余國先,男 ,湖北孝感人,博士研究生 。西南大學計算機與信息科學學院副教授、碩士生導師,IEEE數據挖掘與大數據分析技術委員會委員 。研究方向機器學習,數據挖掘,生物信息學。
- 中文名:余國先
- 性別:男
- 學歷:博士
- 職稱:副教授
2013-至今 西南大學計算機與信息科學學院從事教學科研工作
2014-2015年 香港浸會大學 計算機科學系 博士後研究員
2011-2013年 美國喬治梅森大學(George Mason University) 國家公派聯合培養博士生
2007-2013年 華南理工大學 計算機科學與工程學院 計算機套用技術工學博士
2003-2007年 西安理工大學 計算機科學與工程學院 軟體工程學士
近年來,在國際頂級會議(SIGKDD, IJCAI, ECML/PKDD, ICDM等), 國際知名期刊
(IEEE/ACM Trans. on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics,
BMC Bioinformatics, BMC Systems Biology, Knowledge and Information Systems,
Pattern Recognition, Neurocomputing等)發表論文10多篇, 其中SCI收錄12篇(第一作者9篇),
現擔任ICDM2015,SDM2015,ICDM2014,SDM2014,CIDM2014 PC(Program Committee),
IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks and Learning Systems,
IEEE/ACM Trans. on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, Neurocomputing,
International Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics, Plos One 等SCI雜誌的審稿人.
[1] Guoxian Yu*, Guoji Zhang, Zili Zhang, Zhiwen Yu, Lin Deng. Semi-Supervised Classification based on Subspace Sparse Representation, Knowledge and Information Systems, Vol. 43 (1): 81-101, 2015. CCF推薦B類國際期刊
[2] Guoxian Yu*, Hailong Zhu, Carlotta Domeniconi, Predicting Protein Function using Incomplete Hierarchical Labels, BMC Bioinformatics,Vol. 16: 1, 2015. CCF推薦C類綜合期刊
[3] Guoxian Yu*, Hailong Zhu, Carlotta Domeniconi, Maozu Guo. Integrating Multiple Networks for Protein Function Prediction, BMC Systems Biology, Vol. 9(S1): S3, 2015.
[4] Guoxian Yu*, Huzefa Rangwala, Carlotta Domeniconi, Guoji Zhang, Zili Zhang. Predicting Protein Function using Multiple Kernels, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (TCBB), Vol. 12 (1): 219-233, 2015. CCF推薦C類綜合期刊
[5] Guoxian Yu*, Huzefa Rangwala, Carlotta Domeniconi, Guoji Zhang, Zhiwen Yu, Protein Function Prediction with Incomplete Annotations, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (TCBB), Vol. 11 (3): 579-591, 2014. CCF推薦C類綜合期刊
[6] Guoxian Yu*, Huzefa Rangwala, Carlotta Domeniconi, Guoji Zhang, Zhiwen Yu. Protein Function Prediction using Multi-label Ensemble Classification, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (TCBB), Vol. 10 (4): 1045-1057, 2013. CCF推薦C類綜合期刊
[7] Guoxian Yu*, Carlotta Domeniconi, Huzefa Rangwala, Guoji Zhang. Protein Function Prediction using Dependence Maximization, Proceedings of the ECML/PKDD(23rd European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases), 2013. CCF推薦B類國際會議
[8] Guoxian Yu*,Huzefa Rangwala, Carlotta Domeniconi, Guoji Zhang, Zili Zhang. Protein Function Prediction by Integrating Multiple Kernels, Proceedings of the 23rd IJCAI (International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence), 2013. CCF推薦A類國際會議
[9] Guoxian Yu*, Carlotta Domeniconi, Huzefa Rangwala, Guoji Zhang, Zhiwen Yu, Transductive Multi-label Ensemble Classification for Protein Function Prediction, Proceedings of the 18th ACM SIGKDD (Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining), 2012. CCF推薦A類國際會議
[10] Guoxian Yu*, Guoji Zhang, Huzefa Rangwala, Carlotta Domeniconi, Zhiwen Yu. Protein Function Prediction using Weak-label Learning, Proceedings of 3rd ACM Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology and Biomedicine (ACM BCB), 2012.
[11] Guoxian Yu*, Guoji Zhang, Carlotta Domeniconi, Zhiwen Yu and Jane You, Semi-Supervised Classification based on Random Subspace Dimensionality Reduction, Pattern Recognition, Vol. 45 (3): 1119-1135, 2012. CCF 推薦B類國際期刊
[12] Guoxian Yu*, Guoji Zhang, Zhiwen Yu, Carlotta Domeniconi, Jane You and Guoqiang Han, Semi-Supervised Ensemble Classification in Subspaces, Applied Soft Computing, Vol. 12 (5) :1511-1522, 2012.
[13] Guoxian Yu*, Hong Peng, Jia Wei and Qianli Ma, Enhanced Locality Preserving Projections with Robust Path based Similarity, Neurocomputing, Vol. 74 (4), 2011, pp. 598-605. CCF 推薦C類國際期刊
[14] Guoxian Yu*, Zhiwen Yu, Jing Hua, Xuan Li and Jane You, Sparse Representation based Spectral Regression, in Proceedings of the IEEE 10th International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetic (ICMLC), 2011, pp. 532-537. Best Student Paper (2/500). ICMLC最佳學生論文獎。
[15] Guoxian Yu*, Hong Peng, Jia Wei and Qianli Ma, Mixture Graph based Semi-Supervised Dimensionality Reduction, Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Vol. 20 (4), 2010, pp. 536-541.
[16] Guoxian Yu*, Hong Peng, Qianli Ma and Jia Wei, Robust Path Based Semi-Supervised Dimensionality Reduction, in Proceedings of the IEEE 6th International Conference on Information and Automation (ICIA), 2009, pp. 1258-1263.
[17] Guoxian Yu*, Guoji Zhang, Jia Wei, Yazhou Ren, A multi graphs based transductive ensemble classification method, Journal of Electronic and Information Technology. Vol. 31 (8), 2011, pp. 1883-1888. in Chinese with abstract in English. 余國先,張國基,韋佳,任亞洲.一種基於多圖的集成直推分類方法,電子與信息學報,Vol. 31 (8), 2011, pp. 1883-1888.
[18] Yazhou Ren, Carlotta Domeniconi, Guoji Zhang, Guoxian Yu*, A Weighted Adaptive Mean Shift Clustering Algorithm, SIAM Conference on Data Mining (SDM), 2014. CCF推薦B類國際會議
[19] Yazhou Ren, Carlotta Domeniconi, Guoji Zhang, Guoxian Yu*, Weighted-Object Ensemble Clustering, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), 2013. CCF推薦B類國際會議
[20] Yazhou Ren, Guoji Zhang, Guoxian Yu*, Xuan Li, Local and Global Structure Preserving based Feature Selection, Neurocomputing, Vol. 89, 2012, pp. 147-157. CCF 推薦C類國際期刊
[21] Zhiwen Yu, Hau-San Wong, Jane You, Guoxian Yu* and Guoqiang Han, Hybrid Cluster Ensemble Framework based on the Random Combination of Data Transformation Operators, Pattern Recognition, Vol. 45 (5):1826-1837, 2012. CCF推薦B類國際期刊.
[22] Zhiwen Yu, Le Li, Hau-San Wong, Jane You, Guoqiang Han, Yunjun Guo, Guoxian Yu*, Probabilistic Cluster Structure Ensemble, Information Sciences, Vol. 267:16–34, 2014. CCF推薦B類國際期刊
[1] 2013.11 指導研究生獲勒卡斯杯全國數據挖掘競賽二等獎,三等獎各1項
[2] 2013.05 華南理工大學 篤行杯校園十大學術之星
[3] 2013.05 IJCAI Student Travel Award
[4] 2012.12 研究生國家獎學金,國家教育部+國家財政部
[5] 2012.08 Student Travel Award, ACM BCB12
[6] 2012.07 Student Travel Award, SIGKDD12
[7] 2012.04 Best Poster, Doctral Student Forum of SIAM Conf. on Data Mining
[8] 2012.04 SDM Student Travel Award, Google
[9] 2012.03 優秀博士論文創新基金二等資助 華南理工大學
[10] 2011.07 Best Student Paper, IEEE Int. Conf. on Machine Learning and Cybernetics