



  • 中文名:伯鑫
  • 民族:漢族
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職稱:教授
  • 任職院校:北京化工大學


2009.6-2012.5:北京京誠嘉宇環境科技有限公司 ,工程師


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  1. 基於高解析度土地利用數據的AERSURFACE集成系統 (ZL201510612622.4)
  2. CALPUFF大氣模型多執行緒計算系統(ZL 201510614009.6.)
  3. CALPUFF系統的土地利用數據處理方法(201811303335.5)
  4. 一種基於多源數據的涉氣污染源布局方法(202211679406.8)


  1. Chen, S., He, Y., Jiang, M., You, Q., Ma, X., Xu, Z*., & Bo, X*. (2024). Unveiling the importance of VOCs from pesticides applicated in main crops for elevating ozone concentrations in China. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 465, 133385
  2. Bo X, You Q, Sang M, et al. The impacts of clean energy policies on air pollutants and CO2 emission reduction in Shaanxi, China[J]. Atmospheric Pollution Research, 2023, 14(12): 101937.
  3. Yang, Y., Xu, X., Wei, J., You, Q., Wang, J., & Bo, X*. A method of gas-related pollution source layout based on multi-source data: A case study of shaanxi province, China[J]. Journal of Environmental Management, 2023, 347: 119198.
  4. Xu, Y., Chen, S., Sang, M., Wang, Z., Bo, X*., You, Q. (2023). Air quality improvement through vehicle electrification in Hainan province, China. Chemosphere 137814.
  5. Tang, L., Guo, J., Wan, R., Jia, M., Qu, J., Li, L., & Bo, X*. (2023). Air pollutant emissions and reduction potentials from municipal solid waste incineration in China. Environmental Pollution, 121021.
  6. Chen, X., Li, J., Jia, M., Chen, S., Zhang, S., Bo, X*., Feng, X., Dong, G. High Spatial Resolution Emission Inventory of Air Pollutants and Carbon in China’s Independent Coking Industry. Atmosphere 2023, 14, 348.
  7. Xu, X., Wang, C., Wang, P., Chu, Y., Guo, J., Bo, X*., & Lin, A*. (2022). Bioaerosol dispersion and environmental risk simulation: Method and a case study for a biopharmaceutical plant of Gansu province, China. Science of The Total Environment, 160506.
  8. Liu, X., Du, H., Tang, L*., Bo, X*., Li, J., Zuo, J., ... & Feng, K*. (2022). Relocating Industrial Plants Delivers Win–Win Emission Reduction Benefits to Origin and Destination Regions. Environmental Science & Technology.
  9. Tang, L., Ruan, J., Bo, X*., Mi, Z*., Wang, S., Dong, G. & Davis, S.J*. (2022).Plant-level real-time monitoring data reveal substantial abatement potential of air pollution and CO2 in China’s cement sector, One Earth 5, 892-906.
  10. Gao, Y., Zhang, L., Huang, A., Kou, W., Bo, X*., Cai, B*., & Qu, J. (2022). Unveiling the spatial and sectoral characteristics of a high-resolution emission inventory of CO2 and air pollutants in China. Science of The Total Environment, 157623.
  11. Wang Y, Zhu R, Bo X*, et al. Volatile organic compounds constituents of a typical integrated iron and steel plant and influence on O3 pollution[J]. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 2022: 1-12.
  12. Chen L, Wang T, Bo X*, et al. Thermal Power Industry Emissions and Their Contribution to Air Quality on the Fen-Wei Plain[J]. Atmosphere, 2022, 13(5): 652.
  13. Xin Bo, Jing Guo, Ruxing Wan, Yuling Jia,Zhaoxu Yang,Yong Lu, Min Wei*. 2022. Characteristics,correlations and health risks ofPCDD/Fs and heavy metals in surface soil near municipal solid wasteincineration plants in Southwest China. Environmental Pollution, 118816
  14. Bo, X., Jia, M., Xue, X., Tang, L.*, Mi, Z.*, Wang, S.*, Cui, W., Chang, X., Ruan, J., Dong, G., Zhou, B. 2021. Effect of strengthened standards on Chinese iron- and steelmaking emissions. Nature Sustainability.
  15. Bo, X., Li, Z.*, Qu, J., Cai, B., Zhou, B., Sun, L., Cui, W., Zhao, X., Tian, J., Kan, H., 2020. The spatial-temporal pattern of sintered flue gas emissions in iron and steel enterprises of China. Journal of Cleaner Production 266, 121667.
  16. Bo, X., Xue, X., Xu, J., Du, X., Zhou, B., Tang, L., 2019. Aviation's emissions and contribution to the air quality in China. Atmospheric Environment 201, 121-131.
  17. Tang, L., Xue, X., Jia, M., Jing, H., Wang, T., Zhen, R., Huang, M., Tian J., Guo, J., Li, L., Bo, X.*, Wang, S., 2020. Iron and steel industry emissions and contribution to the air quality in China. Atmospheric Environment 237, 117668.
  18. Zhou, T., Bo, X.*, Qu, J., Wang, L., Zhou, J., Li, S., 2019. Characteristics of PCDD/Fs and Metals in Surface Soil Around an Iron and Steel Plant in North China Plain. Chemosphere 216, 413-418.
  19. Xin Wu, Dong Li, Meihui Feng, Houfeng Liu, Hongmei Li ,Jing Yang , Pengcheng Wu, Xunjie Lei, Min Wei* , Xin Bo*. Effects of air pollutant emission on the prevalence of respiratory and circulatory system diseases in Linyi, China. Environ Geochem Health (2021).
  20. Tang, L., Xue X., Qu, J., Mi, Z.*, Bo, X.*, Chang, X., Wang, S., Li, S., Cui, W., Dong, G., 2020. Air pollution emissions from Chinese power plants based on the continuous emission monitoring systems network. Scientific Data 7, 1-10.
  21. Wang, Z., Dou, X., Wu, P., Liang, S., Cai, B.*, Cao, L., Pang, L., Bo, X.*, Wei, L., 2020. Who is a good neighbor? Analysis of frontrunner cities with comparative advantages in low-carbon development. Journal of Environmental Management 269, 110804.
  22. Tang, L., Qu, J., Mi, Z.*, Bo, X.*, Chang, X., Anadon, L.D., Wang S., Xue, X., Li, S., Wang, X., Zhao, X., 2019. Substantial emission reductions from Chinese power plants after the introduction of ultra-low emissions standards. Nature Energy 4(11), 929-938.


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