



  • 中文名:休閒旅遊一定要用的英語會話
  • 作者:珠海宜新軟體科技有限公司
  • 類別:英語與其他外語
  • 出版社:南開大學出版社、天津電子出版社
  • 出版時間:2012年9月1日
  • 頁數:216 頁
  • 開本:16 開
  • ISBN:9787310040353 
  • 外文名:Travel and Sightseeing
  • 語種:英語, 簡體中文




Section One Nick and Lisa Abroad 機場英語
Picture Dictionary At the Airport圖解機場
Dialogue 1 Checking In辦理登機手續
Dialogue 2 Security and Immigration安檢和出入境
Dialogue 3 Boarding and Taking Off登機和起飛
Dialogue 40n the Plane在飛機上
Dialogue 5 Buying Duty—free Items購買免稅商品
Dialogue 6 Immigration入境檢查
Dialogue 7 The Baggage Claim Area行李提領處
Dialogue 8 Strange Customs奇怪的海關檢查
Dialogue 9 At a Bank在銀行
Section Two Nick and Lisa in Paris觀光英語
Picture Dictionary A Tour圖解旅行團
Dialogue 1 ATour of the Arch of Triumph凱旋門之旅
Dialogue 2 A Tour of the Eiffel Tower艾菲爾鐵塔之旅
Dialogue 3 At an Art Museum在美術館
Dialogue 4 An Evening Boat Tour on the Seine夜遊塞納河
Section Three A Holiday of Hospitality 飯店英語
Piclure Dictionary In a Hotel圖解飯店
Dialogue 1 Checking In登記住宿
Dialogue 2 Unpacking整理行李
Dialogue 3 Getting Hotel Information獲取飯店信息
Dialogue 4 Having Problems with the Room房間有問題
Dialogue 5 Talking to the Concierge跟服務台人員談話
Dialogue 6 Checking Out退房
Section Four Nick and Lisa Dive into Summer度假英語
Picture Dictionary At the Beach圖解海灘
Dialogue 1 Going to the Beach到海邊玩
Dialogue 2 Fishing釣魚
Dialogue 3 Sitting in the Sun坐在陽光下
Dialogue 4 Walking on the Beach海灘散步
Dialogue 5 Getting Swimming Lessons上游泳課
Dialogue6 Beach Volleyball沙灘排球
Dialogue 7 Building a Sandcastle蓋沙堡
Dialogue 8 Going Snorkeling去浮潛
Dialogue 9 Having a Beach Barbecue海灘燒烤
Section Five In a Restaurant餐廳英語
Picture Dictionary In a Restaurant圖解餐廳
Dialogue 1 Choosing a Restaurant選擇餐廳
Dialogue 2 Getting a Table找座位用餐
Dialogue 3 Ordering點餐
Dialogue 4 Wrong Order上錯菜
Dialogue 5 Ending the Meal結束用餐
Section Six Shop till You Drop購物英語
Picture Dictionary A Clothing Store圖解服飾店
Dialogue 1 ABig Sale大特賣
Dialogue 2 Looking at Clothes選購衣服
Dialogue 3 Finding the Right Style找到合適的風格
Dialogue 4 Paying the Price付錢
Dialogue 5 At the Mall在購物中心
Dialogue 6 Asking the Price詢問價錢
Dialogue 7 Paying for Clothes付錢買衣服
Dialogue 8 Finding a Sale找到一家特賣店
Dialogue 9 Requesting a Shoe Size詢問鞋子的尺寸
Section Seven Call911! 急救英語
Picture Dictionary Emergencies緊急事件
Dialogue 1 Be Prepared做好一切準備
Dialogue 2 Car Accidents車禍
Dialogue 3 Lost in the Mountains在山裡迷路
Dialogue 4 Getting Rescued獲救
Answer Key解答頁


