- 中文名:余盛
- 出生日期:1979年9月
- 職業:理學博士
- 畢業院校:中國地質大學材料科學與工程本科
Research Interests /研究興趣
Research Projects/研究項目
Selected Publications/部分發表論文
[1]Sheng Yu, Zhoubin Lin, Lizhen Zhang, Guofu Wang, Preparation of Nd doped LaSc3(BO3)4 nanocrystallines by homogeneous precipitation method, Materials Research Innovations, Volume 10, Number 4, December 2006 , 418-420.
[2]Sheng Yu, Zhoubin Lin, Lizhen Zhang, Guofu Wang, Preparation of monodispersed Eu: CaMoO4 nanocrystals with single quasi-hexagon, Crystal Growth & Design, 7 (2007), 2397-2399.
[3]Sheng Yu, Zhoubin Lin, Lizhen Zhang, Guofu Wang, Crystal growth and spectral properties of γ-Yb: LaSc3(BO3)4, Materials Research Innovations, Volume 11, Number 4, December 2007 , 177-180.
[4] Sheng Yu, Lizhen Zhang, Guofu Wang, Preparation of Self-assembled Eu:BaMoO4 Nanostructures with Lotus Leaf-shaped Morphology, 結構化學(Chinese J. Struct. Chem.), 2009, Vol. 28, No. 12, 1549-1522.