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何 勇,男,浙江慈谿市人,1963年4月出生,中共黨員。博士、教授、博導,浙江大學求是特聘教授,現任浙江大學數字農業與農村信息化研究中心常務副主任。


  • 中文名:何勇
  • 國籍:中國
  • 出生日期:1963年4月
  • 政治面貌:中共黨員


,國家重點學科--農業機械化工程學科學術帶頭人之一、國家863現代農業領域主題專家、863項目首席專家、國家教學名師、國家百千萬國家級人才、國家農業信息化示範省國家級指導專家、入選國家級教學團隊、浙江省首屆師德標兵、第四屆浙江省十大傑出青年。曾先後在日本東京大學、東京農工大學、美國伊利諾斯大學訪問或擔任VisitingProfessor。據ESI統計(2002年1月-2012年7月),全球共有3064名科學家排名進入農業科學專業領域前1%的“最被引科學家”(Most Cited Scientists),何勇教授名列407位,按發表論文數量計,農業科學專業領域排名212位。


主要從事數字農業與精細農業、農業物聯網技術、農業機械裝備智慧型化檢測與節能、管理信息系統與專家系統等方面的科研和教學工作。主持國家863、國家自然基金、國家支撐計畫及省部級重點科研項目50餘項。發表論文380餘篇, SCI收錄160餘篇,其中一篇論文入選ESI近10年農業科學高被引論文(國際農業科學中被引用排名578位、大陸作者為第一單位的排名第四位),另一篇論文入選ESI近2年55篇Hot Papers In AgriculturalSciences之一。出版著作和教材10多本,主編國家十五、十一五規劃教材各1本。獲發明專利30多項、軟體著作權20多項。獲首屆中國農業工程學會青年科技獎、浙江省第二屆青年科技獎、浙江省突出貢獻的中青年科技人員、浙江省151人才工程第一層次、浙江省中青年學科帶頭人、浙江省教學名師,享受國務院政府特殊津貼,獲包氏基金、竺可楨北美基金、寶鋼優秀教師獎、浙江省人才專項基金、第四屆教育部高校優秀青年教師獎,全國優秀農業科技工作者。擔任《Food and BioprocessTechnology》(IF=3.576)、《Computers and Electronics inAgriculture》(IF=1.854)等10多本國際學術期刊副主編、編委、國內《農業機械學報》、《浙江大學學報》(工學版)、《浙江大學學報》(農業與生命科學版)、《農機化研究》、《農業工程技術》、《現在農業裝備》等8本學術刊物的編委,是Transactions of the ASABE等20多種國際學術期刊的審稿人。擔任教育部高等學校農業工程類專業教指委副主任、教育部留學回國人員科研啟動基金評審專家、科技部國際合作計畫評價專家、國家農村信息化示範省國家級專家。擔任國際亞洲精細農業學會常務理事、CIGR、美國IEEE、ASAE、ADSA會員,中國農機學會農機化學會副理事長、中國農業工程學會系統工程委員會副主任委員、農業機械學會理事。浙江省農業工程學會、農業機械學會副理事長。20次擔任國際學術會議分會場主席、學術委員會委員。浙江省農業遙感與信息技術重點研究實驗室學術委員會委員。負責的《精細農業》課程榮獲國家精品課程。獲國家星火獎三等獎1項, 浙江省科技進步一等獎2項(主持)、二等獎9項(主持7項)、教育部科學科技進步二等獎1項,國家教學成果一等獎1項、省教學成果獎一等獎1項、二等獎2項。


1. Liu F., Zhang F, Jin Z. L, He Y*, Fang H, Ye Q. F,Zhou W. J. Determination of acetolactate synthase activity and protein contentof oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) leaves using visible/near-infraredspectroscopy. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2008, 629(1-2):56-65. (SCI, IF=4.311)
2. Cen H. Y, He Y*. Theory and application of near infraedreflectance spectroscopy in determination of food quality. Trends in FoodScience & Technology, 2007, 18(2): 72-83. (SCI, IF=4.051)
3. Liu F, He Y*. Discrimination of producing areas of auriculariaauricula using visible/near infrared spectroscopy. Food and BioprocessTechnology, 2011, 4(3): 387-394. (SCI, IF=3.576)
4. Ling P., Chen Y. M, He Y*. Identification of broken ricekernels using image analysis techniques combined with velocity representationmethod, Food and Bioprocess Technology, 2012, 5(2): 796-802.(SCI, IF=3.576)
5. Shao Y. N, Zhao C. J, Bao Y. D, He Y*. Quantificationof nitrogen status in rice by least-squares support vector machines andreflectance spectroscop, Food and Bioprocess Technology, 2012,5(1):100-107.(SCI, IF=3.576)
6. Shao Y. N, Cen Y. L, He Y*, Liu F. Infraredspectroscopy and chemometrics for the starch and protein prediction inirradiated rice. Food Chemistry, 2011, 126(4): 1856-1861. (SCI, IF=3.458)
7. Liu F, He Y*, Sun G. M. Determination of proteincontent of Auricularia auricula using near infrared spectroscopy combined withlinear and nonlinear calibrations. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,2009, 57(11): 4520-4527. (SCI, IF=2.816)
8. Shao Y. N, He Y*, Wu C. Q. Dose detection of radiatedrice by infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics. Journal of Agricultural andFood Chemistry, 2008, 56(11): 3960-3965. (SCI, IF=2.816)
9. Shao Y. N, He Y*, Gomez A. H, Pereir A. G, Qiu Z. J,Zhang Y. Visible/near infrared spectrometric technique for nondestructiveassessment of tomato 'Heatwave' (Lycopersicum esculentum) qualitycharacteristics. Journal of Food Engineering, 2007, 81(4): 672-678. (SCI, IF=2.168)
10. He Y*, Li X. L, Deng X. F.Discrimination of varieties of tea using near infrared spectroscopy byprincipal component analysis and BP model. Journal of Food Engineering 2007,79(4): 1238-1242. (SCI, IF=2.168)
11. Wu D, Yang H. Q, Chen X. J,He Y*, Li X. L. Application of image texture for the sorting of teacategories using multi-spectral imaging technique and support vector machine.Journal of Food Engineering, 2008, 88(4):474-483. (SCI, IF=2.168)
12. Li X. L, He Y*.Discriminating varieties of tea plant based on Vis/NIR spectral characteristicsand using artificial neural networks. Biosystems Engineering, 2008, 99(3):313-321. (SCI, IF=1.241)
13. Wu D, Feng L, He Y*,Bao Y. Variety identification of Chinese cabbage seeds using visible and near-infraredspectroscopy. Transactions of the ASABE, 2008, 51(6):2193-2199. (SCI)
14. Wu D, Feng L, Zhang C, HeY*. Early detection of botrytis cinerea on eggplant leaves based on visibleand near-infrared spectroscopy. Transactions of the ASABE, 2008, 51(3):1133-1139.(SCI)
15. Li X. L, He Y*.Chlorophyll assessment and sensitive wavelength exploration for tea (Camelliasinensis) based on reflectance spectral characteristics. Hortscience, 2008,43(5):1586-1591. (SCI)
16. Shao Y. N., Zhao C. J, HeY*, Bao Y. D. Application infrared spectroscopy technique and chemometricsfor measurement of components in rice after radiation. Transactions of theASABE, 2009, 52(1): 187-192. (SCI)
17. Liu F, Kong W. W, He Y*.Nondestructive estimation of nitrogen status and vegetation index of oilseedrape canopy using multi-spectral imaging technology. Sensor Letters, 2011,9(3): 1126-1132. (SCI)
18. Liu F, Nie P. C, Huang M,Kong W. W, He Y*. Nondestructive determination of nutritionalinformation in oilseed rape leaves using visible/near infrared spectroscopy andmultivariate calibrations. Science China-Information Sciences, 2011, 54(3):598-608. (SCI)
19. Zhang Y, He Y*.Co-composting solid swine manure with pine sawdust as organic substrate.Bioresource Technology, 2006, 97(16): 2024–2031. (SCI, IF=4.365)
20. He Y*, Huang M, Garcia A,Hernandez A, Song H. Prediction of soil macronutrients content usingnear-infrared spectroscopy. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2007, 58(2):144-153. (SCI, IF=1.431)
21. Fang H, He Y*. A pocketPC based field information fast collection system. Computers and Electronics inAgriculture, 2008, 61 (2):254-260. (SCI, IF=1.431)
22. Shao Y. N, Bao Y. D, HeY*. Soil nitrogencontent influence on canopy reflectance spectra, Transactions of theASABE, 2011, 54(6):2343-2349.(SCI)
23. Shao Y. N, He Y*.Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium prediction in soils using infraredspectroscopy. Soil Research, 2011, 49:166–172. (SCI)
24. Yang H. Q, Yang Y, He Y.Wireless sensor network for orchard soil and climate monitoring. AMA-AgriculturalMechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America, 2010, 41(3): 83–88. (SCI)
25. Qiu Z. J, He Y*, LiW. M. A note on the adoption of precision agriculture in Eastern China. Outlook on Agriculture, 2007, 36 (4):255-257. (SCI)
26. Nie P. C, Wu D, Yang Y, HeY*. Hybrid combination of GIS, GPS, WSN and GPRS technology in modern digitalagriculture application. Advanced Materials Research, 2010, 108-111:1158-1163.(EI)
27. Wu D,Nie PC, Cuello J, He Y*, Wang ZP & Wu HX .Application of visible andnear infrared spectroscopy for rapid and non-invasive quantification of commonadulterants in Spirulina powder. Journal of Food Engineering, 2011,102(3),278-286.
28. Wu D, Chen XJ, Shi PY, WangSH, Feng FQ & He Y* .Determination of alpha-linolenic acid andlinoleic acid in edible oils using near-infrared spectroscopy improved bywavelet transform and uninformative variable elimination. Analytica ChimicaActa, 2009,634(2), 166-171.
29. He Y*& Bao YD. Study on cottonseed oil as apartial substitute for diesel oil in fuel for single-cylinder diesel engine.Renewable Energy, 2005, 30(5), 805-813.
30. He Y* & Bao YD. Study on rapeseed oil asalternative fuel for a single-cylinder diesel engine. Renewable Energy, 2003, 28(9),1447-1453.


