- 中文名:低密度奇偶校驗碼:設計、構造與統一框架(英文版)
- 作者:李娟娥、[美] 林舒、[美] 哈立德·阿卜杜勒·加法爾、[美] 威廉·瑞安、[美] 丹尼爾·科斯特洛
- 出版時間:2022年6月1日
- 出版社:世界圖書出版公司
- ISBN:9787519285111
《低密度奇偶校驗碼:設計、構造與統一框架(英文版)》由國際編碼理論權威專家撰寫的關於低密度奇偶校驗(LDPC)碼的全新教材中系統講解了LDPC碼及其構造技術,並將基於代數和基於圖的方法統一到一個理論框架(疊加構造)中。書中尤其對準循環 LDPC 碼進行了深入研究。書中還給出了一種構造原型LDPC碼的代數方法,並基於此可構造出一類新的具有雙準循環結構的 LDPC 碼。本書適合作為高等院校低年級研究生或高年級本科生編碼理論課程的教材或參考書,也可供相關技術人員參考。
《低密度奇偶校驗碼:設計、構造與統一框架(英文版)。是世界圖書出版公司"香農信息科學經典"系列圖書中的一種。這個書系包含信息科學各個領域的圖書,如資訊理論、通信與網路、信號處理、機器學習、理論計算機科學、量子信息科學等。"香農信息科學經典"以被世人稱為"數字時代"之父和"資訊時代"之父的克勞德·香農(Claude E. Shannon, 1916.4.30 - 2001.2.24)為名。書系的策劃者為從香農所在的美國麻省理工學院歸國的信息科學家。書系中除了包含信息領域傳統分支的圖書,還包括像"人工智慧的資訊理論方法"與"信息科學中的博弈論"等前沿交叉學科的子系列。關於書系與香農的更多介紹,請見世圖公號文章《一個新書系的誕生--香農、資訊時代與“香農信息科學經典”》。
1 Introduction
2 Definitions,Concepts,and Fundamental Characteristics of LDPC Codes
2.1 Matrices and Matrix Dispersions of Finite Field Elements
2.2 Fundamental Structural Properties and Performance Characteristics of LDPC Codes
2.3 Discussion and Remarks
3 A Review of PTG-Based Construction of LDPC Codes
3.1 PTG-LDPC Code Construction
3.2 Conclusion and Remarks
4 An Algebraic Method for Constructing
QC-PTG-LDPC Codes and Code Ensembles
4.1 Construction of QC-PTG-LDPC Codes by Decomposing Base Matrices
4.2 Construction of RC-Constrained PTG Parity-Check Matrices
4.3 Examples
4.4 Construction of the Ensemble of PTG-LDPC Codes from an Algebraic Point of View
4.5 Discussion and Remarks
5 Superposition Construction of LDPC Codes
5.1 SP-Construction of LDPC Codes and Its Graphicallnterpretation
5.2 Ensembles of SP-LDPC Codes
5.3 Constraints on the Construction of SP-LDPC Codes Free of Cycles of Length 4
5.4 SP-Construction ofQC-LDPC Codes
5.5 SP-Base Matrices over Nonnegative Integers
5.6 Discussion and Remarks
6 Construction of Base Matrices and RC-Constrained Replacement Sets for SP-Construction
6.1 RC-Constrained Base Matrices
6.2 Construction of RC-Constrained Replacement Sets Based on Hamming Codes
6.3 Construction of RC-Constrained Replacement Sets Based on m-dimensional Euclidean Geometry EG(m,2) over GF(2)
6.4 Construction of RC-Constrained Replacement Sets Based on RC-Constrained Arrays of CPMs
6.5 Discussion and Remarks
7 SP-Construction of QC-LDPC Codes Using Matrix
Dispersion and Masking
7.1 A Deterministic SP-Construction of QC~LDPC Codes
7.2 Conditions on Girth of CPM-QC-SP-LDPC Codes
7.3 A Finite Field Construction of 2x2 SM-Constrained SP-Base
Matrices and Their Associated CPM-QC SP-LDPC Codes
7.4 Masking
7.5 Design ofMasking Matrices
7.6 Construction of CPM-QC-SP-LDPC Codes for Correcting
Bursts of Erasures by Masking
7.7 Discussion and Remarks
8 Doubly QC-LDPC Codes
8.1 Base Matrices with Cyclic Structure
8.2 CPM-D-SP-Construction of Doubly QC-LDPC Codes
8.3 Masking and Variations
8.4 SP-Construction of CPM-QC-SP-LDPC Codes
8.5 Discussion and Remarks
9 SP-Construction of Spatially Coupled QC-LDPC Codes
9.1 Base Matrices and Their Structural Properties
9.2 Type-l QC-SC-LDPC Codes
9.3 Type-2 QC-SC-LDPC Codes
9.4 Terminated and Tailbiting CPM-QC-SC-LDPC Codes
9.5 A More General Construction of Type-l CPM-QC-SC-LDPC Codes
9.6 A More General Construction of Type-2 CPM-QC-SC-LDPC Codes
9.7 Discussion and Remarks
10 Globally Coupled QC-LDPC Codes
11 SP-Construction of Nonbinary LDPC Codes
12 Conclusion and Remarks