1. 特種光纖及感測器;2. 自組裝薄膜及納米光電材料
1987年 – :武漢理工大學,歷任講師、副教授、研究員
2007年 – 2008年:德國馬普膠體與界面研究所,訪問高級研究學者
1998年 – 1999年:美國維吉尼亞理工大學,訪問學者
1. 大容量光纖感測網關鍵器件與技術研究,國家自然科學基金重大項目(880萬)(排名3)
2. 線上製備光柵陣列的高性能感測光纖產品研發及其產業化,湖北省重大科技創新計畫項目(200萬)(項目負責人)
3. 特種光纖拉絲工藝研發,企業委託(120萬)(項目負責人)
[1] Yu Haihu, Wang Ying, Ma Jian, et al. Fabry-Perot Interferometric High-Temperature Sensing Up to 1200 °C Based on a Silica Glass Photonic Crystal Fiber. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland), 2018, 18(1): 273 (SCI)
[2] Ma J., Yu H.H., Jiang X., et al. High-performance temperature sensing using a selectively filled solid-core photonic crystal fiber with a central air-bore. OPTICS EXPRESS, 2017, 25(8): 9406-9415 (SCI)
[3] Bai W., Yang M.H., Dai J.X., Yu H.H. et al. Novel polyimide coated fiber Bragg grating sensing network for relative humidity measurements. OPTICS EXPRESS, 2016, 24(4): 3230-3237 (SCI)
[4] Chen Wang, Ying Shang, Xiao-Hui Liu, Chang Wang, Hai-Hu Yu, De-Sheng Jiang, Gang-Ding Peng. Distributed OTDR-interferometric sensing network with identical ultra-weak fiber Bragg Gratings. OPTICS EXPRESS, 2015, 23(22): 29038-29046 (SCI)
[5] Zheng Yu, Yu Haihu, Guo Huiyong, et al. Analysis of the Spectrum Distortions of Weak Fiber Bragg Gratings Fabricated In-Line on a Draw Tower by the Phase Mask Technique. JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY, 2015, 33(12 ): 2670-2673 (SCI)
[6] Huiyong Guo, Fang Liu, Yinquan Yuan, Haihu Yu, Minghong Yang. Ultra-weak FBG and its refractive index distribution in the drawing optical fiber. OPTICS EXPRESS, 2015, 23(4): 4829-4838 (SCI)
[7] Wu Yiwen, Yu Haihu, Chen Su, et al. Effects of impurity dilution in preforms on attenuation and strength of optical fiber. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2014, 383: 81-85 (SCI)
[8] Yu Haihu, Li Gengmin, Li Xiaofu, et al. Producing regenerated gratings in hydrogen-loaded single mode fiber by heat treatment. Photonic Sensors, 2014, 4(2): 125-127 (EI)
[9] Huiyong Guo, Jianguan Tang, Xiaofu Li, Yu Zheng, Hua Yu, Haihu Yu. On-line writing identical and weak fiber Bragg grating arrays. Chinese Optics Letters, 2013, 4(4): 111-112 (EI)
[10] Hu Peng, Yu Haihu, Deng Jinyang, et al. Formation and characterization of CdS hollow structures. J WUHAN UNIV OF TECH-MATER SCI ED, 2008, 23(3): 425-427 (SCI)
[11] Yu HH, Jiang DS, Li XF, et al. Layer-by-layer assembly of polyelectrolyte/TiO2 thin films with reflection-enhancing function. OPTICAL MATERIALS, 2006, 28(12): 1381-1384 (SCI)
[12] Yu Haihu, Cao Tong, Zhou Lingde et al. Layer-by-layer assembly and humidity sensitive behavior of poly(ethyleneimine)/multiwall carbon nanotube composite films. SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL, 2006, 119(2): 512-515 (SCI)
[13] 余海湖, 曹蓓蓓. 一種均勻摻雜石英玻璃棒的製備方法[授權發明專利]:CN201510103345.4
[14] 余海湖, 郭會勇, 李小甫, 程乘, 周次明, 姜德生. 一種光纖光柵的製備方法[授權發明專利]: CN201510115832.2
[15] 余海湖, 郭會勇, 李小甫, 唐健冠, 王立新, 姜德生. 一種線上光纖光柵製備系統[授權發明專利]:CN201510114462.0
[16] 徐志明, 余海湖, 徐鐵梁. 平板玻璃原料及生產技術. 冶金工業出版社, 2012年3月1日第1版,298頁
[17] 五類光纖感測敏感材料製備與加工規模化生產技術及其套用, 國家科學技術進步獎二等獎, 2002年(排名第7)
[18] 光纖光柵感測系統工業化生產關鍵技術研究與套用, 湖北省科學技術進步獎一等獎, 2003年(排名第12)
[19] 光纖高溫感測測量技術與套用, 建築材料科學技術獎技術發明類二等獎, 2004年(排名第4)
[20] 大容量光柵陣列光纖感測網路關鍵技術研究與套用, 湖北省技術發明獎一等獎,2018年(排名第3)
[21] 大容量低損耗陣列光纖光柵動態製備關鍵技術與套用,國家技術發明獎通用項目二等獎,2019年度(排名第3)