- 中文名:何雄君
- 國籍:中國
- 出生日期:1965.09
- 畢業院校:武漢理工大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職務:武漢理工大學博士生導師
1982.9~1986.7 河海大學工程力學專業,獲學士學位;1986.9~1989.6 河海大學結構工程專業,獲碩士學位; 1999.9~2003.6武漢理工大學獲博士學位(同濟大學博士後)。
1989.6~1993.5湖北省交通規劃設計院助工、工程師。1993.5~1997.7 武漢交通科技大學(現武漢理工大學)土建系講師;1997.7~2003.11武漢理工大學交通學院副教授;2003.11至今 武漢理工大學交通學院教授。1998.9~1999.1 參加ESEC學習,獲得優異成績,並被評為優秀班長。曾被評為校科技先進工作者,1998年遴選為湖北省跨世紀學術骨幹。
在國內外核心刊物(包括Journal of Bridge Engineering(ASCE),中國公路學報, 工程力學等)上發表論文90餘篇,其中多篇被EI、SCI收錄。發明專利3項,軟體著作權3項。編著《橋樑結構實用電算》(科學出版社,1996)、《現代預應力建築結構》(武漢大學音像出版社)各一部。
[1]代力,何雄君,楊文瑞,王江. 帶工作裂縫GFRP筋混凝土梁抗彎性能受環境影響試驗研究[J]. 武漢理工大學學報(交通科學與工程版), 2015, 39(4):755-758
[2]代力,何雄君,楊文瑞,何有為,王江. 混凝土鹼環境中GFRP筋耐久性能試驗研究[J].玻璃鋼/複合材料, 2015, (8):75-79
[3]代力, 何雄君, 楊文瑞,王江. 持續荷載作用下混凝土梁中GFRP筋抗拉性能試驗研究[J].工業建築
[4]Wen-rui Yang, Xiong-jun He, Li Dai. Fracture Performance of GFRP Bars Embedded in Concrete Beams with Cracks in an Alkaline Environment. Journal of Composites for Construction. (SCI收錄)
[5]楊文瑞,何雄君,代力. 工作裂縫對GFRP筋混凝土梁粘結耐久性影響研究[J]. 長安大學學報(自然科學版). (EI檢索)
[6]鄧育林,雷凡,何雄君. 地震作用下大跨斜拉橋主橋與多聯引橋伸縮縫處連鎖碰撞效應研究[J]. 土木工程學報,2015,02:87-95(EI收錄)
[7]楊竟南, 何雄君. 水深對橋樑地震效應的影響分析[J]. 武漢理工大學學報(交通科學與工程版), 2015, 39(4):759-762
[8]章恆,何雄君,楊俊峰,汪濤. 山區橋樑綠色施工綜合評價系統研究[J]. 武漢理工大學學報(交通科學與工程版), 2015, 39(3):621-624
[9]高興贊,何雄君,秦清波,尹棟佳,陳宇坤. 大型高墩通航渡槽墩身二級設防水準地震回響分析[J].鐵道建築, 2015,5:38-42
[10]Wen-rui Yang, Xiong-jun He, Li Dai. Shear Performance of GFRP Bars Embedded in Concrete Beams with Crack in Different Environments. The 12th International Symposium on Fiber Reinforced Polymers for Reinforced Concrete Structures (FRPRCS-12) & The 5th Asia-Pacific Conference on Fiber Reinforced Polymers in Structures (APFIS-2015) Joint Conference, 14-16 December 2015, Nanjing, China
[11]Xia Zhao, Xiong-Jun He. High-Toughness and Durability Performance Characterization of Concrete Reinforced with Polyvinyl Alcohol Fibers. Materials Express,2014,4(3):247-252(SCI收錄)
[12]Xia Zhao, Xiong-Jun He, Sheng Yan. Computational and Simulation analysis of Pull-out Fiber Reinforced Concrete. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering. 2014(1):1-7 (SCI收錄)
[13]Xia Zhao?, Xiong-Jun He. Enhancement of the durability characteristics of concrete reinforcement with micro-scale polyvinyl alcohol fibers. Journal of Advanced Microscopy Research,2014(8):1–4 (EI收錄)
[14]HengqianZhao,Xiongjun He. The development and innovation of modern suspension bridge in China. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2014,587-589:1435-1438(EI收錄)
[15]王江,何雄君,李梁. 高寒地區橋面GFRP筋-瀝青混凝土鋪裝層結構溫度應力分析. 武漢理工大學學報(交通科學與工程版),2014,38(3):594-598
[16]Dongjia Yin, Xiongjun He, Dequan You, Bingkai Liu. Influence of tensioning stress to web cracking of rigid frame bridge in cantilever construction. Advanced Materials Research,2014,919-921:560-563(EI收錄)
[17]Li Dai, Xiongjun He, Feng Shen. A Effective Solution Method Based on Bayesian Rule for Prediction of Long-term Tensile Strength of GFRP Bars in Concrete Beams. Advanced Materials Research, 2014, 936: 1468-1472[International Conference on Materials Science and Engineering Technology (MSET 2014)] (EI收錄)
[18]Xiaoxin Feng,Xiongjun He, Zhuhua Yang. Study on the anti-cracking of GFRP bars asphalt concrete bridge deck pavement under the vehicle load. Advanced Materials Research. Vols.919-921(2014)pp 1173-1177
[19]代力,何雄君,楊文瑞.考慮初始裂縫的GFRP筋混凝土梁受彎性能試驗. 武漢理工大學學報, 2014,36(9):85-89
[20]Xiongjun He,Yan Huang. A basic computation model of added mass on ship section with Green function. Applied Mechanics and Materials,Vols. 556-562(2014)pp 3678-3681(EI收錄)
[21]Wen-rui Yang, Xiong-jun He, Kai Zhang, Peng Zhang. Effect of the special environments on bond behavior of CFRP anchor. The 4th International Conference on Green Building, Materials and Civil Engineering(GBMCE2014) , HONG KONG, 21-22 AUGUST 2014.
[22]楊文瑞, 何雄君.CFRP錨桿與環氧樹脂的耐久性試驗研究. 武漢理工大學學報,2014,36(11):93-96
[23]鄧育林,雷凡,何雄君. 承台結構形式變化對大跨斜拉橋抗震性能的影響分析. 武漢理工大學學報(交通科學與工程版),2013(4):839-842
[24]鄧育林,雷凡,何雄君. 縱向地震作用下大跨三塔懸索橋伸縮縫處雙邊碰撞效應研究. 2013: 126-130.
[25]何雄君. 橋樑夜景觀與文化景觀設計方法研究. 交通科技,2013:55-56.
[26]HE Xiong-jun,YANG Jing-nan,Charles E. Bakis. Tensile strength characteristics of GFRP bars in concrete beams with work cracks under sustained loading and severe environments. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology (materials science edition) ,2013,28(5):934-937(SCI收錄)
[27]YANG Jing-nan, HE Xiong-jun. Parallel cellular element method in soil-rock mechanics. Applied Mechanics and Materials,2013(EI收錄)
[28]Yin Dongjia, He Xiongjun. Characteristics of Force Transmission of the Junction for Steel-prestressed Concrete Composite Continuous Beam Bridges with Three Spans. Applied Mechanics and Materials,2013(EI收錄)
[29]Yan Sheng, He Xiongjun. The training system based the virtual traffic scene on pedestrians’ safety. Applied Mechanics and Materials,2013(EI收錄)
[30]丁威, 何雄君. 鋼-預應力砼混合連續箱梁橋鋼箱長度參數研究. 武漢理工大學學報,2012(3):554-557. ISBN1006-2823
[31]沈強南,邵吉林,何雄君. 三跨鋼—混混合連續梁橋結合段傳力性能研究. 橋樑建設,2012,42(3):70-74 ISBN1003-4722.
[32]Yang jinnan,He Xiongjun. Externally Prestressed Steel Box Girder Bridge. Applied mechanics and materials, 2012, 178-181:2209-2212(EI收錄)
[33]Wang Yonghong, He Xiongjun. Influence of Cracked Size of Old Concrete Pavement on Asphalt Overlay Stress. Advanced materials research, 2012, 446-449(EI收錄)
[34]Xiong-jun HE, Ping ZHOU, Ji-lin SHAO, jiu-si LIU. Appraisement Method of Integral Rigidity of Navigation Channel Bridges Based on Ambient Vibration Signals. PROCEEDINGS OF THE FIRST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION AND SAFETY, Published by the American Society of Civil Engineers,2011: 2797-2803(EI收錄)
[35]YulinDeng Xiongjun He. Effect of Pounding at Expansion Joints on Seismic Response of Long-Span Suspension Bridge under Strong Earthquakes. Advanced Materials Research Vols. 163-167 (2011) : 4373-4377 (ISTP收錄)
[36]Xiongjun He, Nguyen Phan Anh, Jiusi Liu. Modeling Method of Analysis of Complicated Bridge Structures Based on Design Drawings. Advanced Materials Research,2011: 243-249 : 6131-6137(EI收錄)
[37]鄧育林, 何雄君. 行波效應對大跨多塔懸索橋地震反應的影響分析. 武漢理工大學學報(交通科學與工程版),2011,35(3):443-447
[38]X.J He and P.A Nguyen. Prediction of Service Life of Pre-stressed Concrete Bridge by Fault Tree Analysis Model. International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Macau, China, 2010: 2379 - 2383(EI收錄)
[39]YulinDeng Xiongjun He. Seismic Vulnerability Analysis of Long-span Multi- tower Suspension Bridge. 2010 International Conference on Computational and Information Sciences
[40]戴萬江,何雄君,毛昌慶. FRP筋混凝土粘結滑移有限元分析. 交通科技,2010(2):78-81
[42]Anurag Jaipuriar, Charles E. Bakis, Xiongjun He. Glassy-Rubbery Transition Behavior of Epoxy Resins Used in FRP Structural Strengthening Systems. CICE 2010 - The 5th International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering, Beijing, China, September 27-29, 2010
[43]何雄君,陸愛民. 預應力混凝土橋樑因鋼束鏽蝕的非線性分析. 公路交通科 技, 2010,27(1):58-61. ISSN 1002-0268
[44]Xiong-jun HE,Li-chu Fan. 3D Coordinating Relations between Steel Cables and Concrete of Prestressed Concrete Beam Bridges,Journal of Bridge Engineering, ASCE,2009,(7):279-285(SCI收錄)
(2)國家自然科學基金項目:混凝土梁中GFRP筋抗拉強度演化機理研究。項目 批准號:51178361