- 中文名:侍福梅
- 國籍:中國
- 出生日期:1978年8月
- 畢業院校:中國農業大學
- 職業:教師
- 職稱:聊城大學副教授
(1)主持國家自然科學基金青年項目“擬南芥內源NO信號、ABA 積累和細胞骨架回響紫外脅迫的動態變化及相互間的crosstalk 研究”(2009-2011,30800585);(2)山東省自然科學基金“大理輪枝菌誘導擬南芥懸浮細胞死亡過程的信號轉導機制”(2010-2013,ZR2010CQ002);(3)植物生理學與生物化學國家重點實驗室開放課題“擬南芥回響紫外脅迫NO、ABA與微管骨架動態的相關性研究”(2008-2010,PPB08006);(4)聊城大學博士基金。
Fu-Mei Shi, Lin-Lin Yao, Bao-Lei Pei , Qun Zhou and Ying-Zhang Li. Cortical microtubule as a sensor and target of nitric oxide signal during the defence responses to Verticillium dahliae toxins in Arabidopsis. Plant, Cell and Environ, 2009, 32, 428–438.(SCI收錄, 影響因子:5.145).Shi FM., Li YZ. Verticillium dahliae toxins-induced nitric oxide production in Arabidopsis is major dependent on nitrate reductase. Biochem Mol Biol Reports, 2008, 41(1):79-85.(SCI收錄, 影響因子:2.167)Yan-Yan Hou, Fu-Mei Shi and Ying-Zhang Li. Verticillium dahliae toxins induced changes of a putative histone H2B and a pumilio/Puf RNA-binding protein gene expression in Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Plant Pathology, 2008, 90(1):117-120.Jia ZQ., Shi FM., Li YZ. Comparison of methods of purification and identification of Verticillium dahliae toxins. J Life Sciences,2007,1:67-72. Shi Fu-mei, Wang Chao. Establishment of green cotton regeneration system. Agricultural Science and Technology, 2010, 11(1):8-11.侍福梅,孟慧敏,王超. 棉花回響UV-B輻射的信號初探. 西北農業學報,2011, 20(9):78~82.侍福梅,王超.紫外線-B輻射引起擬南芥內源H2O2增加及細胞死亡.西北農業學報,2009,3: 231-233.王超,侍福梅.植物微管動態的研究進展.安徽農業科學,2009,26:12501-12502.王超,侍福梅.活性氧與一氧化氮在逆境脅迫下的相互關係.安徽農業科學,2009,5:1903-1904.