北京大學國家發展研究院黨委書記、副院長、博雅特聘教授、教育部長江學者青年學者、國家傑青基金獲得者、國際中國研究聯盟秘書長、黃廷芳/信和青年傑出學者、美國戴維斯加利福尼亞大學經濟學博士(師從Robert Feenstra教授)、全球經濟管理類前1%高引論文經濟學家。被聯合國、亞洲發展銀行、財政部、商務部、國務院參事室和多個地方政府聘為專家顧問,被專門邀請到聯合國總部做中國經濟發展報告。主要研究領域為國際貿易和中國經濟發展,曾在Economic Journal、Review of Economics & Statistics、Journal of International Economics、 Journal of Development Economics、《經濟研究》、《管理世界》、《經濟學季刊》等國內外頂級、一流期刊上發表論文過百篇,出版經濟學專著、教材、時評隨筆六部。
代表作品:Processing Trade, Tariff Reductions, and Firm Productivity: Evidence from Chinese Firms
1. The Exceptional Performance of Chinese Outward Direct Investment Firms, (withTian Wei, and Fan Zhang), China Economic Journal, 2016, 9(2), pp. 209-219.
2. Unexceptional Exporter Performance in China? Role of Processing Trade, (with MiDai and Madura Maitra), Journal of Development Economics, 2016, 121, pp.177-189.
3. “Outward Direct Investment, Firm Productivity, and Credit Constraints: Evidencefrom Chinese Firms,” (with Bijun Wang, Yuyan Tan, and Yiping Huang), PacificEconomic Review, 2016, 21(1): pp.72-83.
4. “Input Trade Liberalization and Firm R&D: Empirical Evidence from Chinese Firms,”(with Wei Tian), The World Economy, forthcoming.
5. “The Potential Impact of China-US BIT on China’s Manufacturing Sectors,” (with FanZhang), China Economic Journal, 2016, 9(1), pp. 47-64.
6. “Introduction to the Special Issue of China’s Growing Trade and its Role to theWorld Economy,” (with Ken Chan), Pacific Economic Review, 2016, 21(1), pp.32-34
7. “Processing Trade, Tariff Reductions, and Firm Productivity: Evidence from ChineseFirms,”Economic Journal, 2015, 125(585), pp. 943-988.
--The paper won the 2015 Royal Economic Society Prize for the Best Paper Award
8.“Democracy and the GATT/WTO Accession Duration,” (with Ka-fu Wong), Review ofDevelopment Economics, 2015, 19(4), pp. 843-859.
10. “Introduction to Special Issue of China’s Growing Trade and Asia-Pacific Trade Agreements,” (with Jiandong Ju),China Economic Journal, 7(2), pp. 1-3.
11. “Exchange Rate Movements and Exporters' Profitability: Empirical Evidence from Chinese Manufacturing Sectors,”(with Zhonghua Liang),China Economic Journal, 7(2), forthcoming.
12. “Import, Firm Productivity, and Product Complexity,” (with Jin Li),Japanese Economic Review, 2014, 65(2), pp. 178-192 (SSCI).
13. “Exports and Credit Constraints under Incomplete Information: Theory andApplication to China,” (with Robert Feenstra, Zhiyuan Li), Review of Economics andStatistics, 2014,96(4), pp.729-744.
14. “Measuring the Impact of Trade Protection on Industrial Production,” (with Wei Tian),Review of Development Economics, 18(2), pp. 231-253, 2014 (SSCI).
15. “Trade Liberalization, Product Complexity, and Productivity Improvement: Evidence from Chinese Firms” (with Guangliang Ye and Baozhi Qu),The World Economy,2013, pp. 913-934 (SSCI).
16. "Firm R&D, Absorptive Capacity, and Learning by Exporting:Firm-Level Evidence from China" (with Mi Dai),The World Economy,2013, pp. 1131-1145 (SSCI).
17. “Does Revaluation of the Chinese Yuan Decrease Imports to the U.S. from China?”Contemporary Economic Policy, 2012, 30(4), pp. 533-547 (SSCI).
18. “China and India: Trends in Trade over the Last Decade” (with Wei Tian),Journal of China and Global Economics2012 (1), pp. 27-38.
19. “Trade, Democracy, and the Gravity Equation,”Journal of Development Economics, 2010, 91(2), 289-300 (SSCI).
20. “Trade Protectionism and Electoral Outcome,”CATO Journal, vol. 29(3), 2009, pp. 523-557 (SSCI).
21. “Labor, Demography, and the Export-Oriented Growth Model in China,”Journal of Comparative Economic Studies, 2009(5), pp. 61-78 (with Yang Yao)
22. “Revaluation of the Chinese Yuan and Triad Trade: A Gravity Assessment”,Journal of Asian Economics, 2009, 20, pp.655-668. (SSCI)
23. “Political Competition and Bilateral Direct Investment”,Frontier of Economics in China, 2007, 2(2), pp. 250-274.
24. “Trade Politics: A Brief Survey of International Political Economy”,Chinese Business Review, 2006, Vol. 5 (5), pp. 1-9.
25. “Corporate Governance of State-Owned Enterprises in China”,Corporate Ownership and Control, fall 2007, Vol. 5(1), pp. 493-499.
52. “貿易全球化和國家民主化”《香港社會科學學報》,2008年秋/冬季,Vol. 35, pp. 1-40。
53. “開發中國家間的民主進步能促進其雙邊貿易嗎?”《經濟學季刊》,2008, Vol. 7(4), pp. 1167-1190(CSSCI)。
54. “國際貿易的麥敕勒悖論及其驗證”,《經濟學季刊》,2008, Vol. 7(2), pp. 621-646,該文獲第15屆安子介國際貿易研究獎。
55. “貿易保護和政治競爭”,《經濟學報》(清華大學), 2008, Vol. 3(1), pp. 149-163.
1. “Firm Imports and Total Factor Productivity in PRC”, Chapter 9, in Yiqing Xing (eds), “The Global Supply Chains Updating”, ADBI Institute, forthcoming.
2. “Industrial Structural Upgrading and Poverty Reduction in China,”(with Justin Lin), in Adam Eddy Szirmai (eds.)The Untold Story: Structural Change for poverty reduction: The Case of the BRICS,Oxford University Press, forthcoming.
3. “China and India: A comparative analysis of Trade and Investment Performance,” with Kaliappa Kaliranjan, Yaqi Wang, and Kanhaiya Singh, in Peter Drysdale (eds.)Dealing with China and India: South and East Asian Economic Integration, Routledge, forthcoming.
4. “Patterns of Trade, Comparative Advantage, and Productivity in the ASEAN-China-India Area”, Biswanath Bhattacharyay (eds.),Role of Key Emerging Economies–ASEAN, PRC, and India for a Balanced, Sustainable, and Resilient Asia, ADBI, forthcoming.
5. “Moving Up the Value Chain in Manufacturing for China”, in Huang Yiping and Juzhong Zhuang (eds.),Can China Avoid the Middle-Income Trap? ADBI, forthcoming.
6. “Measure the Energy Market Integration in East Asia: A Principal Component Analysis Approach”, in Fuji Kimura and Xunpeng Shi (eds.),Deepen Understanding and Moving Forward: Energy Market Integration in East Asia, Jakarta, Indonesia. 2011, pp. 63-96.
7. “China’s Processing Trade: A Firm-Level Analysis,” (with Wei Tian) in Huw McMay and Ligang Song (eds.)Rebalancing and Sustaining Growth in China, Australian National University E-press, 2012, pp.111-148.
8. “China’s Foreign Trade, WTO Accession, and Institutional Quality”, in Vo Tri Tran and Shiro Armstrong (eds),International Institutions and Asian Development, London: Routledge, 2011, pp. 124-146.
Economic Journal(3),American Economic Journal-Econ Policy, Journal of International Economics(4), Journal of Development Economics (3), Journal of Comparative Economics (3), Review of International Economics , Journal of Korean Economy, International Game Theory Review, Singapore Economic Review, Journal of International Trade and Economic Development, China Economic Journal, Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, Journal of Developing Area, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, Economic Modeling, Economics & Politics, Journal of Asian Economics, Asian-pacific Basin Finance Journal, China Economic Review, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, World Economy, Review of Development Economics,International Economic Journal, Economic Transition, Journal of Chinese Economic and Foreign Trade Studies, Japanese Economic Review, Pacific Economic Review, Economic Inquiry