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  • 中文名:何明芳
  • 職業:教師
  • 畢業院校:香港中文大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:人源化腫瘤異種移植模型等
  • 職務:南京工業大學生物與製藥工程學院碩士生導師
  • 性別:女
  • 職稱:副教授







指導2014年度校優秀碩士學術學位論文一名 (學生姓名:高曉平;論文題目:基於斑馬魚模型的7種抗腫瘤活性化合物的毒性評估及金諾芬的抗血管新生活性研究);指導2018年度校優秀碩士專業學位論文一名(學生姓名:張賀忠,論文題目:對香豆酸甲酯的抗血管新生活性研究);優秀論文三等獎 第三屆中藥現代化新劑型新技術國際學術會議暨第二屆醫院中藥藥學學術研討會,北京;2009年9月口述報告一等獎 香港-澳門中藥研究生論壇,香港國際會展中心,2006年8月17號。


世界中醫藥學會聯合會中藥新劑型給藥系統專業委員會理事、Journal of Ethnopharmacology , RCS Advances, Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, Scientific Reports, Chemosphere雜誌的通訊評審。


  1. 人源化腫瘤異種移植模型的建立,以及用於研究腫瘤與微環境相互作用,抗腫瘤藥物的評價。
  2. 基於化學生物學的血管新生調控的機制研究;
  3. 基於模式動物斑馬魚平台的藥物活性篩選(血管新生,色素形成,腦出血,骨骼發育,wnt信號通路,BMP信號通路)、毒性評價(心臟、骨骼、肢體)及藥物代謝的研究。



  1. 江蘇省科技廳重點研發計畫臨床前沿技術(Co-PI),BE2018758,基於多組學技術支撐斑馬魚PDX模型的進展期胃癌精準化療模式的研究,2018-2021
  2. 江蘇省科技廳重點研發計畫臨床前沿技術(Co-PI),BE2017611,基於多組學特徵譜的胃癌分子分型技術和精準診療研究,2017-2020
  3. 江蘇省六大人才高峰C類,SWYY-024,病人來源的斑馬魚異種移植模型指導前列腺癌個性化治療,2016.10-2019.9
  4. 江蘇省科技廳重點研發計畫規範化診療項目(Co-PI),BE2016614,中晚期帕金森病腦深部刺激手術規範化診療研究,2016-2019
  5. 江蘇省科技廳重點研發計畫社會發展面上項目,BE2015696,循環腫瘤細胞特異性標誌物的發現-前列腺癌的早期診斷和個性化治療的關鍵技術研究,2015-2018
  6. 雷公藤片標準中雷公藤甲素含量測定方法驗證及片劑中雷公藤甲素的穩定性研究。
  7. 教育部博士點新教師基金,20123221120005,姜科中二苯基庚烷類新型血管新生抑制劑的研究,2013-2015
  8. 江蘇省自然科學基金,BK2011796,益智仁抗血管新生抗癌新功效的研究,2011-2014


  • 學術論文
  1. Lin QH, Qu W, Xu J, Feng F*, He MF*. 1-Methoxycarbony-β-carboline from Picrasma quassioides exerts anti-angiogenic properties in HUVECs in vitro and zebrafish in vivo. Chinese Journal of Nature Medicines, 2018; 16(8): 599-609.
  2. Zhang HZ, Li CY, Wu JQ, Wang RX, Wei P, Liu MH, He MF*. Anti-angiogenic activity of para-coumaric acid methyl ester on HUVECs in vitro and zebrafish in vivo. Phytomedicine, 2018; 48: 10-20.
  3. Wu JQ#, Zhai J#, Li CY, Tan AM, Wei P, Shen LZ*, and He MF*. Patient-derived xenograft in zebrafish embryos: a new platform for translational research in gastric cancer. Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research 2017; 36(1): 160.
  4. Li K, Wu JQ, Jiang LL, Shen LZ, Li JY, He ZH, Wei P, Lv Z, and He MF*. Developmental toxicity of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid in zebrafish embryos. Chemosphere 2017; 171: 40-48.
  5. Jiang LL, Liu MH, Li JY, He ZH, Li H, Shen N, Wei P, and He MF*. Mycophenolic acid-induced developmental defects in zebrafish embryos. International Journal of Toxicology. 2016; 35(6): 712-718.
  6. Jiang LL, Li K, Lin QH, Ren J, He ZH, Li H, Shen N, Wei P, Feng F, and He MF*. Gambogic acid causes fin developmental defect in zebrafish embryo partially via retinoic acid signaling. Reproductive Toxicology 2016; 63: 161-168.
  7. Wang YC, Wu YN, Wang SL, Lin QH, He MF, Liu QL, and Wang JH. Docosahexaenoic acid modulates invasion and metastasis of human ovarian cancer via multiple molecular pathways. International Journal of Gynecological Cancer 2016; 26(6):994-1003.
  8. Liu T, Jiang LL, He MF, Zhu Z, Wang DB, Song TS, Tan WM, Ouyang P and Xie J. Green synthesis of reduced graphene oxide by a GRAS strain Bacillus subtilis 168 with high biocompatibility to zebrafish embryos. RSC Advances 2015; 5(74): 60024-60032.
  9. Wang J, Ma R, Sharma A, He M, Xue J, Wu J, Dun B, Li G, Wang X, Ji M, She JX, Tang J. Inflammatory serum proteins are severely altered in metastatic gastric adenocarcinoma patients from the Chinese population. PLoS One 2015; 10(4): e0123985.
  10. 陳麗曉, 何明芳, 高曉平, 蔣玲玲, 殷志琦, 濮存海. 基於斑馬魚模型探討豬牙皂皂苷類藥物急性毒性與結構的關係. 藥學服務與研究, 2015; 15(6):466-468.
  11. 高曉平, 陳麗曉, 殷志琦, 蔣玲玲, 林清華, 何明芳*. 益智仁中二苯基庚烷類化合物的血管生成抑制活性. 中國藥科大學學報, 2015; 46(1): 85-88.
  12. He MF, Gao XP, Li SC, He ZH, Chen N, Wang YB, She JX*. Anti-angiogenic effect of auranofin on HUVECs in vitro and zebrafish in vivo. European Journal of Pharmacology 2014; 740:240-247.
  13. Xu H, Wu J, Chen B, Li M, Tian Y, He M, Xue J, Wang J, Bai S, Sharma A, Liu H, Tang J*, She JX*. Serum dickkopf (DKK1) is significantly lower in patients with lung cancer but is rapidly normalized after treatment. American Journal of Translational Research 2014; 6(6): 850-856.
  14. Zhi W, Ferris D, Sharma A, Purohit S, Santos C, He M, Ghamande S, She JX*. Twelve serum proteins progressively increase with disease stage in squamous cell cervical cancer patients. International Journal of Gynecological Cancer 2014; 24(6): 1085-1092.
  15. Gao XP, Feng F, Zhang XQ, Liu XX, Wang YB, She JX, He ZH, and He MF*. Toxicity assessment of 7 anticancer compounds in zebrafish. International Journal of Toxicology 2014; 33(2): 98-105.
  16. Wang NN, Zhao LJ, Wu LN, He MF, Qu JW, Zhao YB, Zhao WZ, Li JS, Wang JH*. Mechanistic analysis of taxol-induced multidrug resistance in an ovarian cancer cell line. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2013; 14(9):4983-4988.
  17. Dun B, Xu H, Sharma A, Liu H, Yu H, Yi B, Liu X, He M, Zeng L, She JX*. Delineation of biological and molecular mechanisms underlying the diverse anticancer activities of mycophenolic acid. International Journal of Experimental Pathology 2013; 6(12):2880-2886.
  18. Wang J, Sharma A, Ghamande SA, Bush S, Ferris D, Zhi W, He M, Wang M, Wang X, Miller E, Hopkins D, Macfee M, Guan R, Tang J, and She JX*. Serum protein profile at remission can accurately assess therapeutic outcomes and survival for serous ovarian cancer. PLoS One 2013;8(11):e78393.
  19. 王楠, 馬蓉, 吳建中, 高曉平, 陸益彬, 趙麗君, 薛璟, 佘金雄, 何明芳*. 宮頸癌的發病機制、診斷及治療進展. 中國腫瘤外科雜誌, 2013; 5(2):121-124.
  20. Jiang B, Wang WJ, Li MP, Huang XJ, Huang F, Gao H, Sun PH, He MF, Jiang ZJ, Zhang XQ*, and Ye WC*. New eudesmane sesquiterpenes from Alpinia oxyphylla and determination of their inhibitory effects on microgia. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 2013; 23(13):3879-3883.
  21. Lu S, Purohit S, Sharma A, Zhi W, He M, Wang Y, Li CJ, She JX*. Serum insulin-like growth factor binding protein 6 (IGFBP6) is increased in patients with type 1 diabetes and its complications. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine 2012; 5(3): 229-237.
  22. 何明芳, 薛璟, 吳建中, 馬蓉, 路婉君, 佘金雄*. 液相晶片技術在檢測肺癌患者血清VEGF中的套用. 臨床檢驗雜誌, 2012; 30(12):969-970.
  23. Zhou Y†, He MF†, Choi FFK, He ZH, Song JZ, Qiao CF, Li SL, and Xu HX*. A high-sensitivity UPLC-MS/MS method for simultaneous determination and confirmation of triptolide in zebrafish embryos. Biomedical Chromatography 2011; 25(8): 851-857. (†共同第一作者)
  24. He ZH, Zhou R, He MF, Lau CBS, Yue GGL, Ge W*, and But PPH*. Anti-angiogenic effect and mechanism of rhein from Rhizoma Rhei. Phytomedicine 2011; 18, 470-478.
  25. Law SKY, Simmons MP, Techen N, Khan IA, He MF, Shaw PC, and But PPH*. Molecular analyses of the Chinese herb Leigongteng (Tripterygium wilfordii Hook.F.) Phytochemistry 2011; 72, 21-26.
  26. He ZH, Ge W, Yue GGL, Lau CBS, He MF*, and But PPH*. Anti-angiogenic effects of the fruit of Alpinia oxyphylla. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 2010; 132, 443-449. (*共同通訊作者)
  27. He MF, Huang YH, Wu LW*, Ge W, Shaw PC, and But PPH*. Triptolide functions as a potent angiogenesis inhibitor. International Journal of Cancer 2010; 126(1), 266-278. (編輯推薦論文)
  28. He MF, Liu L, Ge W, Shaw, PC, Jiang R, Wu LH, and But PPH.* Antiangiogenic activity of Tripterygium wilfordii and its terpenoids. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 2009; 121(1), 61-68.
  29. He ZH, He MF, Ma SC, and But PPH.* Anti-angiogenic effects of rhubarb and its anthraquinone derivatives. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 2009; 121, 313-317.
  30. Liang Z, He M, Fong W, Jiang Z, Zhao Z*. A comparable, chemical and pharmacological analysis of the traditional Chinese medicinal herbs Oldenlandia diffusa and O. corymbosa and a new valuation of their biological potential. Phytomedicine 2008; 15, 259-267.
  31. 濮存海, 何明芳, 張曉騫,沈佳. HPLC測定雷公藤總萜片中雷公藤內酯醇的含量. 中國中藥雜誌 2005; 30(4) : 266-267.
  32. 肖明芳, 何明芳, 呂浩, 應漢傑. 高效液相色譜法測定酶轉化液中胞苷三磷酸及其相關物質。色譜 2005; 23(5): 564.
  33. 王奇志,何明芳,梁敬鈺. 哥納香屬植物化學成分和生理活性的研究進展. 中草藥 2003; 34(3): 277-280.
  34. 常永慧,劉波,應漢傑,何明芳. 分子印跡技術製備石油有機硫組分固相萃取劑的研究. 離子交換與吸附 2003; 19(5): 450-456.
  35. 肖林平, 徐正軍,何明芳,應漢傑. NH-1分離5’-核苷酸的研究. 離子交換與吸附 2003; 19 (5): 430-436.
  36. 何明芳,孟正木,沃聯群. 積雪草化學成分的研究. 中國藥科大學學報 2000; 31(2): 91-93.
  37. 陳曉芳,何明芳,張穎,孟正木. 女貞子化學成分的研究. 中國藥科大學學報 2000;31(3): 169-170.
  • 會議論文
  1. He MF, Huang YH, Ge W, Shaw PC, But PPH, and Wu LW. Triptolide functions as a potent angiogenesis inhibitor. Asia-Pacific Conference of Tumor Biology and Medicine, Xi-An, China, Oct 24-27, 2009.
  2. He MF, Huang YH, But PPH, and Wu LW. Triptolide inhibits tumor angiogenesis via blocking endothelial receptor-mediated signaling pathways. The Society of Chinese Bioscientists in American 12th International Symposium, Taipei, Taiwan, June 14-18, 2009.
  3. But PPH, Shaw PC, Law KY, He MF, Cheng L, Jiang RW, Xu HX, Simmons MP, Khan IA, Techen N. Molecular authentication of thunder god’s vine (Tripterygium wilfordii). 5th Oxford International Conference on the Science of Botanicals (ICSB), Mississippi, USA, Aug 21-24,2006.
  4. He MF, But PPH, Shaw PC, Jiang RW, and Xu HX. Antiangiogenic agents from Tripterygium wilfordii. Hong Kong-Macau Postgraduate Symposium on Chinese Medicine, Hong Kong, China, 17th August, 2006
  5. He MF, But PPH, Shaw PC, Jiang RW, and Xu HX. Antiangiogenic agents from Tripterygium wilfordii. The 47th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Pharmacognosy, Arlington, Virginia, USA, Aug 5-9, 2006


  1. He MF, Jiang LL. (01/01/2016) Toxic and beneficial effects of dextromethorphan on central nervous system, in: Xin Wang (Eds.), Dextromethorphan: Pharmacology, Clinical Uses and Health Effects. Nova Science Publishers Inc., New York, Chapter 5. (ISBN:978-1-63484-016-3)
  2. 助編及編委。 周榮漢,段金廒。 2005,植物化學分類學。上海科技出版社,中國上海。


  1. 何明芳,張曉歡,李崇勇。一種光化學誘導斑馬魚缺血性腦卒中模型的套用。(申請號201811018875.9)
  2. 何明芳,張賀忠,李崇勇。香豆酸甲酯在製備抗血管新生藥物中的用途。(公開號:CN107496400A)
  3. 何明芳,蔣玲玲,林清華,馮峰。異甘草苷在製備治療皮膚創傷癒合藥物中的套用。(申請號:201510417025.6;公開號:104940218A)
  4. 何明芳,高曉平,佘金雄。一種模式動物斑馬魚魚苗評價藥物急性毒性的方法。(已授權,專利號:ZL201310165111.3)
  5. 何明芳,高曉平,佘金雄,劉曉昕。金諾芬在製備抗血管生成類藥物中的套用。(申請號:201310468768.7;公開號:103479662A )


