



  • 中文名:低碳發展(英)
  • 作者:中華人民共和國國家發展和改革委員會
  • 出版社:五洲傳播出版社
  • ISBN:9787508523675


本套《聚焦中國之科學發展》系列叢書全方位、多角度展示了2002年以來的十年間,中國堅持科學發展觀,綜合國力不斷增強,人民生活不斷改善,在經濟、司法、教育、環保、交通、住房、民族、扶貧等各領域取得的輝煌成就。叢書用具體的事實和鮮活的數據證明,中國的科學發展道路,是順應發展潮流、體現時代特徵、符合中國國情的發展之路,是實現中華民族偉大復興的必由之路。 本書為《低碳發展(英文版)》,由蘇偉編著。


Part 1 Climate Change and China's National Conditio
1. China: Complex Climatic Conditio and A Fragile Eco-environment
2. Large Population and Relatively Low Economic Development ofChina.
3. Challenge of Energy Security in China
Part 2 Impact of Climate Change on China
1. Impact on Agriculture
2. Impact on Water Resources
3. Impact on Ecosystems
4. Impact on Coastal Zone
5. Impact on Public Health
Part 3 Chinese Government Attaches Great Importance to AddressingClimate Change
Part 4 Policies and Actio to Mitigate Climate Change
1. Optimizing Industrial Structure
2. Promoting Energy Coervation and Improving Energy Efficiency
3. Developing Low-carbon Energy
4. Controlling Non-energy-related Greenhouse Gas Emissio
5. Increasing Carbon Sink
6. Proactively Promoting Low Carbon Development in Localities
Part 5 Policies and Actio Adapted to Climate Change
1. Agriculture
2. Water Resources
3. Ocean
4. Hygiene and Health
5. Meteorology
Part 6 Basic Development of Capability
1. Relevant Regulatio and Significant Policy Documents
2. Improving Management Systems and Working Mechanisms
3. Enhancing Statistical and Accounting Capabilities
4. Strengthening Scientific and Technological Support
5. Strengthening Education and Training
Part 7 Participation of the Whole Society
1. Proactive Government Guidance
2. Positive Action by Non-governmental Organizatio
3. Great Attention from the News Media
4. Broad Public Participation
Part 8 Exteive International Cooperation
1. Proactive Participation in International Negotiatio within the UN Framework
2. Broad Participation in Relevant International Dialogue andExchanges...
3. Expanding Cooperation with International Organizatio
4. Strengthening Practical Cooperation with Developed Countries
5. Deepening Practical Cooperation with Developing Countries
6. Proactively Cooperating on Clean Development MechanismProjects.
Part 9 0biectives, Policies and Actio during the 12th Five-YearPlan Period
1. Main Objectives
2. Policies and Actio


