主持國家重點基礎研究發展計畫(973)專題 “天然森林和草地土壤有機組分研究及其與土壤碳截獲的關係”,2011-2015.
國家自然科學基金面上項目“作物光合碳向農田土壤有機質關鍵組分的轉化及其對CO2升高的回響”(41071161), 2009-2011.
主持國家重點基礎研究發展計畫(973)專題“乙草胺的轉化、傳遞與積累過程與作物產地環境安全”, 2005-2010.
國家自然科學基金重點項目“東北黑土氮素轉化過渡特性及轉化過程調控研究” (40535028),2006-2009.
He H.B., Zhang W., Zhang X.D., Xie H.T., Zhuang J. 2011. Temporal responses of soil microorganisms to substrate addition as indicated by amino sugar differentiation. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 43: 1155-1161.
He H.B., Lü H.J., Zhang W., Hou S.M., Zhang X.D. 2011. A liquid chromatographic/mass spectrometric method to evaluate 13C and 15N incorporation into soil amino acids. Journal of Soils and Sediments 11: 731-740.
He H.B., Li X.B., Zhang W., Zhang X.D. 2011. Differentiating the dynamics of native and newly immobilized amino sugars in soil frequently amended with inorganic nitrogen and glucose. European Journal of Soil Science 62: 144-151.
田秋香, 張威,閆穎,何紅波,張旭東, 鄭立臣. 2011.穩定性同位素技術在土壤重要有機組分循環轉化研究中的套用. 土壤,43 (6):862-869.
李曉波,張威,田秋香,呂慧捷,丁雪麗,, 何紅波,張旭東. 2011. 尿素向氨基糖的轉化以及對土壤氨基糖庫動態的影響. 土壤學報, 48(6):1189-1195.
何紅波,張威,解宏圖,侯松嵋,張旭東. 2009. 測定土壤氨基糖和胺基酸手性異構體中氮同位素比值的氣相色譜/質譜方法. 土壤學報,46(2):289-297.
Chen, Y., X.D. Zhang, H.B. He, H.T. Xie, Y. Yan, P. Zhu, J. Ren, L.C. Wang. 2009. Carbon and nitrogen pools in different aggregates of a Chinese Mollisol as influenced by long-term fertilization. Journal of Soils and Sediments.
Ding, X.L., X.D. Zhang, H.B. He, H.T. Xie. 2009. Dynamics of soil amino sugar pools during decomposition processes of corn residues as affected by inorganic N addition. Journal of Soils and Sediments.
Hou, S.M., H.B. He, W. Zhang, H.T. Xie, X.D. Zhang. 2009. Determination of soil amino acids by high performance liquid chromatography-electro spray ionization-mass spectrometry derivatized with 6-aminoquinolyl-N-hydroxysuccinimidyl carbamate. Talanta. 80: 440-447.
何紅波,張威,丁雪麗,白震,劉寧,張旭東. 2008. 利用氣相色譜-質譜在線上測定土壤胺基酸手性異構體13C富集比例. 套用生態學報, 19(6):1309-1316.
Zhang, X.D., H.B. He, W. Amelung. 2007. A GC/MS method for the assessment of 15N and 13C incorporation into soil amino acid enantiomers. Soil Biology & Biochemistry. 39: 2785-2796.
Zhang, W., H.B. He, X.D. Zhang. 2007. Determination of neutral sugars in soil by capillary gas chromatography after derivatization to aldononitrile acetates. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 39: 2665-2669.
He, H.B., H.T. Xie, X.D. Zhang. 2006. A novel GC/MS technique to assess 15N and 13C incorporation into soil amino sugars. Soil Biology & Biochemistry. 38: 1083-1091.
He, H.B., H.T. Xie, X.D. Zhang, Y.H. Wang and Y.Y. Wu. 2005. A gas chromatographic/mass spectrometric method for tracing the microbial conversion of glucose into amino sugars in soil. Rapid Communication of Mass Spectrometry. 19: 1993-1998.
何紅波,張旭東. 2006. 氣質在線上測定土壤胺基酸手性異構體同位素富集速率.