何鐵石,博士,副教授。2009年獲合肥工業大學材料學博士學位,2005年獲得天津大學化學工程碩士學位,1997年獲遼寧大學材料化學學士學位。2009年至今為渤海大學化學化工學院教師,無機化學專業碩士研究生導師,2012年至今為遼寧省超級電容器工程技術中心主任,2015-2016美國喬治亞理工學院訪問學習,1997-2005錦州石化公司工程師。中國儲能學會會員、《電子元件與材料》雜誌理事、ACS Appl Mater Inter, Materials Technology等國際學術期刊評審專家,從事光電功能材料、化學電源方向的相關研究,目前主要進行超級電容器相關基礎和套用研究。近年來,先後主持/參加了國家自然科學基金、“863”和省部級等科研項目的研究工作,獲2015年遼寧省科技進步三等獎(排名第1),2014年錦州市科技進步一等獎(排名第1)。先後在ACS APPL MATER INTER(IF=7.145), ELECTROCHIM ACTA(IF=4.803), SCI REP(IF=5.228), POLYMER(IF=3.910), COMPOS SCI TECH(IF=4.502), INT J ENERG RES(IF=2.418)等國際知名學術期刊上以第一作者或通訊作者發表論文30餘篇。授權中國發明專利10件,其中部分相關科技成果省部級以上鑑定為“國際先進”,並在《科技成果管理與研究》(2016年11期22頁)等雜誌上進行了專題報導。主編《超級電容器製備與套用》學術著作1部。
- 中文名:何鐵石
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢族
- 出生地:遼寧省凌海市
- 出生日期:1972.02
- 職業:高校教師
- 畢業院校:合肥工業大學
- 學位/學歷:博士/研究生
- 專業方向:材料化學
- 職務:主任(遼寧省超級電容器工程技術中心)
- 主要成就:2015年遼寧省科技進步三等獎
- Tieshi He, Yiran Fu, Xiangling Meng, Xiaodong Yu, Xiuli Wang, A novel strategy for the high performance supercapacitor based on PAN-derived porous nanofibers as electrode and separator in ionic liquid electrolyte,Electrochimica Acta, 2018, 282: 97-104.
- Tieshi He*, Rui Jia, Xiaoshi Lang, Xianyan Wu, Youjiang Wang*, Preparation and electrochemical performance of PVdF ultrafine porous fiber separator-cum-electrolyte for supercapacitor, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2017, 164(13): E379-E384.
- Tieshi He, Xiangling Meng, Jun-ping Nie, Yujin Tong, Kedi Cai*, Thermally Reduced Graphene Oxide Electrochemically Activated by Bis-Spiro Quaternary Alkyl Ammonium for Capacitors,ACS Applied Materials & Interface, 2016, 8(22): 13865–13870.
- Tieshi He, Qunyan Su, Zehra Yildiz, Kedi Cai, Youjiang Wang*, Ultrafine Carbon Fibers with Hollow-Porous Multilayered Structure for Supercapacitors,Electrochimica Acta, 2016, 222: 1120-1127.
- Tieshi He,Xue Ren, Yabin Wang, Junping Nie, Kedi Cai*, Electrochemical Performance of Reduced Graphene Oxide in Spiro-(1,1’)-bipyrrolidinium Tetrafluoroborate Electrolyte, International Journal of Energy Reseach, 2016, 40:1105–1111.
- Tieshi He, Xue Ren, Junping Nie, Jun Ying, Kedi Cai*, Investigation of Imbalanced Activated Carbon Electrode Supercapacitors, International Journal of Electrochemical, 2015, Article ID 801217.
- Tieshi He, Xue Ren, Kedi Cai, Ying Wei, Shuguang Sun*. Electrochemical Performance of Activated Carbon Treated by Vacuum Impregnation Using Fluorinated Surfactant, Materials Technology, 2013,28(6):364-369.
- Tieshi He, Weifang Mu, Chunjiao Zhang, Zhenxing Jin*, Kedi Cai. Activated carbon modified by adhesion promoter for supercapacitor, Advanced Materials Research, 2012, 347-353: 3645-3648.
- Tieshi He, Zhengfa Zhou, Weibing Xu*, Yan Cao, Zhifeng Shia and Wei-Ping Pan*.Zhifeng Shia and Wei-Ping Pan*,Visible-light photocatalytic activity of semiconductor composites supported by electrospun fiber, Composites science and technology, 2010, 70(10): 1469-1475.
- Tieshi He, Zhengfa Zhou, Weibing Xu*. Thermal property of TiO2-fluoropolymer fiber nanocomposites, Journal of materials science, 2010, 45(9): 2534-2537.
- Tieshi He, Zhengfa Zhou, Weibing Xu*, Fengmei Ren, Haihong Ma, Jin Wang. Preparation and photocatalysis of TiO2-fluoropolymer electrospun fiber nanocomposites, Polymer, 2009, 50(13): 3031-3036.
- Tieshi He, Haihong Ma, Zhengfa Zhou, Weibing Xu*, Fengmei Ren, Zhifeng Shi, Jin Wang. Preparation of ZnS-fluoropolymer nanocomposites and its photocatalytic degradation of MB, Polymer degradation and stability, 2009, 94 (12): 2251-2256.
- Cai Kedi, Yang Rui, Lang Xiaoshi*, Zhang Qingguo, Wang Zhenhua, Tieshi He*, Gradient Mn-La-Pt catalysts with three-layered structure for Li-O2 battery. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6: 34950.
- Kedi Cai, Weifang Mu, Tieshi He, Junbo Hou, Investigation of the electrode molding technologies for the carbon-based supercapacitors, Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 2012,16(7):2541-2546.
- Zhenxing Jin, Weifang Mu, Chunjiao Zhang, Tieshi He, Qingguo Zhang, Kedi Cai*. Activated carbon modified by coupling agent for supercapacitor, Electrochimica Acta, 2012, 59: 100-104.

- 何鐵石,金振興,張純嬌,等,超級電容器製備與套用,北京:原子能出版社,200千字,2011.