


  • 中文名:何俊
  • 國籍:中國
  • 畢業院校:英國東安格利亞大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:人類學







2000年5月—2002年5月 泰國清邁大學 社會學與可持續發展(碩士)
2009年10月—2013年2月 英國東安格利亞大學 國際發展 (博士)


2016.5-現在 雲南大學 民族學與社會學學院 研究員
2013.10-2016.5 雲南農業大學 經濟管理學院 教師
2007.7-2009.9: 中國科學院昆明植物研究所 業務主管
2005.10-2007,9:世界混農林業中心雲南辦公室 項目官員
流域管理部 負責人 項目官員


主持教育部重點研究基地重大項目:大湄公河次區域生物多樣性與文化多樣性相關係及跨國保護研究(項目號:16JJD850015項目金額120萬人民幣, 在研)
主持米蘇爾基金會資助的在中國西南山區促進以社區為主導的農村可持續發展項目 (項目金額820,000歐元,結題)
主持美國樂施會資助的瀾滄江上游南阿河小流域治理行動項目,及德欽地區瀾滄江上游流域動態變遷研究項目 (項目金額95,000美元,結題)


1. He J.*, Yang B., Dong M. Wang Y. (2018) Crossing the roof of the world: Trade in medicinal plants from Nepal to China. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 224:100-110
2. He J.* (2018) Harvest and trade of caterpillar mushroom (Ophiocordyceps sinensis)and the implications for sustainable use in the Tibet Region of Southwest China. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 221:86-90.
3. He J.* Sikor T. (2017) Looking beyond tenure in China’s collective forest Tenure Reform: insights from Yunnan Province, Southwest China. International Forestry Review 19(1): 29-41.
4. He J.*, Xu, J (2017) Is there decentralization in North Korea? Evidence and lessons from the Sloping land management program 2004-2014. Land Use Policy 61: 113-125.
5. He J.* (2016) Right to benefit from forest? A case study of the timber harvest quota system in Southwest China. Society and Natural Resource 29(4): 448-461.
6. He J.* R. Lang. Limits of state-led programs of payment for ecosystem services: field evidence from the Sloping Land Conversion Program in Southwest China. Human Ecology 43:749-758.
7. He J.* H. Ho, J. Xu. (2015) Participatory tree species selection for sloping land management in North Korea. Mountain Research and Development 35(4): 318-327.
8. He, J.,* & Sikor, T. (2015). Notions of justice in payments for ecosystem services: Insights from China's Sloping Land Conversion Program in Yunnan Province. Land Use Policy 43: 207-216.
9. He, J.*, Dong, M., & Stark, M. (2014). Small Mushrooms for Big Business? Gaps in the Sustainable Management of Non-Timber Forest Products in Southwest China. Sustainability 6(10): 6847-6861.
10. He, J.* (2014) Governing forest restoration: Local case studies of sloping land conversion program in Southwest China. Forest Policy and Economics, 46: 30-38.
11. He, J*, Rong Lang, and Jianchu Xu. (2014) Local Dynamics Driving Forest Transition: Insights from Upland Villages in Southwest China.Forests 5 (2): 214-233.
12. He, J.*, Hai. Yang, et al. (2012). "Decentralization of Tree Seedling Supply Systems for Afforestation in the West of Yunnan Province, China. Small-Scale Forestry 11(2): 147-166.
13. He, J.*, Z. Zhou, H. Yang, J. Xu. (2011) Integrative Management of Commercialized Wild Mushroom: A Case Study of Thelephora ganbajun in Yunnan, Southwest China. Environmental Management. 48 (1): 98-108.
14. He, J.* (2010) Globalised forest-products: commoditization of the matsutake mushroom in Tibetan villages, Yunnan, Southwest China. International Forestry Review 12(1): 27-37.
15. He, J., Z.M. Zhou, H. Weyerhaeuser and J.C. Xu*. (2009) “Participatory Technology Development for Incorporating Non-Timber Forest Products into Forest Restoration in Yunnan, Southwest China. Forest Ecology and Management. 257: 2010-2016.
16. Dong, M. & He, J.* (2018) Link past to future: a reality check on cross-border timber trade from Myanmar (Burma) to China, Forest Policy and Economics, 87:11-19.
17. Lu, Y., Ranjitkar, S., Xu, J.C., Ou, X.K., Zhou, Y.Z., Ye, J.F., Wu, X.F., Weyerhaeuser, H. and He, J.*(2016). Propagation of Native Tree Species to Restore Subtropical Evergreen Broad-Leaved Forests in SW China. Forests, 7(1), p.12.
18. Lu, Y. S. Ranjitkar, R. Harrison, J. Xu, X. Ou, X. Ma, J. He* (2017) Selection of Native Tree Species for Subtropical Forest Restoration in Southwest China. PloS ONE 12 (1): 1-15
19. Rui Xu; Peter E Mortimer, Jun He*; Rongping Kuang; Bin Yang; Jianchang Li; Wudi Zhang; Fang Yin.(2013) Sublethal impact of paraquat on the life history and parasitic behavior of Diaeretiella rapae M'Intosh. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, PartB, 48(8):651-657
20. Sikor, T, He, J. G. Lestrelin (2017) Property Rights Regimes and Natural Resource: A Conceptual Analysis Revisited. World Development, 93:337-349
21. Cunningham, A.B., J.A.Brinckmann, J.A., X. Yang, Jun He (2019) Introduction to the special issue: Saving plants, saving lives: trade, sustainable harvest and conservation of traditional medicinals in Asia. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 229: 288-292.
22. Wigboldus, S., J. Hammond, J. Xu, Z. Yi, J. He, L. Klerkx, C. Leeuwis (2017) Scaling green rubber cultivation in Southwest China: an integrative analysis of stakeholder perspectives 580 (15) :1475-1482.
23. Ranjitkar, S., Sujakhu, N.M., Lu, Y., Wang, Q., Wang, M., He, J., Mortimer, P.E., Xu, J., Kindt, R. and Zomer, R.J., (2016). Climate modelling for agroforestry species selection in Yunnan Province, China.Environmental Modelling & Software, 75: 263-272.
24. Sikor, T.*, Martin, A., Fisher, J., &He, J. (2014). Toward an Empirical Analysis of Justice in Ecosystem Governance. Conservation Letters, 7(6), 524-532.
25. Mertens, C. F.*, Brun, T. B., Schmidt-Vogt, D., He, J., & de Neergaard, A. (2015). Rural wood consumption patterns of local and immigrant households with differentiated access to resources in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan, China. Energy Policy, 80, 112-121.
26. Pang, C., Yu, H., He, J., & Xu, J.* (2013). Deforestation and Changes in Landscape Patterns from 1979 to 2006 in Suan County, DPR Korea. Forests, 4(4), 968-983.
27. Jia-cong Huang; Antje Ahrends; Jun He; Heng Gui; Jianchu Xu; Peter Mortimer (2013) An evaluation of the factors influencing seed oil production in Camellia reticulata L. plants. Industrial Crops and Products, 50:797-802
28. Xu, Jianchu., Meine van Noordwijk, J He,et al. (2012). Participatory agroforestry development for restoring degraded sloping land in DPR Korea. Agroforestry Systems 85(2): 291-303.
29. Mortimer, P., S. Karunarathna, Qiaohong Li, Heng Gui, Xueqing Yang, Xuefei Yang, Jun He, Lei Ye, Jiayu Guo, Huili Li, et al. (2012). Prized edible Asian mushrooms: ecology, conservation and sustainability. Fungal Diversity 56(1): 31-47.
30. Xue-Qing Yang, Gayantha R.L. Kodikarab, Eike Luedeling, Xue-Fei Yang, Jun He, Pei-gui Liu,Jian-Chu Xu (2012). Looking below the ground: Prediction of Tuber indicum habitat using the Weights of Evidence method. Ecological Modelling 247:27-39
31. Yang, X. F., J. He, C. Li, J.Z. Ma, Y.P. Yang, J.C. Xu. 2008 .Matsutake Trade in Yunnan Province, China: An Overview.Economic Botany, 62: 269-277.
1. 《當地中國生態人類學》(專著),北京:社會科學文獻出版社. 2018.11
2. Participatory Agroforestry Development in DPR Korea, World Agroforestry Centre(第二主編)
3. 《參與式農村社區綜合發展:雲南少數民族社區的實踐經驗》,北京: 中國農業出版社,2011.年 (第一主編)
4. 《中國貧困山區生態補償機制研究》(第二主編)昆明:雲南大學出版社.2007
5. 《雲南集體林產權研究》(第二主編)北京:中國農業大學出版社. 2007
6. 《鄉村治理-村民自治-自然資源管理:雲南六個少數民族社區的實踐》(第一主編)北京:中國農業大學出版社.2007
7. 《森林治理:概念,框架和研究》(專著)北京:中國農業大學出版社.2007
8. 《鄉土知識的實踐與發掘》合編(第二主編),昆明:民族出版社.2004.1
9. 《熱帶社會林業》合著(第二作者), 昆明:雲南科技出版社.2003.8
1. 專利名稱:野生乾巴菌人工促繁與保育技術。專利號: ZL 2009 1 0094701.5 授權日期:2011.06.15,(第一發明人)
2. 專利名稱:退耕地立體種植方法。專利號: ZL 2009 1 0094702.X 授權日期:2011.02.09,(第一發明人)
3. 專利名稱:核桃良種選育和豐產栽培方法。專利號: ZL 2009 1 009400.0 授權日期:2011.04.13,(第三發明人)


1. 獲雲南省第十五次哲學社會科學優秀成果獎,一等獎,2012.07.18,雲南省政府頒發 (獨立完成)
2. 獲雲南省第十六屆哲學社會科學優秀成果獎,三等獎, 2013.6.23, 雲南省政府頒發(第一完成人)
3. 獲雲南省第二十屆哲學社會科學優秀成果獎,三等獎, 2017.4.7, 雲南省政府頒發(第一完成人)
4. 獲雲南省科學技術獎(自然科學類),二等獎,2014. 雲南省政府 (第四完成人)
5. 獲國家留學基金委頒發的國家優秀自費優秀留學生獎學金。2012.國家基金委。
6. 獲雲南省科學進步獎(科技進步獎),三等獎,2009.10.20 雲南省政府頒發 (第三完成人)
7. 獲第十屆雲南優秀科技論文獎,二等獎,2011.12.26,雲南省科學技術學會頒發(第二完成人)


1. 2018.10-2021.20 SSCI: Society and Natural Resources 副主編
2. 2017.09-2020.09 SSCI:Society and Natural Resources 編委
3. 2017. 09-2018.09 SCI: Journal of Ethnopharmacology 客座主編
4. 擔任 19 個國際 SCI/SSCI 期刊特約審稿人:
Ecological Economics, Environmental Conservation, Environmental Management, International Forestry Review, Mountain Research and Development, Sustainability, Journal of Rural Studies, Land Degradation and Development, Ecological Application, Current Opinion on Environmental Sustainability, Forest Policy and Economics, Ecological Application, Journal of International Development, Society and Natural Resources, Journal of Forestry Research, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, Applied Geography, Ecological Research Letter, Land Use Policy


