- 中文名:余愛梅
- 畢業院校:北京交通大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:數學
- 就職院校:北京交通大學
2000/09-2005/07 中國科學院數學與系統科學研究院系統科學研究所 博士
1996/09-2000/07 華中師範大學數學系 學士
2014/08-2015/08 美國西維吉尼亞大學 訪問學者
2014/01-2014/02 韓國嶺南大學數學系 訪問學者
2005/07-2009/09 北京交通大學數學系 講師
2009/10-至今 北京交通大學數學系 副教授
2014.1-2017.12 參加國家自然科學基金“面上”項目一項
2012.1--2014.12 主持國家自然科學“青年科學基金”項目一項
2011.1--2013.12 參加國家自然科學基金“面上”項目一項
2011.1--2013.12 主持校基本科研業務費項目一項
2009.1--2011.12 主持博士點新教師基金項目一項
2007.1--2009.12 參加國家自然科學基金“面上”項目一項
1. Aimei Yu, Kun Peng, Rong-Xia Hao, Jiahao Fu, Yingsheng Wang, On the revised Szeged index of unicyclic graphs with given diameter, Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc.
2. Aimei Yu, Rensen Ma, Keke Wang, Jiangxu Kong, Strongly spanning trailable graphs in graph family , Chinese Journal of Contemporary Mathematics, (39)2018, 51-60.(中文版:余愛梅,馬仁森,王可可,孔將旭, 中的強支撐可跡圖, 中國數學年刊A輯,39(2018),53-62.)
3. Jianping Liu, Aimei Yu, Keke Wang, Hong-Jian Lai, Degree sum and hamiltonian-connected line graphs, Discrete Mathematics, 341 (2018)
4. Yan Liu, Aimei Yu, Mei Lu, Rong-Xia Hao, On the Szeged index of unicyclic graphs with given diameter, Discrete Apllied Mathematics, 233(2017), 118-130.
5. Wenjing Zhang, Aimei Yu, On the rank of weighted graphs, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 65(2017)
6. Aimei Yu, Rensen Ma, Keke Wang, Jiangxu Kong, Strongly spanning trailable graphs in graph family , Chinese Annals of Mathematics (Series C), accepted.
7. Mei-Mei Gu, Rong-Xia Hao, Yan-Quan Feng and Ai-Mei Yu, The 3-extra connectivity and faulty diagnosability, The Computer Journal, 2017
8. Aimei Yu, Jianping Liu, Miaomiao Han, Hong-Jian Lai, On dense strongly-connected graphs, Discrete Mathematics, 339(2016)
9. Rong-Xia Hao, Meimei Gu, Huan Luo and Aimei Yu, A Note on the pessimistic diagnosability of augmented cubes, Journal of Interconnection Networks, 16 (2016), 1671001 (8 pages).
10. Guojun Li, Aimei Yu, A characterization of bicyclic signed graphs with nullity n-7, Journal of Mathematical Research and Exposition, 1(2015), 1-10.
11. Aimei Yu ,Ordering trees by their spectral radii, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica (English Series), 30-4(2014)
12. Aimei Yu , Mei Lu, Lower Bounds on the (Laplacian) spectral radius of weighted graphs, Chinese Annals of Mathematics (Series B),35B(4)(2014)
13. Aimei Yu , A New Upper Bound for the Laplacian Spectral Radius of a Graph, Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra,20(2010)
14. Xuezheng Lv, Yan Yan, Aimei Yu and Jingjing Zhang , Ordering trees with given pendent vertices with respect to Merrifield-Simmons indices and Hosoya indices, Journal of Mathematical Chemistry ,47(2010),11-20.
15. A.M. Yu , On Graphs with Second Largest Eigenvalue Less Than 1, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, 31(2008)(in chinese).
16. A.M. Yu and M. Lu, Laplacian spectral radius of trees with given maximum degree, Linear Algebra and its Applications,429(8-9)(2008)
17. A.M. Yu and X.Z. Lv, The Merrifield-Simmons Indices and Hosoya Indices of trees with $k$ pendant vertices, Journal of Mathematical Chemistry,41(2007), 33-43.
18. A.M. Yu and F. Tian, A kind of graphs with minimal Hosoya indices and maximal Merrifield-Simmons indices, MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem., 55(2006)
19. A.M. Yu and X.Z. Lv, Minimum energy on trees with $k$ pendant vertices, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 418(2006)
20. X.Z. Lv and A.M. Yu, The Merrifield-Simmons Indices and Hosoya Indices of trees with a given maximum degree, MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem., 56(2006)
21. A.M. Yu , M. Lu and F. Tian, Characterization on graphs which achieve a Das' upper bound for Laplacian spectral radius, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 400(2005)
22. A.M. Yu , M. Lu and F. Tian, New upper bounds for the energy of graphs, MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem., 53(2005)
23. A.M. Yu , M. Lu and F. Tian, Ordering trees by their Laplacian radii, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 405(2005), 45-59.
24. A.M. Yu and F. Tian, On the spectral radius of unicyclic graphs, MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem., 51(2004), 97-109.
25. A.M. Yu , M. Lu and F. Tian, On the spectral radius of graphs, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 387(2004), 41-49.
26. A.M. Yu and F. Tian, On the spectral radius of bicyclic graphs, MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem., 52(2004), 91-101.
27. A.Chang, F. Tian and A.M. Yu, On the index of bicyclic graphs with perfect matchings, Dis. Math., 283(2004), 51-59.