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男,1988年11月生,海南大學生態與環境學院副教授,碩士生導師。2019年3月畢業於英國利茲大學,長期從事生態系統遙感監測、複雜系統建模與評估、土地利用管理與氣候變化等領域的研究工作。在遙感領域TOP SCI 期刊Remote Sensing of Environment,農業綜合領域TOP SCI期刊Agricultural Systems,生態學領域SCI期刊Ecological Modeling等發表論文10餘篇。主持國家自然科學基金、海南省自然科學基金與地方委託任務等科研項目。


  • 中文名:余瑞
  • 國籍中國
  • 畢業院校:University of Leeds
  • 職業:教師
  • 學位/學歷:博士研究生
  • 專業方向:生態環境遙感與複雜系統建模




[1] 2022-2024:國家自然科學基金,熱帶地區牧場尺度草畜管理策略對草地退化影響機制研究(30萬),主持;
[2] 2021-2024,海南省自然科學基金,海南文昌地區不同放牧方式對草地退化的影響研究(8萬),主持;
[3] 2020-2022:海南省對地觀測重點實驗室,基於多源遙感數據的海南高速公路網對森林植被與景觀格局的影響研究(4萬),主持;
[4] 2019-2021,橫向,仿真的ABM開發與評估(30萬),主持 ;
[5] 2018-2023,ERC Starting Grant, Data Assimilation for Agent-Based Models (130萬英鎊), 參與;
[6] 國家重點基礎研究發展計畫(973計畫),LUCC及其氣候/生態效應模擬平台綜合集成與多尺度未來情景分析,2010/09-2014/12,已結題,參與。


[1] Rui Yu*, An improved estimation of net primary productivity of grassland in the Qinghai-Tibet region using light use efficiency with vegetation photosynthesis model, Ecological Modelling, 2020, 2020(431):109121.
(2) Yibin Cui, Jiguang Feng, Liguo Liao, Rui Yu, Xiang Zhang, Yuhai Liu, Lianyan Yang, Junfu Zhao*, Zhenghong Tan, Controls of Temporal Variations on Soil Respiration in a Tropical Lowland Rainforest in Hainan Island, China, Tropical Conservation Science, 2020, 2020(13):1-14.
(3) Rui Yu*; A.J. Evans; N. Malleson, An agent-based model for assessing grazing strategies and institutional arrangements in Zeku, China, Agricultural Systems, 2019, 2019(171): 135-142.
(4)Rui Yu*; A.J. Evans; N. Malleson, Quantifying grazing patterns using a new growth function based on MODIS Leaf Area Index, Remote Sensing of Environment, 2018, 2018(209): 181-194.
(5) Rui Yu; Xiangzheng Deng*; Zhe Yan; Chenchen Shi, Dynamic evaluation of land productivity in China, Chinese Journal of Population Resources and Environment, 2013, 11(3): 253-260.
(6) Rui Yu; Xinsheng Wang*; Zhe Yan; Haiming Yan, Regional climate effects of conversion from grassland to forestland in southeastern China, Advances in Meteorology, 2013, 2013(Article ID 630953).
(7) Xiangzheng Deng, Jiyuan Liu, Enjun Ma, Li Jiang, Rui Yu, Qun’ou Jiang, Chunhong Zhao, Impact assessments on water and heat fluxes of terrestrial ecosystem due to land use change, Springer Geography, 2015 | book, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-48008-3_5.
(8) Tao Zhang, Jinyan Zhan, Juan Huang, Rui Yu, and Chenchen Shi, An agent-based reasoning of impacts of regional climate changes on land use changes in the Three-River Headwaters Region of China, Advances in Meteorology, 2013 | journal-article, DOI: 10.1155/2013/248194.
(9) Jin He, Rui Yu, Xinsheng Wang, Lina Huang, Validation of query expression based on regular expression ,2011 International Conference on Computer Science and Service System, CSSS 2011 – Proceedings 2011, DOI: 10.1109/CSSS.2011.5974145.
(10) 戰金艷,余瑞,石慶玲,基於農業生態地帶模型的中國糧食產能動態評估,中國人口·資源與環境,2013年23卷10期,102-109頁.


