-Lin Li,Lu-Min Yang, Ming-Hui Fu. Effect of constituents molar ratios of deep eutectic solvents on rice strawfractionation efficiency and the micro-mechanism investigation.Industrial Crops and Products, 2018, 120:322-329.
3. Ao-Lin Li,Xue-Dan Hou*,Kai-Peng Lin, Xuan Zhang, and Ming-Hui Fu.Rice strawpretreatment using deep eutectic solvents with different constituents molar ratios: Biomass fractionation, polysaccharides enzymatic digestion and solvent reuse. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 2018, 126(3): 346-354.
4.Xue-DanHou*, Guo-Jian Feng, Mei Ye, Chao-Mei Huang, Yi Zhang*. Significantly enhanced enzymatic hydrolysis of rice straw via a highperformancetwo-stage deep eutectic solvents synergistic pretreatment. Bioresource Technology, 2017, 238: 139-146.
5.Xuedan Hou, Jie Xu, Ning Li *, Minhua Zong *. Effect of anion structures on cholinium ionic liquids pretreatment of rice straw and the subsequent enzymatic hydrolysis, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 2015, 112(1): 65-73.
6.Xuedan Hou, Ning Li*, Minhua Zong*. Renewable bio ionic liquids-water mixtures-mediated selective removal of lignin from rice straw: visualization of changes in composition and cell wall structure; Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 2013, 110 (7), 1895-1902.
7.Xuedan Hou, Ning Li*, Minhua Zong*. Significantly enhancing enzymatic saccharification of rice straw after pretreatment using renewable ionic liquid-water mixtures; Bioresource Technology, 2013, 136: 469-474.
8.Xuedan Hou, Ning Li*, Minhua Zong*. Facile and simple pretreatment of sugarcane bagasse without size reduction using renewable ionic liquids-water mixtures,ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, 2013, 1(5): 519- 526.
9.Xuedan Hou, Thomas J. Smith, Ning Li*, Minhua Zong*. Novel Renewable Ionic Liquids as Highly Effective Solvents for Pretreatment of Rice Straw Biomass by Selective Removal of Lignin, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 2012, 109(10):2484-2493.
10.Qiuping Liu,Xuedan Hou (共同第一作者), Ning Li, Minhua Zong*, Ionic liquids from renewable biomaterials: synthesis, characterization and application in the pretreatment of biomass, Green Chemistry, 2012, 14 (2),304-307.
11.Xuedan Hou, QiuPing Liu, Thomas J. Smith, NingLi, Minhua Zong*. Evaluation of toxicity and biodegradability of cholinium amino acids ionic liquids, PLoS ONE , 2013, 8(3), e59145.
12.WLi;HWu;BGLiu;XDHou;DJWan;WYLou ;JZhao. Highly efficient and regioselective synthesis of dihydromyricetinesters by immobilized lipase, Journal of Biotechnology, 2015, 199: 31-37.
13.XD Hou,WY Lou*,LQ Yan, MH Zong*.Influences of ionic liquids on catalytic performances of papain. Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities,2012, 33: 1245-1251.
14.XD Hou, Zhang Y, Liu H, Li N, Zong MH. Enzymatic Synthesis of 5'-Palmitate of 5-Fluorouridine. Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2011, 32: 1733-1738.